Annual Show 2011
Report and photographs by C

ON the town centre’s grass
park opposite the library, the annual Ainsdale Show was held over
the over 1 July 2011 and 2 July 2011. On Friday, 1 July 2011, at
630pm, the events commenced with a Children’s Pet Show. It is
amazing that so many stalls, mostly manned by local people, schools,
clubs and organisations, as well as a full size arena in the centre,
so much can be shoe-horned into what appears to be a small area of
grassland with trees; a triangle surrounded by roads and houses. Yet
there was plenty of room for so much to do, and see, for so many
people from far and wide. One can only voice the oft repeated words
of congratulations spoken by many of the visitors.
The Riverton and Adlington Brass Band led the procession, which
preceded the official opening, and the crowning of the Floral Queen
by the general manager of Dobbies. That was followed in the arena by
the Story Book Character Fancy Dress Competition. Then came the Many
Happy Returns Travel Agency’s Ainsdale Rosebud Competition. Many
displays and performances took place, at various times, by three
local schools (Shoreside, St. John’s, Kings Meadow), YMCA, Cuerdon
Birds of Prey (one of whom went AWAL), Train Hard (Tae Kwon-do),
Street Dance Group, Southport Scorpions, Elvardo Morris Dancers,
Southport Aerobic‘s, and a concert by the Adlington Brass Band.

There were two Prize presentations, one at 2pm and the other
immediately after the Raffle Draw prior to the show closing at 5pm.
The Mayor of Sefton, accompanied by his Mayoress, presented the
Children’s Trophies to 16 young people. He said, in a very short
speech, that he was most impressed by the event, its organisation
and he congratulated the local committee on all that they had done
to make it so successful. The Southport would like to
also add its admiration to his remarks.
In the big marquee there was a staggering display of beautiful
flowers, vegetables and tasty cakes; all of which had been entered
into the various competitions. There were several large displays of
art works and pictures drawn, painted and coloured by the local
children. The standard in all the different classes was very high
indeed. All those who took part gave the judges some difficult
decisions to make. Well done everyone!
It was a lovely day, enjoyed by all in good spirits. Congratulations
to everyone who contributed to very successful show which gave clear
evidence of local pride in Ainsdale. Many will be looking forward to
next year’s show.

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