A new forum has been set up for charities
across Merseyside and Cheshire to share thinking and best practice
in one of the most challenging economic times for both businesses
and good causes.
15 charities were represented at the third Merseyside and Cheshire
Charity Forum, the initiative of Clatterbridge Cancer Research
Director, Catherine Sandow. The forums allow for an exchange
of ideas, sharing of resources and training opportunities and even
some joint fundraising.
"I felt that with so many charities in the area it made sense
to talk to each other, help each other and avoid confusing
fundraisers and supporters by overcrowding with conflicting events –
there is often a good deal to be gained by sharing costs, which sees
more of our fundraisers’ money going directly to the cause they
choose to support." said Catherine.
The Forum takes place every 8 weeks, each meeting has a set topic
and the relevant fundraisers attend, creating a network for support
for the future. After an inaugural meeting to set business
parameters, charities’ heads have met to discuss legacies, events
and plan to examine the challenges surrounding individual giving in
October 2011. "We are currently working with another
charity on a joint event and organising some shared training
opportunities. We’ve had great feedback from all members - from very
small local charities with only one member of staff to the regional
offices of larger national charities."
All sizes and causes are welcome at the MCCF. Current members
include Liverpool Royal Hospital, Hoylake Cottage Hospital, Alderhey
Imagine Appeal, Age UK, Claire House, Nugent Care , Marie Curie and
the Catholic Blind Institute.

A PROFESSIONAL model team will take to the
catwalk in Wayfarers Shopping Arcade, Southport for a charity
fashion show.
The Arcade’s specialist and independent retailers will showcase hot
new looks for autumn and winter, including bridal wear, at the
Fashion in the Fall show on Thursday, 13 October 2011.
Proceeds from the show will go to North West Cancer Research Fund
which aims to provide grants to support fundamental research into
the causes of cancer.
Tickets are £10.00 and are available from the stores within the
Arcade as well as Beales Department store (formally Broadbents &
Yvonne Burns, Arcade Manager said:- "We will be raising much
needed funds for this great charity by showcasing our diverse
fashion ranges. We are looking forward to a glamorous evening in the
spectacular setting of Wayfarers Shopping Arcade." The evening will be compeered by BBC Radio Merseyside presenter
Claire Simonsen. Doors and stores open at 6.00pm with the fashion
commencing at 7.30pm. The Arcade’s restaurants will be open for
meals and refreshments from 6.00pm.
For further information please visit:- or call:- 01704 539077.
Sainsbury’s Woolton first UK
supermarket to have Braille signage
A Sainsbury’s store in Liverpool will become
the first UK supermarket to use Braille signage to benefit blind or
partially sighted customers. The signage for the store’s food and
drink range will be unveiled at the Woolton store, situated on James
Road, this Friday, 16 September 2011, at 10am. The idea for Braille signage came from Sainsbury’s Woolton Store
Manager Bethan Wilson. With local organisations including Bradbury
Fields Blind Association, who provide services for blind or
partially sighted people, and Wavertree School for the Blind both
located nearby, Bethan wanted to help provide a better service for
the store’s blind customers.
Bethan said:- "Our area is renowned for having a range of
facilities to support blind or partially sighted people in the
community and many shop at our store. We’re passionate about working
with our community and we carry out a lot of fundraising work with Mencap.
We wanted to give our blind or partially-sighted customers a better
shopping experience. We hope this new service does just that."
After first sending her idea to Sainsbury’s Chief Executive Justin
King, Customer Experience Manager Claire Ellis worked with Bethan,
the RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People) and local blind
organisations including Bradbury Fields, to come up with a signage
design that would benefit customers the most.
Claire said:- "Our extensive research has helped us to create
signage which we know will make it easier for the store’s blind or
partially sighted customers. The new signage will have a Braille
panel at the bottom to help customers with finding different
sections in aisles. This really shows that we are delivering a great
customer experience to all our customers and offering a more
inclusive environment to the local community."
On Friday, Fazilet Hadi, Group Director Inclusive Society at RNIB,
will be presenting the Woolton store with ‘Exemplar Service’
recognition for the work they have done with blind and partially
sighted customers. On the day, members from Bradbury Fields Blind
Association and Sammy-Jo Melrose, a pupil from Wavertree School for
the Blind and her teacher Joe Espley, along with members from the
RNIB, will help to unveil the signage at the store.
Fazilet Hadi added:- "We’ve worked closely with the store on
this project and we’d like to thank colleagues at Sainsbury’s Woolton
for their commitment and dedication in supporting blind and
partially sighted people in the community. We know this will help
improve the shopping experience for them and we’re looking forward
to working with Sainsbury’s on helping to make the everyday lives
better for those people with sight loss." SEFTON ARTS

AN exhibition of art work
by the Sefton Art Group showcased at the Wayfarers Shopping Arcade,
Lord Street, Southport is aimed to encourage people to consider
taking up art as a hobby.
The exhibition begins Saturday, 17 September 2011, and runs until 2 October
2011, is open daily from 10am till 4pm for visitors to go along, see
the exhibition and to find out more.
Tutor for the group, artist Roy Munday said:- "Many people,
especially those with time on their hands, would like to take up art
but aren’t sure where to go or what’s on offer. The aim of this
exhibition is to encourage people to come along and find out more by
talking to those already enjoying art lessons.
I’ve been running a number of art classes in locations throughout
the area including Maghull, Hightown, Lydiate and Bluecoat Liverpool
on behalf of Sefton Arts and the group continues to grow. We put on
a number of exhibitions throughout the year and we also visit
galleries, the most recent being the Tate Liverpool to the Rene
Magritte exhibition. People needn’t think they have to be able to
already draw and paint to join. They don’t. Full tuition is on offer
and you will be among like- minded people." Details of this and other events taking place in Wayfarers Shopping
Arcade can be found at:- |

