Cllr. Andrew
Makinson has apologised
Cllr. Mark Dowd is pleased that Cllr. Andrew Makinson has apologised
unreservedly for releasing unwarranted, harmful and upsetting
comments to the press.
Cllr. Makinson released information to the media despite knowing
that the contents of his press release were deliberately inaccurate.
He has conceded that he had prior knowledge of the fact his releases
were misleading, yet still released them to local journalists.
Cllr. Makinson has therefore issued the following apology to Cllr.

Merseytravel and Cllr. Dowd had
shared with Cllr. Makinson information he requested in accordance
with both best practice and legislation, and always welcome and
accept the need for public scrutiny.
Cllr. Makinson asked the District Auditor to investigate his claims,
and the District Auditor determined there was no cause to
investigate Merseytravel or Cllr. Dowd.
Cllr. Makinson accepts in this apology that Cllr. Dowd has not
misused a Merseytravel Corporate Procurement card.
In view of this now resolved legal action, brought by Cllr. Dowd,
Merseytravel did not fund any part of the case. Merseytravel did
fund its own legal advice in view of reputational damage caused to
the organisation by untrue comments published and circulated. This
is a legitimate course of action accepted by the District Auditor.
Merseytravel and Cllr. Dowd would like to return to the most
important matter in hand, co-ordinating public transport through
partnership initiatives, with the aim of delivering a fully
integrated, environmentally friendly, public transport network that
is accessible to all. |