New deal for
Joint Venture contract
LIVERPOOL City Council is
set to refresh its Joint Venture contract with BT after securing an
improved deal. Liverpool Direct Limited was formed in 2001 and
runs the City Council’s ICT service, contact centre, One Stop Shops,
together with Human Resources and Payroll, the revenues and benefits
services, and the social care service, Careline.
In June 2010, Council Leader Joe Anderson challenged BT to bring
forward proposals to refresh the contract, specifically taking into
► The significant financial challenges facing the city
► The creation of employment opportunities for local people
► Providing support for deprived communities
The council carried out a detailed Value for Money review which
concluded the joint venture provides very good quality services and
that the cost is not unfavourable with others, although benchmarking
was not easy due to the innovative nature of the contract.
Following months of detailed and intense negotiations, and an
evaluation of the refresh proposal by independent auditors Ernst and
Young, the Cabinet will be asked to approve the final offer at a
meeting on Wednesday, 29 June 2011.
In addition to a £9 million discount on the cost of the contract and
£17.5 million of investment in ICT, BT has agreed to spend £18
million on a number of projects which will create jobs and fund
housing and social care projects between now and 2017.
The key points of the proposal are:-
► £1 million per year for an Apprenticeship Fund, which will
generate up to 65 posts annually. They will be 2 or 3 year contracts
and aimed at local residents, graduates from the city’s universities
or those returning home from other higher education establishments.
► A total of £12 million to support social care, social housing or
community development between now and 2017 (£9 million from
2012-2015). The council will decide where and how the money is
spent, and it can be match funded.
► A price reduction on the contract of £9 million phased between
2011 and 2017, which the city council can direct to other
priorities. This is made up of £2 million for 2012/13 and £1.5
million for the remaining years.
► A share of third party business generated by the partnership for
the city council, estimated to be worth £1 million, including
payment of money already generated.
► Sponsorship of £1 million over the remaining contract period for a
city council project. For example, BT currently sponsor the
Convention Centre in a deal which ends next year in 2012.
► £17.5 million to be invested by BT in ICT improvement projects
such as replacement computers, software system improvements (for
example in adult services) and website improvements.
In addition, £100k will be spent on community initiatives, and BT
will write off potential legal contractual claims they estimate at
£56 million, eg:- non-payment of money they have spent on systems and
areas of business that weren’t transferred into the contract which
formed part of the original 2001 agreement.
Council Leader Joe Anderson said:- “This is a contract that
was not of our making, and one of the first things I did when I
became Leader was review it and ask BT to come forward with new
proposals to rebalance it and make it more of a genuine partnership.
I was pleased with their positive response, and am satisfied that
the proposed deal will see us get a better deal for council tax
This is not just about getting cash savings and improving services,
but also creating additional opportunities which will benefit the
city at a time when our budget is under extreme pressure due to
severe spending cuts from central government.
I am therefore pleased that the deal addresses our priorities as an
administration, including the creation of hundreds of
apprenticeships and funding for social care, housing and community
projects which will genuinely make a difference to the lives of many
in our city.
This marks a fresh start for our relationship with BT, and I am
committed to making sure the whole council is able to continue
scrutinising the partnership to make sure it delivers for
Governance of the partnership will be strengthened in the council’s
favour, with the local authority increasing its shareholding from
19.9% to 40%. The number of council directors on the Board
will be increased from 1 to 3 including an independent non-executive
director, and a partnership framework will be created to make sure
there is an effective working relationship.
New targets will also be set, including an aim of 98% of customers
having their problems resolved first time when they visit a One Stop
Shop, and a target of answering at least 90% of calls to Careline.
Improved council tax collection and individual corporate debt
collection rates will also be set, and it is estimated these and
other targets will generate an extra £10 million per year for the
Deputy Council Leader and Cabinet member for Finance, Councillor
Paul Brant, said:- “Liverpool Direct was not our creation, and
in opposition I was keen for the contract to be opened up to more
scrutiny as I believed it could deliver better value for money.
We have used the last year to work with BT in a positive manner to
negotiate some significant changes which have reassured me that the
contract is now more open and transparent.
We have also sought independent advice from auditors to make sure
that we are getting a fair deal. I am confident that this is a
good outcome, given the situation we inherited and the current
financial climate.”
The joint venture contract is due to end on 31 March 2017.
Email our news room with your
views on this to and
let us know what you think about this deal. |
Highways Agency
and North West Traffic Commissioner join forces to tackle litter on
region’s motorways
THE Highways Agency has
stepped up its campaign to keep motorways and major A roads free of
litter. In a new initiative, the Agency has teamed up with HGV
industry regulator - North West Traffic Commissioner Beverley Bell -
to encourage commercial vehicle operators to ensure their vehicles
do not spill litter or debris on to the roads.
HA Traffic Officers and contractors will report any incidents to Mrs
Bell who will then warn the operators that their licences could be
at risk if their loads are not secured properly.
The initiative could be rolled out across England if it proves to be
a success in the North West where last year more than 66,000 sacks
of rubbish were collected from motorways.
