BBC filming
Stargazing on Sefton Coast

ON Friday, 27 January
2012, the BBC was recording part of the a forthcoming
astronomical program at The Ainsdale Discovery Centre, The
Promenade, Ainsdale-on-Sea. Over 200 people descended on the
venue, for what was was a highly successful night, despite the
bitter cold. The event was in part held as an addition to the
BBC Stargazing
Live 2012 events program,
that is co-produced by The Open University, yet the cameras
that had come to it where in fact from Patrick Moore's Sky at
Night program.

The section that the film crew
was filming is looking at the role that the enthusiastic amateur has
played in our understanding of the Universe and Science. It will
feature some highlights of the event and members of the
Liverpool Astronomical Society who put the event on, along with
two representatives from Sefton Council's Coast and Countryside
Service. They also interviewed a few members of the public who
came to the event as they looked at the huge variety of small
amateur telescopes that had been brought out by the group.
Inside, the Society gave out free Stargazing LIVE booklets,
then aided the members outside to help many young and old event
participants to try navigating around the skies with the use of
the array of optical equipment and the 'mark one' human eye! But
did readers know that Liverpool has another hidden claim to
fame? The local society is now in it's 131st Year, since it was
formed in 1881. It is now arguably the oldest such societies,
not just in the UK, but in the world. For the first 10 years of
its existence the society was second only to The Royal
Astronomical Society, and held joint meetings! Leeds
Astronomical Society was in fact only formed in 1856, but soon
stopped meetings, and did not reform until 1892! So if you are a
beginner, you could not ask for a better group to join. To find
out more about the Liverpool Astronomical Society, we suggest
you click on to their
website, to find out more.
If you went along, let us know
what you thought of this event by emailing our newsroom via:-
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shop for a special offer on a
few astronomical books!
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