back plans for low carbon economy
MEPs voted to endorse the European Commission's low carbon
'Roadmap' by a large majority. The document provides a policy framework
for the European Union to achieve an 80% to 95% reduction in its carbon
dioxide emissions by 2050.
Although strongly supported by
British ministers, its formal endorsement by EU governments was last
week blocked at the Environment Council by Poland. With cross-party support it
has been
welcomed by the Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard. She
believes it strengthens her authority to bring forward practical
Chris Davies, the Southport Liberal Democrat MEP responsible for the
report, argues that the EU needs to adopt a clear strategy in order
to promote industrial investment. He said:- "This report
provides the basis for technological innovation and industrial
investment. The targets it proposes are not a threat to Europe but
an opportunity to move forward. They can make us stronger not
Climate change is not currently top of the political agenda but a
long term approach is needed to give confidence to investors. The
more we do now the cheaper it will be in the future.
Europe cannot solve the world's problems by itself but changes are
happening fast and more are inevitable. Either we take a lead in
promoting a low carbon economy or we will get left behind as the
Asian economies exploit the opportunities and take a technological
In a controversial move the Parliament also recognised that the EU
Emission's Trading System (ETS) is failing to promote low carbon
investments. MEPs called on the Commission to come forward with
plans to reduce the surplus of allowances that is depressing the
carbon price and curbing the incentive for green investments.
Euro-MP wins massive victory
A North West MEP has won a
key vote in the European Parliament that will help shape Britain's
economic future. Liberal Democrat Chris Davies secured cross
party support for controversial plans to develop a low carbon
By a margin of 3 to 1, MEPs backed the 'Davies report'
intended to
combat climate change and promote industrial investment. It
endorses plans by the European Commission to reduce carbon dioxide
emissions by more than 80% over the next four decades, with
milestones to be reached along the way.
The Commission's 'Roadmap' has the support of the British Government
and that of 25 other nations. Although formal acceptance has been
blocked by Poland, the vote by MEPs means that the Commission can
now introduce specific proposals that must each be judged on their
Davies admitted that securing cross-party agreement had required
tough negotiations and difficult compromises. He acknowledged that
the wrong decisions could put future jobs at risk. He said:-
"But get it right and we will promote investment,
technological innovation and new employment. It will be a cleaner,
safer, more secure world.
Europe cannot solve the world's problems by itself but changes are
happening fast and are inevitable. The more we do now the cheaper it
will be in the future.
Either we take a lead in promoting a low carbon economy or we will
get left behind as the Asian economies exploit the opportunities and
take a technological lead."
Chris Davies received warm congratulations for his work from
Europe's Climate Action Commissioner, Connie Hedegaard. |
new businesses have opened the doors to buisness in the old PCS
building on Stephensons Way in Formby

GILL FELL who is a well
known local Formby resident and her son James are really excited to
be starting Formby's own Auction Room and Indoor Market In April.
Cllr. Barry Griffiths visited them earlier this week and spoke to
Gill who formerly owned a dress agency in Ainsdale called Livi's.
Gills attitude is an all inclusive one, Barry commented:- "by
opening an indoor market, other entrepreneurs or business owners can
test a new product or dip their toe, without any risk, Gill and
James will help them develop their product if they need it and
assist with marketing, The market sounds a great idea for generating
new business and great activity for local people "
Gill and James have been running
JW Interiors at the Royal Arcade and are delighted to be working
along side Jake Webster a 19 year old entrepreneur whose brand new
business in called Northern Stock Supplies Ltd and Ray and Paul from
Centrevine Online who have been buying insolvency and bankrupt
stock. At the moment they are selling a range of Paul Costello
designer Ladies wear purchased from an Irish department store that
recently went into liquidation.

The great thing about these businesses are that they
can include many people. The First Auction is due to take place on
Wednesday, 4 April 2012, at 5pm, it will be a general auction which
means people can sell any household items, furniture, jewellery,
toys etc. You have to register to sell or buy at the auctions, so
please call to get a registration form. The first indoor
market will be Saturday, 14 April 2012, from 10am to 4pm. There are
stalls available, you just need to ring Gill or James on:- 07848
696619. There will be everything from Antique Chic furniture and
home accessories, Garden wear, clothing and cup cakes.