July to end on a

movie about the consequences of climate change is to be performed in
the skies of Liverpool in July. As the World Tipped is a
breathtaking spectacular combining dramatic video visuals with
aerial performance to highlight the issue of climate change.
The stunning, FREE performance takes place outside Liverpool’s
Anglican Cathedral at 10pm on the evenings of 30 July and 31 July
2011 and
will be performed by the city’s own Wired Aerial Theatre.
Wired have joined forces with world-renowned artistic director Nigel
Jamieson – the man behind the hugely successful opening ceremony for
Liverpool’s European Capital of Culture year in 2008.
As the World Tipped is a powerful tale of ecological crisis and
confronts one of the most pressing issues for people and the planet
with spectacle, humour and emotion. The action centres on the
secretariat of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, where
harassed staff fail to notice as the world around them literally
slides towards disaster.
Suspended 20 metres above the audience in the night sky, the
performers struggle to control their increasingly precarious world
as they do battle with the effects of environmental catastrophe.
It will take place in the grounds of the Anglican Cathedral and the
dramatic scenes will be acted out by a ten-strong cast.
The event has been commissioned by the city council and Liverpool
Primary Care Trust as part of the Decade of Health and Wellbeing.
The performance highlights one of the key aims of the Decade as
Liverpool strives to become a greener city, with a healthy
environment and a lower carbon footprint.
Liverpool City Council’s cabinet member for culture and tourism,
Councillor Wendy Simon, said:- "July is going to be a massive
month for this city and As the World Tipped will make sure it ends
on a high – quite literally!
The event will be a wonderful combination of aerial entertainment,
providing an important message about the full-scale disaster we
could be facing if we don’t address the issue of climate change.
And, with Nigel Jamieson involved, we can expect a memorable,
high-quality event which will be reminiscent of the success of 2008.
This mind-blowing event follows hot-on-the-heels of the opening of
the new Museum of Liverpool and Reflection on the Waterfront, which
celebrates the centenary of the Liver Building with fantastic music
and a never-seen-before in the UK 3D projection. Liverpool is the
only place to be this July!"

Gideon Ben-Tovim, Chair of
Liverpool Primary Care Trust, said:- "The Decade of Health and
Wellbeing aims to make Liverpool more Equal, Well and Green in 2020.
Liverpool has great potential to be a leading city in a low carbon
future bringing economic advantage, health and environmental
benefits to our people.
As the World Tipped promises to be a really exciting way of enabling
people to come together and connect to enjoy the event and consider
some key issues for us all."
Nigel Jamieson, who wrote and directed the performance, said:-
"A big passion in my life in recent times has been to use theatre
to explore one of those issues that confronts all of us.
This issue is climate change, which is one of the most important
challenges the world faces and through performance we can confront
this head-on in a powerful, dramatic way.
Liverpool’s own Wired Aerial Theatre is one of the most talented
companies around and it’s been a fantastic experience working with
them. It’s also been a real pleasure to return to Liverpool – I had
an amazing time here working on the 08 celebrations and once again
the city has made me so welcome, that Liverpool feels like my second
The Climate themed entertainment begins with special performances
within The Cathedral from 7pm both evenings, and The Welsford and
mezzanine cafés will both be welcoming guests throughout the
evening. The tower will remain open for spectacular city views until
last tickets at 9pm.
Eryl Parry, the cathedral’s Director of Enterprises, said:-
"We are tremendously excited about being the venue for this
important, innovative spectacular which promises to look stunning
against the backdrop of our magnificent cathedral.
Its ability to present an important ecological message in such a
dramatic fashion will resonate with all those who, like us, care
about the future of God’s earth. We look forward to welcoming many
visitors, and those who come can enjoy all our Cathedral has to
offer, as we stay open right up until the performance starts."
July will have already seen two high-profile events taking place on
the Liverpool waterfront. The city’s newest building, the Museum of
Liverpool opens on Tuesday, 19 July 2011 and the following weekend (22
July 2011 to 24
July 2011) Reflection on the Waterfront will take place to celebrate the
centenary of the Liver Building and welcome the addition of the
museum to the waterfront.
For more information about As the World Tipped visit:-
astheworldtipped.com. For more information
about On the Waterfront visit:-
For more information about the Decade of Health and Wellbeing
THE Liverpool City Region
is doing the right things to tackle child poverty and improve life
chances. That’s the message from Frank Field MP, who chairs the
Liverpool City Region Child Poverty and Life Chances Commission. Mr
Field, who was asked to conduct a national review into poverty and
life chances in children and young people by the Prime Minister, is
leading the Commission to put in place a strategy to tackle child
poverty across the City Region.
