Astronomical Society - Monthly Meeting - April 2012

AT 7pm on Friday, 20 April
2012 Associate Director of Jodrell Bank Observatory and lecturer at
The University of Manchester, Dr Tim O’Brien will be the Guest
Speaker. The event will be run at the Quaker Meeting House, 22
School Lane, Liverpool, L1 3BT and will be about "Radio
Imaging of Exploding Stars." This event is FREE to attend,
but call:- 0151 794 4270 for more information. Also why not check
out the Society's

Bringing the Law into Schools

THE Liverpool Schools Law
and Citizenship Web is a new education programme helping our
youngsters understand that law brings responsibilities as well as
rights. It is available to all schools and colleges in the city
thanks to our backing. A key feature of the scheme is the use of
current news stories to bring relevant topics to in the classroom.
All the tasks are quiz-based to ensure pupils enjoy learning.
Further information is available by clicking on this
Save the bee,
says Southport MEP
GARDEN and farm pesticides
accused of leading to the death of bees should be banned, says a
North West MEP. Liberal Democrat Chris Davies is calling for the
European Commission to take urgent action to restrict the use of
neonicotinoid pesticides after new scientific reports confirmed
links between their use and the decline in bee numbers. Pesticides
containing neonicotinoids are widely available in garden centres and
do not carry warning labels about their potential effect on bee
numbers. Environmental campaigners are calling for direct action
against garden centres that continue to sell the products. They want
shoppers to cause confusion by taking boxes of neonicotinoid
pesticides to the till in Garden Centres and then refusing to pay
for them. But Davies says the whole of Europe should follow the
example of France and Germany where restrictions on the chemicals
have been introduced. The MEP has cross-party backing for a study
into the consequences of a ban to be carried out, and is insisting
that the Commissioner concerned must respond to the issue in the
European Parliament. Davies said:- "Bees are not only a
much-loved part of garden life, but they vitally important to
farmers. Gardeners could be using pesticides on this year's flowers
that mean that next year there won’t be any flowers at all."
Latest research appears to confirm that neonicotinoid pesticides
weaken the resistance of bees, leaving them vulnerable to other
threats that they would normally survive. |
Britain's Got
Talent hits North West

LIVERPOOL Impressionist Les
Gibson and top dance duo Signature reached their respective finals
of Britain's Got Talent and are the headline acts for the A-T Spring
Ball at Chester Racecourse, on Saturday, 28 April 2012.
Ball organizer Vaughn Rawson said:- "to have Les Gibson and Signature
on the same bill was a real coup for us and their local fans. We
know that with such popular entertainment, an impressive three
course meal, local band Ultimate Exports and an auction, the night
will be hugely enjoyable." The rush for tickets means there are only
a few left available at the last minute from:-

The Ball is for The A-T Society, a charity close to Vaughn and his
fiancée Joanne's heart. Joanne explained:- "our dear friends
have little boys with Ataxia Telangiectasia (A-T), a genetic
condition which means that these happy, healthy children will become
increasingly disabled and their lives will be shortened. They are
likely to get cancer or lung disease and will need wheelchairs by
the time they are ten. It's just devastating and we know the only
way to give the boys a future is to help fund research into A-T
which we do through the A-T Society."
In fact life expectancy for a child with A-T is currently is around
25 years and with a higher than average number of children diagnosed
with the condition in the North West. One in a hundred people
locally will carry the gene which causes A-T and it is likely there
are undiagnosed children in the area.
If you want to enjoy this unique opportunity to see Les Gibson and
Signature and give hope of a future to children and families with
A-T then time is running out! Contact Vaughn and Joanne for last
minute availability by ringing:- 07525 836 011.
Morecambe Cross
Bay Walk 2012
ON Sunday, 29 April 2012
the walk will leave Arnside at 10.45 am, (early start to the tide
times, make this the safest time to cross the sands), and will be
lead by the world famous guide Mr Cedric Robinson. It will take
approx., 3 hours to cross and is approx. 8 miles. the walk is
suitable for children (age 4 and over), dogs, groups. Registration
Fee is just:- £5.00 adults, £2.50 for children and £1.00 for our 4
legged friends dogs. Contact details for registration pack is
Christine Hughes, Meningitis Trust on:- 0845 120 4764 or via
Please not that ALL people taking part must register in advance!