Film Review:- "Battle - Los Angeles"
Review by Dariya
A small group
of Marines recaptured Los Angeles from an entire alien race..
hmmm... so what can I say? A typical American blockbuster
which tries to maintain the spirit of the American nation patriots.
Battle - Los Angeles is one of those popcorn flicks, when, watching
it, you can safely turn off your brain and enjoy the spectacle as
long as the main role is played by the explosions, shooting and
So, if you are a gamer, and computer generated images satisfy your
taste, this film is definitely for you.
The story:- The chaos begins with news reports of a series of
undetected meteor showers that are inexplicably headed for the
world's population centres. As the meteors start landing, it becomes
obvious that they're not giant chunks of space rock; them there are
alien spacecrafts, and they're not here to spread good cheer.
Metallic and ungainly aliens decide to colonize Earth and take our
resources – water (since we're the only planet known to have H2O in
its liquid form). They have advanced technology, fast ships, and
devastating weapons. But don’t worry, a marine staff sergeant (Aaron
Eckhart) and his squad fight to save civilians, the city and the
The movie, directed by Jonathan Liebesman (The Texas Chainsaw
Massacre: The Beginning), is similar to those old World War II films
you find on late night cable, but with less story and instead of
Germans or Japanese for hostiles, we get hordes of furious aliens.
As I already said before, Battle - Los Angeles is full of American
pathos of heroism and patriotism of brave American soldiers.
Honestly, I do not understand this reverence for the country, which
is even not your motherland. Liebesman was born in South Africa.
The script is totally predictable and consists mostly of the Marines
shouting things like "Get back!", "Fire!",
and "Let's move!". It contains no memorable dialogue.
There are no abstruse words and deep meanings to think about. But
such a scenario is only for the benefit of "alien invasion",
because of so large an abundance of special effects and computer
graphics, renders semantic load is unnecessary and it would not have
let us enjoy the picture fully.
Actors:- Personally, I haven’t noticed any outstanding acting
work in this movie. The actors coped with their task really well
unless they had to say or explain something. As soon as they had to
pronounce the long, sometimes uninspiring, monologues, actors
immediately goofed. There were no internal vibrations in heroes.
Just listen to their words - each of them is a hero in the soul, who
is able to do the impossible. You won’t be able to find any coward
or a traitor. It turns out that all characters were made of
plasticine: with tears, but without emotion, with fear but without
Despite the fact that characters in the movie fall flat, I’d like to
highlight some of them. Aaron Eckhart looks pretty nice and
colourful, however to empathize with him is just impossible. The
reason is not the lack of his talent, but an atmosphere of the film,
which resembles a computer game. It seems that you can take a mouse
in your hand and save the game any time.The appearance of Michelle
Rodriguez didn’t surprise me at all. She is always in her constant
line - super chick. At her place could be anyone, and the film
wouldn’t lose anything.
Regarding Bridget Moynehen, her character was not revealed at all.
Ramon Rodriguez, who is known to us as a sickly boy from the second
"Transformers", has become a real warrior, who looked
pretty convincing in a role of a young lieutenant. I was surprised
that there wasn’t any kind of love story in the movie. I think, I
would make Michelle Rodriguez to fall in love with the sergeant,
Filming:- The effect of constantly shaking camera I found
really annoying. It seems that the operator is certainly erratic,
constantly running around and breathing so deeply that he cannot
focus the camera on his shoulder. However, it gave a good sense of
presence and conveyed the effect of pseudo-documentary video.
Probably, like many others, I expected that I will see some brand
new alien creatures and the director will surprise us with something
original, but, unfortunately, I was wrong. Aliens are usual and
remind us of all previous ones, which we have seen many times
before. Part of the design were stolen from the "District 9"
and "Predator" and parts of the fourth part from the
"Terminator" and "Skyline".
Yes, a hundred million dollar budget was spent beautifully. Special
effects here are stunning. Lights explode every minute. The director
does not spare buses, armoured vehicles or helicopters to be burnt.
Pictures, accompanied with excellent music, are spectacular and
there is no semantic load. In my opinion, the best place to watch
this film is in the cinema, because it is very difficult to enjoy
all the charm and the scale of the modern special effects using 17"
Unfortunately Battle - Los Angeles did not meet my expectations and
I left the cinema a bit disappointed. But what I understood is that
Americans have learned to do well one thing - to shoot great teasers
and trailers, as well as make cool advertising. But don’t forget,
all that glitters is not gold!
