PCC Phone
Hacking Statement THE
Press Complaints Commission is a free and independent body in the UK
that examines complaints about the editorial content of UK
newspapers and magazines (and their websites). They act as a dispute
resolution service and aim to provide a satisfactory resolution to
complainants via resolution mediation between the complainant and
the editor. At its regular on 6 July 2011 discussed the admissions
of the 'News of the World' and its involvement in the
hacking of the telephone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler in 2002
and there have been similar claims made in regard to other victims
of crime and tragedy the PCC have also claimed. The Commission's
members, both public and editorial, were unanimous in their
In a press statement it said that:- "The Commission was very
clear that this conduct was unacceptable and self evidently
undermined assurances given to the PCC by 'News International' in
the past. It, therefore, recognises that it can no longer stand by
its 2009 report on phone hacking and the assertions made in it. At
the beginning of 2011, the PCC established a 'Phone Hacking Review
Committee'. It will continue to work actively, and will establish
protocols across the industry to improve standards in the future.
The PCC readily accepts its responsibility, shared with others, to
ensure that events of this sort should never happen again. To that
end, it agreed that public members of the Commission will lead a
review of all aspects of press regulation in its current form, which
will be designed to ensure that public confidence is enhanced. The
Commission will wish to review its own constitution and funding
arrangements, the range of sanctions available to it, and its
practical independence."
The Chairman of the PCC, Baroness Buscombe, said:- "We welcome
the announcement by the Prime Minister of his proposed inquiries.
The PCC is determined to identify necessary reforms that will
guarantee public confidence in press regulation. Already, the PCC
provides a free public service that helps thousands of people every
year. There is currently a major police investigation, which has the
necessary powers of investigation and resources to identify the
perpetrators of these criminal acts. However, the Commission is
determined to play its part in bringing to a conclusion this
shocking chapter, which has stained British journalism, and to
ensure that good comes out of it."
As regard to the debate in Parliament on 6 July 2011, the Chairman
added:- "The status quo is clearly not an option, and we need
to identify how the model of an independent PCC can be enhanced best
to meet these challenges. Hence the action we have now taken." |
Transport Partnership secures government funding
Partnership (MTP) has been successful in their bid for funding from
the governments Local Sustainable Transport Fund. Merseytravel
and the other partners bid for, and were successful in receiving
£4.87 million which further enhances an investment of £8.65million
from existing public and private funds (£13.5 million total).
The areas for investment are grouped into three main 3 distinct,
complementary elements, delivered over 4 years:-
► Working with employers:– A programme of
support activity to assist employers as they seek to raise levels of
sustainable access to their places of work for new and existing
members of staff
► 'Travel Solutions':-
Support for members of the public wishing to access employment and
training, but who may currently experience barriers to accessing
public transport or travel by other modes
► Sustainable Transport Infrastructure:– A
complementary package of infrastructure improvements aimed at
addressing physical barriers to travelling to employment
opportunities by sustainable modes
Neil Scales, Chair of MTP, says:- "We worked hard with our
partners to develop a plan that provides sustainable transport
choices for individuals and business across the region, and this
LSTF award, along with our secured investment will allow us to start
delivering. The support we received from across the area was
phenomenal and we now look forward to the challenge of delivering
our objectives."
Mark Dowd, Chairman of Merseytravel added:- "This shows how
we, as the transport authority, can co-ordinate the various
interested parties across Merseyside into supporting the wider aims
and ambitions of providing a fully integrated, sustainable,
environmentally friendly, transport network that is accessible to
The successful bid was formed by the contribution of business and
other interested groups from across the whole of the Merseyside,
including the voluntary sector, various NHS bodies, transport
operators, the regions Chambers of Commerce, Universities and
private enterprise.