Mr Field’s independent review culminated in ‘The Foundation Years’
report and recommended focusing on a child’s early years development
to improve life chances.
Speaking at the national Welfare to Work Convention in Manchester,
Mr Field will say:- “For too long, the sole focus of
Government was on trying to lift people out of poverty through
increasingly generous welfare payments. Current research shows that
class is important in determining outcomes in adulthood, but it is
important to note that most of the research has focussed on class as
a factor to the exclusion of other potential factors."
However, arguing by analogy, before John Snow had identified water
as the source of cholera – through his work on the Broad Street pump
– it had always been assumed that cholera was airborne and
consequently all of the research had focussed on this as the
mechanism for transmission. The Foundation Years report argues that
until now we have been having a similarly misleading debate on child
“Newly available evidence is beginning to show that the home
environment is crucial in determining children’s life chances. It
was on the weight of the evidence set out in the Foundation Years
report that I offered the Government an alternative strategy to
fighting poverty. The report argues that it is what parents do
rather than what parents are which is important when determining
life chances.”
He will also tell the conference:- “It is absolutely
imperative that we all work together on this as no organisation can
solve this issue on its own.
This is one of the reasons why I am pleased to be chairing the City
Region Child Poverty and Life Chances Commission. This is bringing
together the key organisations within the City Region to look at
practical steps to tackle child poverty and improve life chances.”
Does Southport have the UK’s
Favourite Chinese restaurant?
TV chef and food author, Ching-He Huang, has
partnered with China’s number one exported beer, Tsingtao, to
protect the heritage of Chinese cooking. The team is set to reward
the best authentic Chinese restaurants in the UK via the fourth
annual Tsingtao Legacy of Taste competition and the winning
restaurant could be in Southport. You can vote for a local
restaurant you think is worthy of the title
online and
you’ll automatically be entered into a draw to win flights for 2 to
China, courtesy of Cathay Pacific.
An advocate of the yin-yang philosophy of Chinese cooking and
heralding the enjoyment of healthy Chinese food in the UK, Ching
says:- "My inspiration for cooking comes from my Taiwanese
grandparents and those influences are apparent in all my cooking
activities. It means a lot to me to be spearheading the Tsingtao
Legacy of Taste competition, as maintaining the heritage of Chinese
food is essential to ensure we enjoy it at its best.
There is much work to be done to shift the stigma of Chinese food in
the UK. True authentic Chinese cooking involves plenty of
vegetables, fresh meat and fish. If prepared properly, Chinese food
is highly nutritious thanks to the quick stir-frying and steaming
techniques and resulting in well-balanced dishes with all the
goodness and nutrients retained.
I very much hope to be visiting a restaurant in Southport as part of
the finalist judging process in September." Previous winning restaurants have been in Manchester (Yang Sing),
Hendon and Paddington. Nominate your favourite restaurant at:-
The Tsingtao Legacy of Taste competition aims to highlight the
importance of quality and Chinese heritage in Chinese restaurants,
with regards food, service, staff and surroundings. Finalist
restaurants will receive an esteemed plaque to display and
significant marketing exposure.
Brewed in Qingdao since 1903 using spring water from the Laoshan
Mountains, Tsingtao Beer is a genuine import with a unique crisp
flavour, which sits very well with all types of food. Tsingtao is
the ideal accompaniment to oriental food specifically, especially
fish dishes. For further information please visit:-
Letters To Editor:- "Sefton’s
Economic Strategy- is it right for business?"
"THIS session will outline our initial thoughts
on Sefton’s new Economic Strategy. The 5 year strategy sets out
priorities that guide investment and growth by investors,
developers, business and government. Areas to be covered include:-
► Why do we need a strategy?
► Understanding our strengths and
► Sefton’s ambition?
► Where growth will come from?
► How we can help you deliver this vision?
We would really welcome your views and ask you to speak up; this is
a strategy focused on business and re-balancing the economy. As such
it’s your strategy, with something to say to all businesses, large
or small. In addition we will have presentations from Royal
London Asset Management, the fund holder behind the huge Atlantic
Park business park and Sefton Council’s new Core Strategy for land
use and development. Following on from a question and answers
session with our expert panel, we’ll be concluding with lunch and
tours of Atlantic Park. To register for places please
businessplussefton.com or contact
Angela Baruch via
email or on the phone:- 0151 934
3470. Demand for SEF has been exceptionally high with over 160
delegates registered to attend so far, places are now limited so
please book ASAP to assure your place." Mark Long, Head of
Economy and Tourism, Department Of Built Environment, Sefton