Letters to editor:- "Sefton Council Winter Service Consultation"
"YOU will be
aware that in the week before Christmas 2010, Sefton experienced
some of the most extreme winter weather condition in memory. The
Council’s response, despite complying with its’ publ ished ‘Winter
Service Policy’ (available by visiting
sefton.gov.uk) has been questioned
with regard to its adequacy. The policy, which is re-evaluated every
summer and risk assessed based on potential worst case scenarios,
was unable to deliver the Council’s aim of a free flowing highway
network due to the severity of the conditions. Officers, lead by the
Chief Executive Margaret Carney, have apologised that despite
strenuous efforts, the desired outcomes were not achieved. An
interim report on the event has already been presented to both
Cabinet Member Technical Services and Cabinet. Initial
recommendations have approved the purchase of additional snow plough
blades for both carriageway and footway gritters to assist in the
response to another snow event. Further recommendations have
resolved to consult widely with the whole community about our
response and preparedness for winter to seek the views of a wide
range of people regarding their opinion on the level and diversity
of the Council’s winter policy and plan. It is entirely correct that
we seek the views of people with local knowledge. To that end,
Officers are seeking the views of the Businesses on a number of
issues and would welcome your comments and assistance on the
following issues:-
1. Grit Bins - We currently deploy 58 bins across the borough to be
used by cleansing operatives.
(a) Do you believe that additional grit bins would assist in extreme
weather events?
(b) If so, where would you deploy them for best effect (typically
isolated locations, near to shops, businesses
(c) Would you be prepared to assist by clearing snow yourself from
the vicinity of your premises and utilising the grit on the footway?
2. Additional Gritting - We currently grit 209 miles of roads every
time we grit, these routes are generally based on the key roads
within the network.
(a) Are there any roads which perhaps link a small community which
should be considered for inclusion in the routes?
Perhaps your
business in located in an isolated position
(b) Footways in town centres are also gritted. Are there any
additional footways which we should consider (typically isolated
locations, near to shops, businesses etc.)?
3. Snow Ploughing - All gritters will soon have a plough blade
attachment which will allow for all routes to be ploughed where safe
to do so.
(a) Are there any roads which perhaps link a small community or your
business (currently not on a gritting route) which should be
considered for ploughing?
(b) Do you have any equipment which could be utilised for snow
removal in extreme circumstances?
(c) Would you be prepared to make that equipment available to Sefton
in extreme weather events?
(d) Could you specify that equipment and any potential charges for
its’ use?
4. Communication - One issue that has been raised is the level of
communication with the community regarding the actions taken in line
with the winter service policy and the general condition of the
highway network
(a) Do you have any views on how Sefton should communicate with the
5. Other Issues - In addition to the above, we are re-evaluating our
policy with regard to the whole service delivery.
(a) Are there any general issues you would like to raise which would
lead to an improvement in service delivery?
(b) Would you like to be involved in further communication regarding
the re-evaluation of the policy?
We would welcome your views on the above and any other issues you
may wish to raise. It would be beneficial if initial
contact could be made by email to
network@sefton.gov.uk or in writing to the address above
to allow for correlation of all responses. Any information provided
will be considered and will form the basis of further progress
reports to both Cabinet Member Technical Services and Cabinet.
May I ask that you respond, should you wish to, by 21 June 2011."
Jerry McConkey, Network Manager, On behalf of Alan Lunt Director of
Built Environment. |
Society for Blind people is looking for enthusiastic people to take
part in the Great North Swim on its behalf. The charity, based in
the North of England, is asking people to take part to raise money
to support their vital services. As there are only a few places left
to fill and to encourage more people to Swim for Henshaws, they are
waiving the usual £37 fee and offering places for free.
The swim, a 1 mile open water outdoor swim in beautiful lake
Windermere, takes place on the 18 June 2011 and 19 June 2011. Places
from the organisers of the event have now gone, but Henshaws still
has places available for both the run and the swim.
For a chance of a place, participants can apply via the Henshaws
website, or by contacting their local office, and must commit to
raising £150 minimum amount in sponsorship. Entries for the swim are
on a first come-first-served basis
Henshaws is always looking for people to fundraise on its behalf,
and urge people to get in touch if they already have places for runs
or other challenges, or are looking to run their own event and want
to fundraise for Henshaws.
Community and Events Fundraiser Hannah Saxon said:- "we are
always on the lookout for people to support Henshaws by taking part
in challenges and events. The commitment and enthusiasm people show
in raising money for us is fantastic, and in return, we try to
support them as much as possible in their efforts"
Glen Lockett, Fundraiser said:- “We offer support and
encouragement to all of our swimmers, and would love to make this
year’s swim the best yet”
Nick Marr, Chief Executive at Henshaws said:- "People who
fundraise for us go a long way in helping to provide much needed
funds for our services, seeing pictures of participants in their
bright orange Henshaws T-shirts really shows the amount of support
we have, and we’d love to see more of them at this year’s
For further information on the Swim contact the Henshaws Fundraising
team visit their
Police and Liverpool John Moores University have taken a step back
in time, to trace the Force's history.
The BA (Hons) History of Art and Museum students, working with the
Force's Records Management Team have traced the Force's history back
to 1836, looking at themes including, policing during the blitz, the
mounted and dog section, women in policing and the general history
of Merseyside Police.
The project formed part of the student's coursework and the
findings, which include photographs, graphics and documents from
policing the different eras, are on display at Merseyside Police HQ
and can be viewed by the public on the Merseyside Police website.
Merseyside Police Chief Constable Jon Murphy said:- "I joined
Merseyside Police in 1975 and I find the history of the Force
fascinating. Mr father was a Liverpool City Police Officer having
joined in 1949. I have always felt that headquarters, unlike others
I have visited, lacked any sense of the Force’s rich history, an
important place in the social fabric of Merseyside. I think these
social history boards are a great way of sharing this history and
they certainly show how policing has progressed over the years. I'd
like to thank the students and staff involved in the project, I'm
sure their findings will be enjoyed by all."
Dr Emma Roberts, Course Leader said:- "It was wonderful to be
presented with the opportunity for my students to work with
Merseyside Police. As a result, the students polished their skills
in research, writing, information technology, teamwork, project
management and design. The students were fascinated by the history
of Merseyside Police and to see the important ways in which it has
worked for the community. Nothing can replace the benefit of the
vibrant learning that occurs when working on a live project with
real outcomes, and I am most grateful to Merseyside Police for
offering this project."
you a model? Wanted male and female models for testing
of new service. If you think you have want tit takes to be a
top model, email:-
info@vamphire.com today with your
name and contact information. Over 18's only! |