THE UK’s largest rail
operator, Northern Rail, has this week launched a nationwide
competition, giving away thousands of free train tickets over the
few weeks.
The great ticket giveaway is to celebrate Northern’s launch of its
new online ticketing facility, allowing passengers to buy tickets to
any UK destination. The new online service offers customers no
hidden charges such as credit card, booking or postage fees and the
opportunity to purchase tickets for all rail operators.
Competition entries can be registered at:- with weekly prizes
allocated until 23 October 2011.
Ian Bevan, Managing Director of Northern Rail, comments:- "We
are thrilled to be able to offer our customers another way of
purchasing tickets for not only our trains, but all trains that
operate across the country. Our new online ticket service will allow
our passengers to buy before they travel, avoiding queues at
stations and giving them a more enjoyable journey experience."
Southport Sports Therapy Graduate
Wins Student Travelling Scholarship Prize
GRADUATE Sports Therapist
Amanda Turner from Birkdale, Southport, is the winner of the 2011
Society of Sports Therapists Student Travelling Scholarship. The
prize for the Edge Hill University Graduate is the chance to spend a
month with the Athletic Therapy team at the University of Windsor in
Canada and also visit some of the country’s top sporting teams.
It has been a whirlwind few weeks for the former pupil of Christ the
King High School and Southport College. Amanda, the second eldest of
5 children, became eligible to apply for the Student Travelling
Scholarship when she heard she had obtained a First Class Honours
Degree in Sports Therapy. The award is only open to First Class
Honours Graduates. Amanda then fought off stiff competition from a
high level of entries from the 16 universities throughout the United
Kingdom with which the Society of Sports Therapists collaborates,
culminating in a final interview process. As part of her clinical
training at Edge Hill, Amanda has spent time working with Warrington
Wolves Rugby League Club. The experience she gained there will
undoubtedly stand her in good stead as she is introduced to new and
unfamiliar sports, such as American Football, Ice Hockey and
Baseball. Speaking before she left for Canada, Amanda, a
passionate fan of all things sport was looking forward to the trip.
She said:- "It will be a great chance to broaden my Sports
Therapy knowledge and skills as I will have the opportunity to spend
time with different sporting professionals who work in sports that
we do not see much of in the UK." Professor Graham N.
Smith, Chairman of the Society of Sports Therapists, who was one of
the interview panel on the day said:- "I am confident Amanda
will be an excellent ambassador for The Society of Sports Therapists
and will be a credit to Edge Hill University and the Sports Therapy
team who have taught her. I know that she will enjoy and benefit
from the experience as will everyone she meets." |
IN the last 12 months
Merseyside Police has handed out almost 11,800 fixed penalty notices
to speeding motorists. Between July 2010 and July 2011, the
Force fined 11,792 drivers for breaking the speed limit in
Last year 27 people lost their lives on the roads of Merseyside and
484 people were seriously injured with many of those collisions
being as a result of excess speed. In 2009, 46 people were
killed and 500 were seriously injured. While this is a 41% reduction
in fatalities from 2010 to 2009, the Force works hard to ensure this
reduction continues.
Merseyside Police's Roads Policing Department holds monthly
campaigns concentrating on different aspects of road safety in a bid
to reduce the number of casualties on the roads of Merseyside.
This month sees the department focusing on speeding motorists and
officers will be out in force carrying out enforcement and educating
drivers about the dangers of breaking the speed limits.
Sgt Paul Mountford said:- "Breaking the speed limit
undoubtedly causes road traffic collisions and we are determined to
change the mind set of people who think 'it won't happen to me' and
put their foot on the accelerator when they should be putting it on
the brake.
We see the carnage caused by collisions and the devastation faced by
families as a result of road traffic collisions and we are committed
to making our roads safer for everyone.
While year-on-year we have seen a significant reduction in the
number of people killed or seriously injured on our roads, just one
death is a tragedy and we are determined to see more lives saved.
We are committed to ensuring that motorists who put people's lives
at risk by driving carelessly or dangerously are successfully
prosecuted and we will continue to work hard alongside our partners
to see further reductions in road casualties."
A series of events aimed at
understanding the health needs of people living across North
Merseyside are being held this autumn. ‘Listening to You’
events will see staff from Aintree University Hospital visit
locations in Liverpool, Knowsley and Sefton and ask questions to
local residents about how access to health services can be improved.
The events are specifically aimed at people who usually find it
difficult to access health services either, due to accessibility
problems, language barriers or cultural issues. Shabir Abdul, Head
of Equality and Diversity at Aintree University Hospital said:-
"We want these events to give people a chance to ask questions
and raise issues they have away from the wards and departments
inside the hospital. Understanding the barriers that people face in
accessing health services will give us a greater understanding of
how we can improve things. The NHS is for everyone, and these events
will give us the chance to make sure it remains the case for all
those requiring healthcare." The events take place in
Liverpool, Seaforth, Kirkby and Aintree throughout September and
October. For more information visit:-