NHS Diabetes
calls for better diabetes care for young adults in response to
diabetes mortality report
THE Diabetes are making renewed calls for more
investment in diabetes care to help prevent the 24,000 avoidable
deaths revealed in a new report. The first ever report into
mortality from the National Diabetes Audit, released today, has
found up to 24,000 people with diabetes are dying in England each
year from causes that could be avoided through better management of
their condition. The full report can be found by going to:-
ic.nhs.uk/nda. The audit,
which is managed by the NHS Information Centre and commissioned by
the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP), also showed
women with diabetes are nine times more likely to die young.
Anna Morton, NHS Diabetes Director, said:- "24,000 people with
diabetes have their lives shortened as a result of poor diabetes
care. It is particularly worrying that so many young people are
dying from the condition. We know that services for children with
diabetes are improving across the country, thanks in part to the
work of NHS Diabetes in supporting the NHS to ensure standards of
care and payment mechanisms are in place. However adult services
need to ensure they learn from these improvements and concentrate on
supporting continued blood glucose control, medication and healthy
lifestyles as young people move into adult services. This requires a
much more proactive support system from adult diabetes teams across
the country."
COMMENTING on the last release of unemployment
figures in 2011 that has showed a rise to 2.64m between August and
October 2011, UNISON General Secretary, Dave Prentis, said:-
"This is a seriously bleak midwinter, as 128,000 more workers join
the millions already on the dole queues. Every month, as
unemployment rises, and figures hit a 17 year high, the Government
continues to ignore the human cost and push ahead with its hard and
fast cuts; clinging to the hope that a struggling private sector can
pick up the pieces. These figures deliver a cold hard dose of
reality. Private sector employment has increased by only 5,000,
while the public sector has been hit with 67,000 job cuts; a huge
gulf that the Government will fail to fill. As Thomas Cook looks
likely to shed more than 600 jobs and la Senza become the latest
retailer to face a restructuring, it is obvious that the worst is
yet to come. It is shameful to see that yet again, women, who make
up the majority of low paid public sector workers, are the hardest
hit by job losses. The 54,000 increase in youth unemployment shows
that young people are also bearing the brunt, creating a lost
generation that the Government will struggle to curb. Unemployment
hit similar highs before; when the Tories were in power. Warning
bells should be sounding in Westminster this Christmas. We need
urgent action to kick start the economy and prevent a new year
unemployment record."
easyJet comment: KLM scraps Liverpool John
Lennon Airport services
COMMENTING on the the news that KLM is to
scrap services from Liverpool John Lennon Airport, easyJet’s
Commercial Manager Ali Gayward, said: that:- "easyJet has been
proud to serve the people of Liverpool since 1996. We are proud that
we were providing a regular service from Liverpool to Amsterdam
before the airport decided to work with KLM. And we are proud to
state that we continue to provide a regular service to Amsterdam
both now and once KLM have gone."
Just in time for Christmas the
Walker uncovers Banksy’s mutilated head!
THE Walker Art Gallery in
Liverpool is set to unveil a new addition to its collection – a
statue of a Priest vandalised by Banksy. The renowned graffiti
artist has sawn off the face of an 18th Century replica stone bust
and glued on a selection of bathroom tiles. The resulting 'pixellated'
portrait is entitled Cardinal Sin and is believed to be a comment on
the abuse scandal in the Church and its subsequent cover-up. "I’m
never sure who deserves to be put on a pedestal or crushed under
one." said Banksy. The sculpture, which has been
loaned indefinitely by the artist and has never been seen before,
will be exhibited in one of the Walker’s 17th-century Old Master
galleries. Works in the gallery include large church altarpieces and
religious sculpture. |
PARTY-GOERS are being urged
to stay safe during the festive period ahead of one of the busiest
weekends for Liverpool city centre and Merseyside's towns.
The police traditionally see a rise in rapes and sexual assaults in
December as people drink to excess during nights out, making them
more vulnerable.
But detectives from Merseyside Police's specialist rape
investigation team, Unity, say that taking a few simple steps such
sticking together as a group, planning how you are going to get
home, and pacing yourself when drinking will ensure you have a safe
and enjoyable time.
Detective Inspector Debbie Weir, said:- "Merseyside is widely
recognised as one of the best and friendliest regions to visit and
places like Liverpool are a great night out. But as with anywhere,
when people drink and lose their inhibitions, they can find
themselves in situations where they are at risk of commiting, or
becoming the victim of, a sexual offence. And while the Unity team
is successfully prosecuting more and more offenders, these crimes
have a devastating impact on victim's lives. Anything we can do to
stop these offences from happening, we will."
Unity, which was set up between Merseyside Police and Crown
Prosecution Service in January 2010, investigates all rapes and
serious sexual assaults. Specially trained detectives, sexual
offence liason officers and lawyers work side-by-side to build cases
where the needs of the victim are put first.
The new approach, which is the first in the country and is now being
adopted by other froces, has led to a doubling in reporting rates, a
halving in investigation lengths, and a 30 per cent increase in the
number of detected crimes.
DI Weir said that:- "Ensuring victims have confidence in the
police is key. You have to be incredibly brave to report a sexual
assaulted but it is the right thing to do. We will always take what
you tell us seriously and treat you with compassion and sensitivity
throughout. By working together in this way, we have the best chance
of putting offenders behind bars."
One of the key things the Unity team does is treat as a potential
offence any sexual activity where consent could not have been given
due to the amount the victim has had to drink.
DI Weir added:- "Men and women should be able to enjoy their
Christmas night out without fear of being victimised when they are
drunk and at their most vulnerable. Most rapes and sexual assaults
happen between people who know each other, not complete strangers.
If true consent is not given, it is a crime. There is never any
excuse for rape."
Merseyside Police will maintain a high-visibility presence in our
city and town centres to help people feel safe during their festive
night out or party.
Simple steps for revellers to take include:-
► Stay with your friends; don't go to the
toilet, the cash machine or out for a cigarette on your own, take a
friend and look out for each other.
► Pace yourself... DO NOT getting
so drunk you don't know what you are doing, as this puts you at risk
of harm. If you alternate between alcoholic and soft drinks means
you will still have a great night.
► Pre-book your cab home and and leave
with friends, letting someone at home know what time to expect you
and which firm is driving you.
► Trust your instincts; if something feels
wrong it probably is so get out of the situation and call 999 if you
feel threatened or at risk.
To report an offence call 999 or Unity direct on:- 0151 777 1382.
For help and advice call Rape Crisis on:- 0808 802 9999.