Police wish
Merseyside a peaceful, happy Halloween and Bonfire Night
AS we approach Halloween
and Bonfire Night, Merseyside Police are now encouraging young
people and their families to help keep communities safe while
enjoying the festivities.
Officers are asking parents to help keep the region safe by taking
responsibility for their children's whereabouts and are asking
communities to be mindful of any neighbours who may be elderly or
vulnerable and who may feel intimidated or frightened.
Extra officers will be out on the streets over Halloween and Bonfire
Night to ensure that people can enjoy the festivities in their area
safely, while dealing with those minority who are intent on causing
Officers are working with Merseytravel running Operation Trojan.
This aims to tackle the anti-social behaviour across the bus
network, with officers patrolling the region on busses, ready to
arrest anyone attempting to damage or endanger any bus.
Superintendent Claire Richards said:- "We know that the
majority of young people will want to enjoy the next few weeks and
will behave well, respecting other people and their property, but
those who are prepared to push it beyond good fun need to be aware
that their actions have consequences. We have worked closely with
schools, using our Schools Officers to talk to young people about
good citizenship and help them understand the impact that their
behaviour can have on others, particularly elderly and vulnerable
residents, as well as highlighting the dangers of fireworks and
becoming involved in anti-social behaviour. We can't do this alone
though, and I would ask parents to help. Be aware of where your
children are and what they are up to in the run up to Halloween and
Bonfire Night. I know that no parents would want to open the door to
be informed by a police officer informing them that their child had
been arrested - or worse, injured during an incident. As has worked
well in the past we have continued to work with our partners in the
local authorities, the fire service and other partners to provide a
range of activities for the whole family to get involved in and
The force has been involved in a multi-agency operation to provide a
whole range of activities across Merseyside, organise events and
provide public reassurance.
A list of all events is available on Merseyside Police's website.
to find out what is on across the borough.
Merseyside Police, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and Trading
Standards officers have been cracking down on the illegal sale of
fireworks. They have been visiting retail premises to ensure that
the firework legislation is understood and followed.
To report the illegal sale of fireworks call Crimestoppers on:- 0800
555 111 if you see fireworks being sold illegally or being used
anti-socially, which includes them being set off after 11pm.
Advice to keep you and your children safe:-
► Ensure your child's safety by either
accompanying them or arranging between friends for one of you to
take a group of children out. Otherwise, know exactly who they are
going out with and agree with your children beforehand where they
will be going and set a time for their return.
► Don't allow your children to leave the
house with eggs or flour.
► Damage caused by Halloween
‘tricks’, such as throwing eggs and flour, or any objects at
windows, doors, cars and people is a criminal offence. Anyone
involved in such behaviour could be arrested and receive a fine or a
criminal record. If your child is under 16 then you will be liable
for payment of any fines.
You can help to keep your house or car safe by taking these simple
steps to keep your house or car safe during Halloween and bonfire
► Lock away any building materials if
you’re having work done.
► If you have a wheelie bin avoid leaving
it visible at the front of your home.
► Tidy away anything at the front of your
home that could be used for an illegal bonfire.
► Mention this advice to your neighbours,
especially elderly or vulnerable people.
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STUDENTS from Runshaw
College’s Chorley Campus recently put themselves through adverse
weather conditions and blistered feet to climb the highest mountain
in Wales for charity.
1st and 2nd year students on the Foundation Degree in Tourism &
Events Management climbed to the summit of Snowdon to support the
College’s nominated charity ‘Runshaw Gives a Dam’.
A mountain guide team led the students along the Pyg Track to the
mountain summit - which is at an altitude of 1,085 metres (3,560 ft)
above sea level and the highest point in the British Isles outside
Scotland - and back down the Llanberis Path.
A total of 13 students and two
College staff made it to the summit in very cold conditions with
course leader Julie Perera commenting:- "It was freezing cold
and actually snowing on the top! A few of us suffered from blisters
and most of us had aching muscles, but we had a brilliant day."
The group are hoping to raise enough funds to enable them to work in
Keyna next year as part of the ‘Runshaw Gives a Dam’
international charity project. During their time in Africa, the
students will help build a sand damn which will enable a community
to transform their environment sustainably, improve water supplies,
food production and health.
Picture Caption

THIS is your last chance to
enter!!!! Thanks to Formby Books, in Derbyshires, we have a sign
copy of Buff Macgregor. The book is a colourful paperback, priced
£6.00 and is all about a dog called 'Buff Macgregor'.
It has 29 illustrations as well as easy to read poetry and
anthologies. As we said before, this is your last chance to win a
signed copy, signed by both the local author Philip Todd and local
illustrator Tracy Bleasdale, by entering this competition. All you
have to do is send us your best caption for this picture below. The
competition closing date is 11am, 3 November 2011. Only one caption
per household is allowed. You must put on the email your FULL
address, your full name and your contact phone number, so that we
can send the prize to you should you win. We will get both Philip
and Tracy to pick the winning caption. Email us to:-
news24@southportreporter.com with the subject:-
'Buff Macgregor Comp' clearly marked on it! Good luck! |