Olympic Flame to
light up city’s streets
THE London 2012 Organising
Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) has announced
the full route, outlining where the torch will travel when it
arrives in Liverpool on Friday, 1 June 2012. Liverpool’s route
officially starts in Knotty Ash at around 4pm. The route will travel
through Old Swan and into the city centre where it will take in some
of the city’s famous landmarks including the 2
cathedrals, the Chinese Arch and St George’s Hall.
It will temporarily leave the city through the Kingsway tunnel at
around 5.40pm, and will board an iconic Mersey Ferry at the Woodside
Ferry Terminal at around 6.45pm. The Flame will then take to the
water and sail back into the Mersey Ferry Terminal at the Pier Head
at approximately 7.10pm, in time to kick-start the special evening
celebrations which will be taking place there.
Leader of Liverpool City Council, Councillor Joe Anderson, said:-
"For many people, to see the Olympic Flame in their home city
will be a unique opportunity, and I know the people of Liverpool
will come out on the streets in their thousands to watch this iconic
symbol come to this iconic city.
It’s a great way for our communities to get involved in the buzz and
excitement in the build up to the Olympic Games, and it’s also a way
for us to celebrate this city’s sporting excellence and encourage
people to get fit and active. Already, groups across the city are
planning how they can make sure the Flame receives a typical, warm
Liverpool welcome along the route and make it a memorable start to
the world’s greatest sporting competition."
Announcements have also been made about some of the lucky people who
will be carrying the flame. These include 17 year old Molly
Steel who was nominated as a result of her commitment to amateur
boxing within the Merseyside and Cheshire area. Molly said:-
"I couldn’t believe it when I was told I had been chosen to be an
Olympic Torchbearer - what a great honour to be carrying the torch
through my own city! I’m very excited but nervous too, but I
feel so lucky as this really is a once in a lifetime opportunity."
2 other successful torchbearers who will carry the Flame through
Liverpool are Jane Campbell who has been nominated for her tireless
work in the Speke community. This has included setting up a seniors
lunch club and raising nearly half a million pounds to turn a closed
down pub into a church and community centre. Also receiving the
honour is Rob Jackson, an Advanced Nurse practitioner at the Royal
Liverpool Hospital who was nominated for his commitment to tackling
the problem of knife crime in the community and raising thousands of
pounds for charity.
Sebastian Coe, Chair of LOCOG added:- "Today we bring the
Olympic Torch Relay to life. The Flame symbolises the Olympic spirit
and its journey around the UK will bring the excitement of the Games
to our streets. Now the people know the route the Olympic
Flame will be carried along and the Torchbearers for their
community, they can start planning how they might celebrate and make
it Liverpool’s moment to shine."
The full Liverpool route is as follows:-
From 4pm East Prescot Road, Prescot Road, St Oswald’s Street, Edge
Lane, Grove Street, Paddington, Brownlow Hill, Mount Pleasant, Hope
Street, Upper Duke Street, Berry Street, Renshaw Street, Ranelagh
Street, Great Charlotte Street, Clayton Square, Elliot Street, Lime
Street, Islington, Hunter Street, Byrom Street and through the
Kingsway Tunnel at around 5.40pm.
It arrives back in the city at 7.13pm at Mersey Ferry Terminal and
then is taken to the stage which will have been erected as part of
the evening celebration.
The map can be viewed in full at:-
which gives street-by-street details.
Community groups and organisations across the city are already in
the process of planning events to welcome the Flame to the city,
ranging from special bell ringing at the 2 cathedrals, musical
performances and even some giant puppets.
The Torchbearers have been selected as a result of the public
nomination processes run by LOCOG and the Presenting Partners, Coca
Cola, Lloyds TSB and Samsung. LOCOG endeavoured to slot all
community Torchbearers within an hour of their nomination address so
family and friends can cheer them on. Each Torchbearer will wear a
white and gold uniform which been designed by adidas.
