Down for a
challenge? Sign up for the 2011 Cathedral Abseil

DAREDEVILS who are ‘down for a
challenge’ are being invited to brave a 150ft freefall
abseil over the front entrance of Liverpool Cathedral.
The 2011 Cathedral abseil takes place on Saturday, 17 September
2011, and is open to anyone over the age of 18 in a good state of
medical and fitness health. No prior experience is necessary. It
costs £35 registration fee with a minimum sponsorship of £120 for
the Cathedral Foundation.

The Cathedral Foundation supports the Cathedral in
its work and helps keep entry free to visitors. Projects for the
future include an expansion of the Education department, the growing
of a £2million Endowment Fund for the Girl’s Voices, addressing
carbon footprint and energy efficiency in order to create a
‘green’ Cathedral and developing the Welsford Porch into a
unique space that will help the Cathedral achieve self-sufficiency.
The abseil provides a breathtaking vantage point across the city and
beyond. Last year, 87 year old Cathedral Canon Michael Wolfe was one
of the first to brave the freefall abseil down the front entrance of
the building. He said:- "This was a real challenge for an
‘oldie’! Great fun, great views and it was completely safe in the
capable hands of our Cathedral Fundraiser Rebecca Bentham and
Awesome Walls. I would recommend it to anyone under the age of 100!
A great experience that also helps Cathedral funds."
To sign up or find out more contact Rebecca Bentham, Fundraising
Manager by downloading from the Liverpool Cathedral
website. |
Red Cross seeks
Red Devils for the Hell Runner!
THE British Red Cross are looking for teams or
individuals to enter The Brooks Hell Runner, one of the most
challenging and spectacular events you are ever likely to do. This
event isn't for the faint hearted so be warned; you WILL be
challenged and tested to the limit!
There are 2 races, one on Saturday, 10 September 2011 and one on
Sunday, 11 September 2011, both starting at 11.30am at Delamere
Forest and this toughest ever course will take you over 11 miles of
demanding and energy sapping terrain. You will take on the Hills of
Hell and the infamous Bog of Doom and that's just for starters.
The Devil himself will see you off and welcome you back, presenting
with your very own survivors medal, brilliant Goody Bag and Brooks
Technical T-shirt.
There is free car parking, music and an unrivalled atmosphere... But
get your entries in quick as this event fills up to capacity every
year!! The Finish will bring redemption… but only to successful Hell
Entry is £30 and British Red Cross are challenging participants to
raise £100 in sponsorship. Senior Community Fundraiser from
Liverpool Alexis Fairclough said:- "Every penny raised from
entering this gruelling and challenging event will be used to help
people in crisis both here in the UK and overseas like during the
current crisis in East Africa. The British Red Cross has already
started helping the more than eleven million people currently
affected by the worsening drought in the Horn of Africa. Very poor
rainfall in the region has led to the driest period in 60 years for
some areas, leading to crop failures and deaths of livestock. High
and increasing staple food prices, as well as regional conflict, are
combining with the weather to make a bad situation even worse,
forcing millions of people to embark on treks to the nearest refugee
camp in the hope of surviving."
Money raised from taking part in the Hell Runner will go to support
the work of the British Red Cross, both providing emergency relief
and helping people recover their livelihoods during crisis in the UK
and all around the World.
Your help can be used on the following; £8 could feed a critically
malnourished child for a week; £20 could buy ten jerry cans to
enable a family to transport and store water safely; £45 could
provide a group of farmers with 30 fruit tree seedlings; £50 could
buy a box of 125 bandages for students to learn how to dress
injuries and £100 could keep our Fire Victim Support vehicle in
Merseyside going for a week.
Thanks for your support, the Red Cross can continue to help people
in crisis across the world and around the corner. To
enter the Hell Runner or to find out more
email Alexis or call him on:- 0151 702 5061.