Online Fire Training for School Staff
A flexible
online fire safety training from Safety Management (UK) (SMUK)
recently proved very useful for a school staff training day.
Beaminster School in Dorset, were the first school to run a staff
training event using the new online training package. They made use
of an inset day and their IT suite to give staff access to the
training course. 70 staff took part in the training exercise which
refreshed their knowledge of basic fire awareness and fire
Based on SMUK’s popular practical fire safety training, the course
offers instant fire safety training to large numbers of delegates
all at once. Licenses are issued on a per user basis on an annual
cycle. This course can be accessed from a standard PC and takes the
user through the basics of fire safety in the workplace. There is no
time limit for the training, so each candidate can progress at
his/her own pace.
Online training is very a cost effective solution as it just relies
on the user sitting at a computer with his/her thinking cap on.
Furthermore, it is a simple way of providing training to large
numbers of people as they don’t all need to be in one place, and
offers minimal disruption to business.
The course content is presented in the form of a series of webpages,
with candidates progressing through each slide/page in turn at a
comfortable pace. The course includes presentation notes prepared by
a former Fire Officer, photographs to illustrate each key point, a
voice over, several videos demonstrating best practice and key
questions at each stage of the training to check the candidate has
understood the content.
Online training is designed to sit alongside a long term practical
fire safety training strategy. It does not replace face to face
training, but rather complements it. A typical three year strategy
would feature two consecutive years of online training, followed by
a practical training session in the third year.
Brian Gregory, Managing Director, said:- "As a company we have
always strived to be at the forefront of technological development
in our field. It was a pleasure to work with Beaminster School on
this project and to see them making use of the online training
system. The ability to provide instantly available fire safety
training to vast numbers of their staff can only benefit safety
standards. I look forward to seeing the system grow over the coming
David Withers, Headteacher, Beaminster School, said:- "The
online fire safety training programme provides accessible training
that allows staff to complete an essential bit of ‘refresher safety
training’ at their own pace and at a time to suit them - in school
or at home if they prefer. The information is supported by a
commentary with photos, videos and simple Q&A slides that ensures
you are made to concentrate and absorb this important information!
If you want to get all your staff trained/refreshed in the basics of
fire safety and don’t want to sit through face to face practical
training every year - this is a good option."
If you use this service and have any comments to make about it,
please let our newsroom know via emailing us at:- with your ideas and views
about this service provided by:- |
there was a bear on the loose we’d encourage you to stay indoors but
over the Bank Holiday weekend, Monday,
30 May and Tuesday, 31 May 2011, between 1 and 4pm, the Norton
Priory’s Rangers need your help! Along the way there
will be stories, games and crafts for families with free admission
for under 5 year olds.
All fearless bear hunters will be given full training on arrival
including an introductory spot the teddy bear task to hone
observational skills and hand eye co-ordination will be developed in
an activity to catch paper butterflies. A woodland trail kit will be
provided to help all bear hunters identify animal footprints to
ensure they’re tracking the bear and not the resident badger and
most importantly all bear hunters will need to make bear ears to
provide them with official camouflage before setting off on the
hunt, led by Paul the bear expert and Head Ranger.
Paul tells us:- "It’s very unusual to find bears in Runcorn
and we’re pleased that the one loose in the garden is very friendly,
however it’s always good to have the support of fully trained
hunters when on the hunt for such a big animal."
All successful hunters will be awarded with a Bear Hunters licence.
The hunt will take place between 1 and 4pm so arrive early and enjoy
a picnic in the grounds so you’re not searching on an empty stomach.
Normal admission applies, season ticket holders free.
Necessities at Eureka! The National Children’s Museum
THIS spring
half term, look for the ‘Bear Necessities’ at Eureka!
The National Children’s Museum. Bring your teddies along for a week
of adventures, stories and songs every day from Saturday, 28 May
2011 to Sunday, 5 June 2011.
On weekdays ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and we’re
going to catch a big one! Inspired by the classic Michael Rosen
story, visitors will embark on an outdoor adventure led by intrepid
Eureka! explorers through the sense-ational playful Wonder Walk. As
bears are known to go out in all weather young explorers are advised
to dress for the weather and if necessary bring their wellies,
although an alternative bear hunt will take place in the case of
severe bad weather. Alternatively families can also follow a teddy
trail through the galleries looking for strategically placed bears.
Weekends will be the day the teddy bears have their picnic. Families
and their teddies will be able to take part in sessions where they
can enjoy stories, songs and games together. The Teddy Bear
Surgery will open everyday to make sure that every soft toy is in
peak playing performance. Children can check their teddy’s
temperature, reflexes and blood pressure, take their teddy’s height
and weight, and make sure their teddy bears or other animals are in
shape for all the rough and tumble involved in being a child’s toy.
The Bear Necessities is free with standard admission to Eureka! For
more information please call:- 01422 330069 or visit:- Eureka! is
situated next door to Halifax railway station, just 10 minutes by
car from junction 24 of the M62 and 17 miles from Leeds. |