An average of 115 Torchbearers a day will carry the Olympic Flame
during its 8,000 mile journey around the UK before it arrives at the
Olympic Stadium on 27 July 2012 for the lighting of the cauldron at
the Opening Ceremony, signifying the official start of the London
2012 Olympic Games.
LOCOG has worked closely with representatives from a number of
sectors in each nation and region of the UK to devise the route and
is taking the Olympic Flame to within ten miles of over 95% of the
The city council is working with LOCOG and the three Presenting
Partners of the Relay, Coca Cola, Lloyds TSB and Samsung; to host
an evening celebration to celebrate the Olympic Flame on Friday, 1
June 2012. The event at the Pier Head will be free and further details of
the show will be released over the next few months. |
Views sought on
a blueprint for Liverpool
A vision of how Liverpool
will be developed over the next 15 years or so has reached a crucial
stage. The Core Strategy sets out the long term vision, strategy and
objectives governing future development, as well as the broad
locations for delivering housing, employment, retail, leisure,
essential public services and transport. It is an important element
in the Local Development Framework, the development plan for the
city and sets out the key planning policies which will determine how
Liverpool develops. The strategy takes into account representations
which were made during public consultations in 2008 and 2010. Now a
final round of consultation will take place before the final
strategy is agreed.
"This is a vital document. It will guide how our city is going to
look and develop through the first quarter of the 21st century. We
have already consulted widely about the strategy but this is an
evolving situation and views can change and develop. This is the
last chance people have of making their ideas known so I would urge
everybody to look at the strategy and contact us with their ideas."
said Councillor Malcolm Kennedy, city council cabinet member
for regeneration and transport.
The City Council will submit the Core Strategy; taking into account
views expressed; to the Secretary of State so that it can be
considered by an independent inspector who will decide whether or
not it is 'sound'. The Inspector will hold an
Examination in Public in the autumn. The strategy is based on the
following principles, that by 2028 Liverpool will have:-
► A Strong Economy by ensuring sustainable economic growth,
particularly across business sectors and areas with strong potential
for growth.
► Residential Neighbourhoods That Meet Housing Needs; with
significant housing and population growth, focused in the areas of
greatest social and economic regeneration need, and an improvement
in the quality and diversity of the City's housing offer.
► Vital and Viable Shopping Centres; providing a diverse range of
quality shops, services, community, health and education facilities,
which are highly accessible and meet the everyday needs of local
► An Attractive and Safe City With A Strong Local Identity;
resulting from the protection and enhancement of the City's unique
historic and architectural environment and the achievement of high
quality and inclusive design in new development. Liverpool will be
an attractive, distinctive, healthy and sustainable City for those
who live, work in and visit.
► High Quality Green Infrastructure that will be creating more
attractive residential neighbourhoods; greater biodiversity;
resilience to climate change, better flood risk management; and more
opportunities for sport and recreation and greater health and
► Efficiently used Resources; especially by prioritising the use of
vacant and derelict land and buildings and ensuring that development
avoids adverse environmental impact and is adaptive and resilient to
climate change
► More Sustainable Accessibility via supporting the improvement of
the City's transport infrastructure and ensuring that all new
development is highly accessible by sustainable modes of transport.
► Improved Social Inclusion and Equal Opportunities;
especially in the communities where development is to take place.
Anybody who wishes to comment on the Core Strategy should visit the
Council's website where The Submission Draft and all supporting
documents can also be viewed
online or by also the City
Council's dedicated consultation
website. Hard copies of
documents can be made available on request or can be inspected
together with supporting documents at the following locations,
during normal opening hours:-
► Millennium House, 60 Victoria Street, Liverpool, L1 6JD.
► All Community Libraries across the City.
The period for submitting representations is 22 March to 10 May
2012. These may be made by one of the following means:-
► Via the above websites
► By sending an
email to the Development
Plans Team:-
► By post to:-
Liverpool City Council
Planning and Building Control
Municipal Buildings
Dale Street
L2 2DH
UK |