Merseytravel recognised for environmental
MERSEYTRAVEL has scooped a top Public Sector
Sustainability 2011 Award for ‘Best Transport Project’
in the Most
Sustainable Public Sector Project category.
The award was given in recognition of the work Merseytravel and its
Environmental Team have undertaken to reduce the environmental
impacts of public transport and ensure that the organisation itself
operates with minimal environmental impact. This is done through
working with partners to develop and deliver environmental
sustainability projects at a local, National and International
The award winning sustainable biofuel bus project was a great
example of this by bringing together producers, suppliers and users
from the North West Biofuel Network which was developed through the
part-EU funded BIONIC (Biofuel Networks in the Community) project,
coordinated by Merseytravel.
Currently there are 6 Stagecoach buses running on a B30 biodiesel
mix consisting of 30% biofuel made from waste cooking oil, provided
by Convert 2 Green in Cheshire, and 70% regular diesel. The biofuel
selection was a crucial part of the trial as the BIONIC project was
devised in response to mounting concerns over the sustainability of
biofuels and their potential environmental impacts with the aim to
demonstrate that sustainable transport biofuels are available and to
encourage their market uptake. The 3 year project is still active in
all the Partner countries of Sweden, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain and NW
England where it’s finding and recommendations are being widely
Merseytravel also won praise for its 6 year Carbon Management Plan,
5 year Environmental Strategy and achieving ISO 14001 for the 9th
consecutive year. Merseytravel have also recently been assessed as
being in the top 6% of around 2,100 UK businesses and organisations
for reducing carbon in the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy
Efficiency Scheme (CRC), a mandatory emissions trading scheme aimed
at organisations which use more than 6,000mWh electricity per half
hourly meter readings every year.
Neil Scales, Chief Executive of Merseytravel said:- "We are
delighted to have been nationally recognised for our ongoing
commitment to reducing our environmental impact and carbon
emissions, both within the organisation and on the wider public
transport network.
As an organisation Merseytravel are dedicated to ensuring
environmental sustainability is core to all our activity and will
continue to work hard to minimise the impact of our operations on
the environment."
Letters to the editor:-
"A Measured Response"
"NOW that we are in the
season where dissemination of accurate information about weather
conditions can mean the difference between life and death, I can
only hope that journalists will take the time to convert Metric
units into Imperial ones when dealing with Met Office and other
Government provided forecasts. Like most people of my age
group, when it comes to snow, I know what 6 inches looks like, but
the equivalent in centimeters is something which I cannot easily
visualise. Likewise, with temperature, elevation and wind speed.
Whilst EU compliant officialdom may seek to kill off us old
dinosaurs to hasten its goal of compulsory Metrication by
effectively withholding such essential information, I would urge the
media to be more considerate."
John Eoin Douglas. |
Why he doesn’t
shop with you!
MEN have suddenly and
inexplicably emerged as the new aficionados of online shopping and
spend more time and money online than women. It is no wonder that
this Christmas men are turning to the net to source their Christmas
gifts. Studies are suggesting that bargain hunters will be walking
30 miles shopping this Christmas and whilst doing so will wait an
hour and half on average in the queue. Reports that will no doubt
thrust this new trend in online shopping by men to the forefront.
According to research, 81% of women find shopping trips to the high
street an enjoyable day out as opposed to 43% of men, with many more
men now turning online to source their gifts this Christmas. With 85
million visits due to retail websites daily, it is expected that men
will make up the vast proportion of these visitors. And while women
flock to the crowded high street hunting for bargains and offers,
men will be doing exactly the same, minus the need to face the
gauntlet of overcrowded shops and inexperienced shop assistants that
have no clue what their doing.
In light of this emerging trend, social shopping has set the scene
for consumers to shop online through sharing, discussing and
reviewing products so that more savvy and informed purchases might
be made. The surge in this trend is based on the belief that
shopping online is ‘cool’, especially for electronics, together with
the added advantage of saving on fuel that would otherwise be used
to drive to the shops and avoiding the traffic.
Tapping into this market is Kevin Flood, co-founder and CEO of
Shopow, who commented, that:- "with everyone having a Merry
Austerity Christmas and high street retailers starting panic sales
over concerns about being left with unsold stock, online shopping is
emerging as a growth area. Shoppers are on the hunt for deals but
are increasingly looking online for big discounts and are sharing
their best finds with friends and family; something which is
increasingly difficult with the purse strings tighter than a drum."
This has been achieved through the form of a virtual high street
where your friends are able to give you advice based on their
experiences on the products that have purchased, as opposed to
listening to an inexperienced shop assistant after shuffling through
crowds of people this Christmas.
The site brings together the benefits of sourcing great deals, by
generating items from over 22,000 retailers who have signed up to
the site through one search of a product. This allows consumers to
compare products that are based on unbiased criteria such as prices,
delivery and comments by other users. The benefits of the arrival of
websites such as Shopow is that it allows retailers to be better
informed of consumers feedback which in turns leads to retailers
making improvements on comments and feedbacks made.
Ellen Flood, Director of Shopow, puts it succinctly when she stated
on BBC Breakfast that:- "Online seems to be the way people are
shopping these days and has revolutionised the way we shop.
Consumers trust social shopping as they can share reviews with
friends and their recommendations are trustworthy."
It is no wonder this straight forward approach has been favoured by
men thereby pushing online shopping to the fore for men this
Christmas. |