LIVERPOOL has been chosen as the
only British city outside London that will feature in the
European-wide Exchange Radical Moments! Live Art Festival, to take
place on Friday, 11 November 2011.
Liverpool was chosen due to its successful Capital of Culture year
in 2008 and because of the unique event that organiser Mandy Romero
wishes to produce. The event, named Tranny Hotel, is a weekend long
celebration of Transgender arts, which will take place at the city’s
Adelphi Hotel from Friday, 11 November to Sunday, 13 November. Tranny Hotel Liverpool
is also a UK premiere and forms part of this year’s Homotopia
Festival of Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender culture.
Organiser Mandy Romero said:- "I’m so excited that the Tranny
Hotel project is going to be open to so many people. Not many
projects made it into 'Exchange Radical Moments' which is such an
important Festival and I’m sure that our weekend of performance and
events will be a good thing for Liverpool, for the arts and for the
transgender community. It’s time that the presence of transgender
people and the performers who express their world had the positive
attention and appreciation they deserve and for 3 days in Liverpool
we will do our best to advance the cause."

The Exchange Radical Moments
festival is a massive Live Art event that will see 11 distinct
events taking place across Europe in countries such as Belgium,
Austria, Germany, Sweden and Moldova. All of these events will take
place simultaneously on Friday 11.11.11 and will all be beamed onto
the web to create one large virtual festival. The aim of the
Exchange Radical Moments festival is to use extraordinary Live Art
projects such as Tranny Hotel, which interrupt our usual routines
and thinking patterns, leading us to pause and ask new questions of
ourselves. The festival asks a number of questions of its audience,
are we ready to engage extraordinary moments of exchange, moments of
real meetings? Live Art projects have been created over the last 18
months by more than 30 participating international artists.
Tranny Hotel will see a plethora of Transgender artists from across
the globe perform a wealth of different works in numerous spaces
around the hotel, from bedrooms and suites, to staircases, hallways
and function rooms. The three day event will also see concert style
performances taking place on Friday, 11 November and Sunday, 13 November
2011, featuring some of the world’s best Transgender artists.
Renowned Transgender performers and artists will be flying in from
across the globe to perform at the event which is the biggest
Transgender event in the UK for 2011. Acts include accomplished
Scottish transsexual playwright Jo Clifford, who brings her highly
controversial piece ’The Gospel According to Jesus Queen of Heaven’,
an early version of which was originally performed at the Glasgay
festival in 2009. The piece will see small audiences meeting and
interacting with Queen Jesus in a hotel room throughout the weekend.
Spanish artist REgina Fiz will perform her critically acclaimed
piece ‘The Ritual Wedding’ which also demands an intimate audience
in an intimate space. The ritual wedding draws on tradition and
precise ritual, and will leave the audience taking away a completely
personal encounter through evoking memories and past emotions.
Norwegian artist Ane Lan brings the most personal of experiences to
the hotel with her piece ‘Irma’s Room’, which is inspired by Sigmund
Freud, Irma being the famous patient of Freud. Small audiences of
just one or two people will experience the piece at a time, making
it completely unique each time it is performed.
Other artists include Canadian folk performer Rae Spoon, unique
drag, cabaret and performance artist Jonny Woo, Tom Shaw, whose
piece ‘Drag Mountain’ will see the stairways and halls covered in a
string of dresses, before Shaw wears them simultaneously and
American artist Lazlo Pearlman, will perform his piece Dance Me To
The End of Love, which explores intimacy, love, partnering and the
transgender body. A full line up of performers and acts will be
announced shortly.
Mandy continues:- "It’s always good when Liverpool welcomes
artists to the city and, like the Biennial here, we have a great
line-up of performers in all sorts of unusual and stylish locations
for everybody to discover. They’re coming from far afield, but we
also have trans performers with local connections. Plays, concerts,
strange and wonderful encounters in hotel rooms, most of them in the
famous Adelphi Hotel – there’s something for everyone in "Tranny
Hotel". Thanks to our partnerships with "Exchange Radical Moments"
and Homotopia we’re able to offer a really rich programme and I
can’t wait to see how it all turns out. I hope that this will be one
of those moments when transgender art moves to a new level and I’m
proud that it’s all happening in Liverpool."

Gerald Harringer Exchange Radical Moments! Festival Co-Ordinator
said:- "On 11 November you can experience a thing or two!
We’ve long been seeking ways to turn "onlookers" into participants
on an equal footing with "the creators". To make them co-producers.
Fellow cast members. Give and take on the same level, exchange and
encounter. Together with others who share this vision, we’ve
launched the EXCHANGE RADICAL MOMENTS! European Live Art Festival is
a celebration of art that defies compartmentalization. Somewhere at
the nexus of theater, performance, art in public spaces and
intervention is the site we’ve staked out. There is, nevertheless,
something all these works have in common: Everything happens live,
is physical, real, manifests itself in action, takes place without
airbags and safety nets, amidst real life."
TRANNY HOTEL:- Friday, 11 November to Sunday, 13 November 2011
at the
Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool. It is £20 for a
Weekend Pass and booking are taken via:-
Friday, 11 November 2011,
11 Cities across Europe...
For more information go