Southport Staff In Do A Weekend Sports For Sport Relief 2012

OK not all of the
activities where 100% sport related, but the staff at the Southport
Sainsbury's on Lord Street have raids lots of cash for the appeal,
over 23 March 2012 to 25 March 2012. Colleagues at Sainsbury’s
Southport over the weekend took part all types of activities from a
Zumba dance to a cake sale and tombola! They also did an
indoor boat rowing marathon, not forgetting a cheerleader display at
YMCA Southport! Some of the staff also walk up Pendle Hill...
But the most surprising challenge was set by the staff went to both
Sainsbury’s Chief Executive Justin King, along with fellow Nicky
Plaistow from the Southport store who had to do a sponsored 32 mile
run across the country, in just 4 days! That's not forgetting
getting customers can make donations via purchasing Sport Relief
merchandise, in-store collection buckets and many other fundraising
activities! We will bring you a total as soon as we get it in,
but we can say that so far it looks like it will be quite a big
figure. Well done to all who took part and to all of you who
supported them!


New Auction
House is ready to sell...

THE new auction business,
located in the old PCS building on Stephensons Way, Formby we
reported last
week was getting ready to
hold it's first auction. We popped over to see how things are going
for the and found that they are now doing well. "We have had
many inquiries about the Auction Room and Indoor Market since your
paper and other media groups ran the story last week. We are so
pleased with the response so far. We just hope that the public do
come out in force to what should be a fantastic start. We have quite
a few items of interest already lined up for our first Auction that
is due to take place on Wednesday, 4 April 2012. But we still have
room to sell more, so if you have any items you want to sell,
contact us now on 07848 696619." said Gill Fell.

Also doing well are the Northern
Stock Supplies Ltd. who are sited in the building and selling off
insolvency and bankrupt stock, both online and in the building.
So do pop down even when their are no auctions, as you never know
what bargains are on offer at extremely low prices!
