Girls US Soccer
Team visits Southport's New Tattoo Museum...

SOUTHPORT now has 2 unusual
attractions, the British Lawnmower
Museum, which is already
internationally renowned and now a Tattoo Museum, that is soon to
become internationally famous! The new museum is located on Princes
Street, near Southport's Indoor Market, and was opened last week by
brothers and now business partners, Willy and Tony Robinson. Already
it is attracting tourists and locals alike. It is a very interesting
display of a hidden world, that many do not know very much about. It
celebrates the art involved in Tattoo work and shows a massive
collection of photos and items from the industry, from its early
days through to the modern tattoo display. We are running a feature
in next week’s issue as they get ready to open their workshop area.
But for now the attraction is already garnering international
interest, with a few European tourists heading over already to see
the display and also even some US visitors. In fact; the Museum on
Wednesday, 3 August 2011, had some surprise visitors; an under 18's
Female Football Team, sorry 'Soccer Team', all the way
from Pennsylvania in the USA! The girls from the 'Berks Euro Tour'
are on Merseyside until Friday, 5 August 2011, and will be heading
in for a visit to Liverpool's football clubs very soon as well. When
asked if any would want to get a tattoo later in life, one said:-
"Yes. I would love a small one, but only if my Mum did not know I
had it." Well we had to ask...

'Tattoo' in next weeks issue! |
As the World
Report and Photographs by C
Trollope and L Trollope
another striking event occurred in Liverpool over 30 July to 31
July, 2011, within the grounds of Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral.
The event called:- ‘As the World Tipped’, was
performed before a large crowd by a 10 strong cast from the
Liverpool Wired Aerial Theatre, in association with artistic
director, Nigel Jamieson, already known from the opening of
Liverpool’s Year of European Capital of Culture, 2008 ceremony
spectular. ‘As the World Tipped’ was commissioned by
the City Council and Liverpool Primary Care Trust as part of the
Decade of Health and Wellbeing, and highlights a key aim as
Liverpool attempts to become a greener city.
The performance’s action begins with frenetic activity at the
Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, when we heard many of the
purported World’s leaders and thinkers expressing great concern and
making extravagant statements and promises about the need to act on
climate change, only for these to be repeatedly countermanded on all
sides with excuses and arguments. As that accelerates, a strange
phenomenon begins and catches the participants as the stage
surreptitiously starts to tip, until it reached vertical, and then
their world has literally tipped up leaving the characters
struggling 20 meters above. Although geographically weird, the
impact is very powerful and illustrates the dangers of denial and
prevarication in the face of world climate change. Scenes of global
disaster, poverty, misery and death were screened behind the
performers as they expressively portrayed their progressive loss of
control and despair. Their dramatic swings, plunges and frantic
scrabblings, were counterbalanced by colleagues semi- hidden in the
darkness at the side of the vertically tipped stage. The performance
culminates with the revelation of the Message: Demand Change Now.
Inside the Cathedral, before the performance, were various stalls
and exhibitions by Faith 4 Change, Energy Project Plus and other
specialists offering advice and information to help people to become
more ecologically aware.
The Dean of Liverpool Cathedral, Justine Welby, welcomed the event
which he said warned of the danger of wait and see. He is also
reported as saying:- “It is up to us to take responsibility
for the earth God gave us, and I think that, ‘As the World Tipped’
shares that message in a striking yet accessible way. As a Cathedral
we are always looking for ways to be more green in everything we do,
and I hope that this show will inspire others to do the same.”
and then the director of Cathedral Enterprise, Eryl Parry
“..this important, innovative spectacular .... (and) its ability to
present an important ecological message in such a dramatic fashion
will resonate with all those who, like us, care about the future of
God’s world.”

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