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- Southport's Latest club opened on
Wednesday night and boy o boy what a night it was. Roberta Lee's
Show Bar who's owner, from whom the club takes its name said "This
club is for all walks of life to enjoy them selves and have a good laugh.
I am very please with the opening nights attendance and can not wait
to get going...."
- Roberta Lee who is an international
renowned Female Impersonator lanched the night, in his new club with
people from the local media and local shops keepers, business men and
women and even local celebrities like Terry Cooper all of whom watch a
show put on by a band called Telvevive and Tom Pepper. Not
forgetting guest DJ Ian Richey. It had to have been the best club opening
night ever seen in
Southport. It was a very entertaining and fun night out
according to all who went and it showed as the place was packed
out. "This is a very exceptionally fun night
and every one from our party is having a fantastic time." A
chap told us when photographed.
We will let the shots tell the rest of the tail.
If you want to go to see the
club, it is well worth it and is open each night from 7.00pm to 12.00am at
the same location as the old Excels Night Club.