Roads Minister Mike Penning said:- “Litter on the motorway and
trunk road network is a serious issue. Not only is it unsightly it
can also be very dangerous for road users. I am pleased that the
Traffic Commissioner and the Highways Agency are working together to
help tackle this problem in the North West and make journeys and the
local environment more pleasant.
Motorways are our safest roads but picking litter from them safely
and without having to disrupt traffic is not straightforward. The
simplest – and cheapest - solution would be if the rubbish wasn’t
dropped in the first place, and I’d urge all motorists to help keep
our roads clean.
I also urge the public to report to the Highways Agency (0300 123
5000) any instances of litter being spilled from vehicles, such as
lorries carrying skips, on motorways and major A-roads."
North West Traffic Commissioner Beverley Bell, said:- “A major
aspect of my role is to ensure that road users, including drivers of
heavy goods vehicles, can use the roads safely. As a regulator of
the HGV industry, my primary concern is to ensure that drivers and
operators demonstrate the highest standards of safety and
I fully support this initiative for Highways Agency Traffic Officers
and contractors to report instances where the drivers of commercial
operators have not ensured that their loads are secured effectively
and I urge all operators to remind their staff of the safety
implications of such incidents. Operators and drivers who are
reported to my office may find themselves subject to consideration
of disciplinary action.” A-one+, the Highways Agency’s contractor for south Lancashire,
Merseyside, Greater Manchester and Cheshire, is responsible for
removing litter and debris from the motorway network on behalf of
the Agency. Last year it collected more than 66,000 sacks of rubbish
from motorways in the area – much of it shed by commercial vehicles.
Brian Statham, General Manager for A-one+, said:- “Not all
roadside litter is casually thrown out of car windows. A large
amount of commercial litter is blown from the back of large goods
Typically, we see large pieces of polythene, plastic and polystyrene
wedged in trees and bushes, but there could be serious safety
implications if a piece of this material caused other vehicles to
swerve or brake suddenly.”
Brits walk
a financial tightrope
48% of UK consumers would
not last longer than 3 months on their savings if their income
suddenly stopped. The YouGov plc survey, commissioned by
Paymentshield, demonstrates a precarious approach to financial
planning and highlights the need to implement a financial
contingency plan to cover the basic monthly outgoings.
When asked, Brits said they would need on average £875 per month to
cover outgoings. However, the weekly job seeker’s allowance for over
25’s is £67.60, highlighting a £605 shortfall in cash each month.
Neil Galjaard, insurance director at Paymentshield, said:-
“The survey highlights a worrying trend of UK consumers disregarding
their financial future. In today’s climate, this lack of forward
planning could land many people in financial hot water if the worst
was to happen. Our survey also highlighted only 4% of Brits have
income insurance, which combined with the lack of savings, suggests
many have no safety net in place at all, and are simply relying on
job seeker’s allowance to support them if their savings ran out.” Galjaard, continues:- “Consumers need to protect themselves,
as burying their heads in the sand won’t help. With savings at a
low, Brits need to consider alternative measures, such as income
protection, to ensure they can cover their monthly outgoings if
their income stopped out of the blue due to sickness or
Wow! What a
OVER| 10 days, with 15
events, in 9 venues and over 3000 people made for one amazing
festival. Audiences at this year’s Prescot Festival were
treated to a variety of highly successful events, two of which sold
out in advance for the first time in the Festival’s history.
The 7th Annual Prescot Festival of Music and the Arts was the best
yet with half the evening events reaching capacity. The Opening
Night Barn Dance was a sell out, as was the rare screening of Willy
Russell’s ‘Our Day Out’. Prescot Methodist Centre was
full for Friday Night is Music Night with L’Orchestra Dell’Arte and
bursting at the seams for Bentley Operatic Society in Concert.
At the Parish Church events were no less popular – over 60 singers
joined forces to perform excerpts from Haydn’s Creation as part of
the Prescot Festival Chorus and the church was once again filled
with song when the audience joined in with Liverpool Male Voice
Choir for the Last Night of the Proms style Festival Finale. The
regular Acoustic & Open Mic. Night and the Schools’ Verse Speaking
Festival were popular choices too. New Music was also part of the
Festival with Artistic Director Robert Howard’s new setting of the
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis being premiered as part of Choral
Evensong. Together with many other new pieces, Robert also had his
composition, Journey, premiered at the Notes from a New Era concert.
The Prescot Festival of Music and the Arts was founded by composer,
musician and teacher Dr Robert Howard in 2005 as a way of
celebrating Prescot’s rich historical and cultural heritage.
“It’s been an incredible Festival with advanced ticket sales
being better than ever. We’re fortunate to be able to offer such an
affordable Festival which makes all the difference, especially in
today’s economic climate.” said Robert.
Plans are already underway for next year’s 8th Annual Prescot
Festival of Music and the Arts which will take place from Friday, 15
June 20011 to Sunday, 24 June 2012. Full details will be available
on the official
website, nearer to the time.