Our popcorn rating - 3 out of 5
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AS most of you are aware, the
organizers of the Southport Weekender announced that an application
could be made for one of the 1500 (free) places, Butlins Holiday
Resort, well we can say that they have told us know that:- "It
went crazy, with just under 2500 applications, even after we'd
sifted through the duplicates! We had to take the link down. That's
roughly if our memory serves us right, the number we had in total at
the first Southport! Let alone the extra night! The good news is,
that following this amazing response, we've been in discussions with
Butlins and they have kindly granted us anther 1000 places, without
any charge, so everyone who applied will be getting a confirmation
email over the next few days. Regretfully for people who did not put
an application in, we really are sorry, but the Sunday Night is now
completely full. If anyone has applied and you don't intend staying,
please do let us know as there are going to be a lot of disappointed
people out there, especially people who are not registered for these
mail outs. As always the Southport Spirit never ceases to amaze us
and we would like to give a huge thanks to everyone for your
support." If you want to know more about the event go to:-
Philharmonic Will Host The Best of John Barrowman

SEE Barrowman live, on Friday, 11
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after he releases 'The Best of John Barrowman' in September 2011.
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Cutting hundreds of
Connexions jobs in the North West will Stop Britain Working
ON Wednesday,
16 March 2011, Connexions employees from all over the North West
demonstrated against the savage spending cuts which are set to have
a devastating effect on the services Connexions provide.
The careers service has been hit by a double whammy of cuts, from
both the Comprehensive Spending Review followed by the £311 million
reduction in the Area Based Grant by the Department for Education.
Which has left the service reeling from having to deal with the
highest proportion of cuts in the whole of the public sector.
According to Government figures the North West has one of the
highest rates of youth unemployment in the country and all
indications are this figure is set to rise. Andrew J McGregor, Chair
of the North West UNISON Connexions Committee, said:- “At a
time of record and rising Youth unemployment the one professional
group dedicated to helping them - Careers and Connexions Advisers -
are being made redundant. 1000's of skilled and experienced Advisers
are to go across the country and services dedicated to help young
people across the North West are being destroyed as hundreds of jobs
are being lost here through redundancy. It is short sighted madness
and an appalling waste of talent from those who passionately care
about helping young people.”
David Llewellyn, Connexions Advisor and Unison Steward in Cheshire,
added:- “Chopping hundreds of careers service jobs in the
North West will have a devastating impact, not just on the lives of
workers and their families, but on the huge number of young people
they help and the whole of society. There will be a series of
localised lunchtime protests at local Connexions offices across the
Region with key demonstrations being held in Manchester, Blackpool
and Cheshire. In Moss Side, Manchester, members will be wearing
black armbands to signify the death of Connexions in the area. A
good quality careers service can make or break the future of young
people desperately trying to find their feet and redundant workers
struggling to retrain. Hikes in tuition fees, education cuts and
2.5m unemployed leave many young people feeling that they have no
way to turn.”
With youth unemployment at record levels, the UK’s largest union
says the Government is consigning millions of young people to the
scrapheap by axing career and youth services, hiking up tuition fees
and abolishing the EMA.
Dave Prentis, UNISON’s General Secretary, will say:- “Young
people desperately seeking a job or an education will be dealt a
fresh blow by today’s unemployment figures. Dole queues will be fit
to burst with a lost generation, who are desperate for a job or
education, but this Tory-led government is stealing their chance of
a decent future away. The Government is tossing young people onto a
scrapheap with its savage cuts, which will cause collateral damage
to millions of lives. It is time to put the breaks on, stop the cuts
and give young people a chance.”
UNISON is calling for:-
► Ring-fenced budgets for the careers service and adequate funding -
large-scale reductions to school and local authority budgets may see
them shun careers service provision holistic nature of existing
careers advice to be preserved - any new all age service should seek
to build on best practice within the Connexions network, which
included services to young people on range of issues, from
employment training to housing.
► The holistic nature of existing careers advice to be preserved -
any new all age service should seek to build on best practice within
the Connexions network, which included services to young people on
range of issues, from employment training to housing.
Email your views about this topic to and let us know what you
think. |