Railtrack North West is to spend £2m renewing track in the Kirkdale area of Merseyrail next month.
Work will start on Saturday 12 October and last for nine days, affecting services on the Ormskirk and Kirkby lines.
The scheme consists of relaying four portions of track between Walton junction and Kirkdale south junction. During the work a total of 2629 yards (2404 metres) of jointed track will be replaced by continuously welded rails laid on either hardwood timber or concrete sleepers and set in new ballast.
This will ensure the life of the track for years to come and has benefits for passengers and the rail industry alike. Railtrack zone director Tim Clarke explained:-
"It's our responsibility to provide a safe, reliable railway and by laying continuous rather than jointed track, we can do just that because the new track will be less susceptible to defects such as broken rails. It provides a smoother and quieter ride for train passengers and the familiar clickerty-clack of wheels on track is set to become a thing of the past. There will also be less wear and tear on the trains themselves."
Arriva Trains Merseyside will be running buses between Sandhills and Aintree (on the Ormskirk line) and Sandhills to Kirkby throughout the nine-day closure. Some buses will run non-stop; others will call at all stations. Additional trains between Sandhills and Liverpool Central have also been arranged and overall journey times are expected to be extended by up to thirty minutes. Passengers changing onto First North Western services at Ormskirk and Kirkby are advised to check their connections because of the additional journey time.
Arriva Trains Merseyside will also be arranging for additional staff to be available at affected stations to help passengers with the replacement bus services and both information and timetable posters will be displayed at stations.
Temporary timetables containing full details of the revised schedules will be available at stations, Merseytravel travel centres and via the brochure hotline on 0151 330 1066. Passengers can also ring Traveline Merseyside on 0151 236 7676, Arriva Trains Merseyside customer relations on 07004 277482 or National Rail Enquires on 08457 484950 for more details.
The Southport line train service is not affected.

Looking for
a good day out? Want to help Formby Pool Project boost their funds
for Formby's Future Swimming Pool? Then check out the DESERT
Sunday 13
October Registration between 9.30 and 11 am only at Lifeboat Road Car
Park. Cost only £1.00 to register, but all contributions from your
sponsorship forms will be most welcome! (Ask when sending in the form
that you can print out from here by clicking on the below for a sponsorship
form.) Full length of the walk 10 miles (approx 6 Km.) Mostly along
the beach, from Formby Point to the Floral Hall in Southport! At the
Floral Hall Car Park certificates will be given out, but their is a half way
stamp out at Ainsdale for those not inclined to tackle the full walk.
Their will be marshals to guide you and advise you throughout the walk and
first aid cover provided by St Johns, but please take notice of the safety
rules for everyone's health and convenience. Safety rules are as
1. All Children
must be accompanied by adults and remain their responsibility. Keep
them in sight at all times!
2. Please keep
to set route.
3. Do ensure
you have wet weather gear and suitable attire. It can get a bit nippy
on the exposed shore!
4. Do not leave
litter, please use the litter bins or take it home with you, thank you!
Please do let an official know if you leave the route, especially at some
intermediary play.... Happy Walking!!!
an entry form, please click here!
Offices and organizers prepare
to take part.
