Motorway users
warned over improper use of hard shoulder
THE Highways Agency Traffic
Officers and the Police are reminding drivers that it is illegal to
use the motorway hard shoulder except in an emergency; following an
incident on the M56 last week which led to 4 motorway users getting
instant £60 fines as well as 3 driving licence penalty points each.
The warning follows the serious incident along the M56 near Runcorn
on Sunday, 25 March 2012, after a car and caravan collided with the
central reservation.
The incident closed the westbound carriageway of the motorway for
several hours and 2 lanes of the eastbound carriageway were also
shut for some time.
After assessing the situation, Highways Agency Traffic Officers from
their outstation at Knutsford decided it would be possible to get
westbound traffic moving again by running traffic along the hard
However, as they were setting out emergency traffic management
around the scene of the incident, several vehicles were spotted
trying to escape the queues by travelling along the hard shoulder
for a considerable distance. They were stopped at the scene by the
traffic officers and reported to Cheshire Police who issued fixed
penalty notices to 2 drivers and 2 motorcycle riders.
John McTaggart, Head of On Road Operations (North) for the Highways
Agency Traffic Officer Service, said:- "It is an offence for
drivers to use the hard shoulder for anything other than an
emergency such as a break down. At serious incidents like this we
expect the hard shoulder to be kept clear as it is needed for
emergency vehicles like ambulances and fire engines as well as
getting traffic officers or specialist equipment to the scene to
help manage traffic and get the carriageway open again as soon as
possible. Although no one was seriously injured this was a
complicated incident involving barrier damage and a diesel spillage.
Westbound traffic was stuck behind the incident for more than an
hour, but all the time our traffic officers were assessing what
might be done to get them on the move again and away from the area.
This is one of our key priorities and it is not helped by drivers or
riders trying to use the hard shoulder as an escape route -
potentially hampering our work and risking the safety of traffic
officers and emergency workers at the front of the queue working to
clear the incident and get traffic moving again."
The Highway Code explicitly says drivers must not use the hard
shoulder for overtaking and they should only stop in the hard
shoulder in an emergency or when directed to do so by a Police or
Traffic Officer. The Highways Agency advises drivers stuck behind
incidents to stay in their vehicles and listen out for radio traffic
alerts and bulletins for updated advice. Provided they can do safely
they can ring the Highways Agency Information Line on:- 0300 123
5000 for advice or visit:- on a smartphone.
Also check out:- for road news.
Anyone with an emergency issue should dial:- 999 or use the
emergency roadside telephone in the hard shoulder to call for advice
or help. Sergeant Neil Anson from the North West Motorway
Police Group said:- "These drivers and motorcycle riders have
had an expensive reminder that they should only use the motorway
hard shoulder in an emergency. Driving or riding up the hard
shoulder is an offence, but is also dangerous to people genuinely
needing to use the hard shoulder. It can also delay emergency
services needing use the hard shoulder to get to the scene of
serious incidents." |
On strike after
rejected offer!
A 4 day strike called for
the Easter weekend will now definitely go ahead after Cheshire West
and Chester Council rejected the latest trade union proposals to
resolve the dispute. All members of UNISON and the other council
trade unions will be taking strike action.
The industrial action has been called over the ongoing terms and
conditions dispute with the Council. The strike over Easter is the
latest phase of industrial action and follows on from union members
withdrawing the use of their cars for work purposes and strike
action in Libraries.
Maria Moss, UNISON Regional Organiser said:- "The strike will
now go ahead. UNISON has attempted to resolve this dispute by making
new proposals to the Council using ACAS. This is the second or third
time that the Council have rejected an opportunity to resolve the
whole dispute. The Council would have you believe that staff have
willingly accepted the changes to terms and conditions. This is
utter nonsense. Staff had a choice between signing up to the changes
or being sacked. I would suggest that this bullying approach has
ruined what little morale was left amongst staff. Our members, who
are decent working people, are suffering with the hardest hit being
front line and low paid. These people keep excellent services
running by going above and beyond what is required of them every
day. This goodwill has been shot to bits by the leadership of this
Council. Instead of putting energy into engaging meaningfully with
staff trade unions, this rotten Tory Council are bumbling around
trying to break the strike action by offering people double pay for
the whole four days. There would have been no strike if the Council
had taken trade union proposals seriously."
Teresa Connally, UNISON Branch Secretary said:- "Staff are
striking because the Council arrogantly cut, amongst other things,
their weekend and bank holiday pay down to flat rate. Now that the
Council can’t find anyone to work Easter weekend at flat rate the
hypocrites are offering staff double time for the whole four days if
they work. This is more than staff would have got before the cuts!
The Council’s confrontational approach is only strengthening the
resolve of staff. My message to the Council on behalf of UNISON is
that we can resolve this dispute but it requires the Council to
engage with us. Until such time the industrial action will
Easter Vigil Eucharist at the
Liverpool Anglican Cathedral
IN Liverpool Cathedral on
Saturday, 7 April 2012, at 8pm, there will be a service of light,
words and music to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There
is parking at the Cathedral for £1. The Easter Journey is also
in the Anglican Cathedral with family activities for Easter period
taking place from Tuesday, 3 April to Thursday, 12 April 2012, from
11:00am (but not on Good Friday, 6 April, other than a service) for
you to discover the Easter Story through an interactive trail and
even collect items to make a special Easter craft to take home with
you. It will be in the Cathedral Baptistery. On Easter Monday,
9 April 2012, from 11:15am, to approximately 12.15, there will be a
Bank Holiday Organ Recital in the Main Cathedral. The recital will
be performed by Prof Ian Tracey, Organist Titulaire, Liverpool
Cathedral. |