fundraisers in Liverpool urged to get their thinking caps on ahead
of this year's Red Cross
VINTAGE fever is in the air
as people are being asked to organise retro events to help raise
funds during this year's Red Cross Week.
Anyone in Liverpool who's interested in helping the British Red
Cross in its vital work in the UK and abroad can sign up now ahead
of the annual fundraising extravaganza from 6-12 May 2012.
Participants could collect wearing an outfit from another era, or
bring a retro theme to a fundraising event by getting people to wear
fancy dress from another decade.
Why not hold a 1940s tea dance, go to school in your parents' 1970s
gear, run a 1980s; inspired aerobics class in your office, or throw
a 1990s disco? Or volunteer to grab a bucket and help with
You too could be one of our
'one-in-a-million' fundraiser; like Barry Holmes, from Liverpool.
The 48 year old, from the Kensington area of Liverpool, first
started volunteering for the Red Cross in 2005, when he was a first
aider at events such as the Grand National. But then he
started to volunteer as a fundraiser, and hasn't looked back since.
He is a firm fixture collecting at supermarkets around Merseyside,
from Allerton and Speke, to Southport and St Helens.
added:- "You get such a buzz out of collecting, knowing that the money
is going to make a real difference to people's lives. It's great to get out and meet people, and the public
are so generous that when there is a big disaster like in Haiti, it
is overwhelming how much people want to help." "I really like Red Cross Week; it's busy and everyone
gets involved. This year's vintage theme will mean there are a lot
of fun and different events happening."
Money raised funds the British Red Cross' work, which includes
services in the Merseyside area such as refugee projects and
homeless first aid training.
British Red Cross Liverpool fundraiser Alexis Fairclough said:-
"During Red Cross Week we rely on our fantastic volunteers giving
their time to collect money in aid of the Red Cross in one of a
million ways. We couldn't do it without them, but the more people
take part, the more money we can raise.
This year's theme is retro, so there will be some fantastic, fun
events being organised, with a vintage theme. If you can spare an
hour to hold a donations bucket for us this May, you'll be one in a
million. Why not ask a friend too?."
To find out more about organising an event, contact Alexis via
calling:- 0151
702 5061.
Access For Everyone Update!
THE next meeting of the
Access For Everyone' forum will be
held at Victoria Methodist Church, Sussex Road, Southport PR8 6DG,
on Monday, 23 April 2012, at 7.00 pm. This is a free public meeting.
The premises are fully accessible for wheelchair users, with
adequate car parking facilities, and light refreshments will be
served before the meeting commences. SAFE say that:- "Anyone with an interest in disability issues is welcome.
More information can be found
online and our
meetings will usually be held on the fourth Monday of each month.
Further enquiries about SAFE can be made to :- Val Carr, our acting chairman
by calling:- 01704 567046"
Missing From Home - Melissa Stringer

MERSEYSIDE Police have told
the media that they are becoming increasingly concerned about the
whereabouts of 20 year old female, who has been missing from her
home in Orrell Park, since Wednesday, 11 April 2012. Melissa
Stringer is described as being white, 5ft 5ins tall of stocky build
with dark brown shoulder length hair. She has brown eyes with a
fresh complexion. She was last seen wearing a black jacket, dark
pink t-shirt black leggings and was carrying a small bag. Melissa is
known to frequent Liverpool city centre and the Breck Road area.
Officers from Merseyside Police believe Melissa may have travelled
to London with a friend. Officers would urge Melissa or anyone who
has seen her since 11 April 2012, is being requested to contact them
via:- 0151 777 4429 or the Missing Persons Bureau via calling:- 0500
700 700. |
Forum of Private
Business campaign urges entrepreneurs to pass on the secrets of
their success
THE Forum of Private
Business is calling for success stories from business owners flying
high despite the global economic turmoil as part of its Get Britain
Trading campaign to make 2012 the year of small businesses.
The Forum hopes that learning about how to succeed in a tough
climate will inspire other entrepreneurs to start and grow
businesses, spread positivity and boost confidence throughout the
wider business community.
Get Britain Trading 2012 was launched earlier this year at an event
in Westminster attended by approximately 60 business owners and the
Business Minister, Mark Prisk, who joined Phil Orford, the Forum's
Chief Executive, in celebrating the key role of small businesses in
driving economic growth.
"Our business is to help small firms succeed by providing them
with the tools to achieve their goals and campaigning for the
commercial landscape that encourages them to thrive; which is so
important for the economy as a whole.
As a leading membership organisation one thing we can do
is share the advice, guidance and experiences of successful
entrepreneurs with our community of small business owners. We are calling on all small business owners to get in touch and pass
on the secrets of their success so that, in turn, other
entrepreneurs can benefit and so we can spread some much-needed
positivity at the same time." said Mr Orford.
According to figures from the department of Business, Innovation and
Skills there were 4.5 million private sector enterprises in the UK
at the start of 2011, 99.2% of all businesses in the UK are
classified as small (0 to 49 employees) and small firms account for
46.2% of private sector employment and 24.9% of the UK's annual
The Get Britain Trading event, which took place in the House of
Commons, followed Forum research showing that many entrepreneurs are
confident about their prospects for 2012 despite difficult economic
In all, 55% of supporters of the Forum's Get Britain Trading
campaign, anticipated growth or strong growth in the coming year and
95% said they were already exploring ways of developing their
businesses. Further, 60% of respondents hoped to innovate in
2012 and, while 74% of small firms were looking to target customers
in the UK, 17% were focusing on overseas markets.
However, the not-for-profit employer organisation's Get Britain
Trading survey also suggests that, while businesses are seeing
opportunities for growth, 58% have been unable or unwilling to take
advantage of them. Just 13% believe there will be any growth
opportunities in the public sector.
Despite their positivity, many firms still face numerous obstacles
to growth. For example, with mounting business costs a major issue,
29% of respondents to the Forum's survey are seeking to cut costs
The Get Britain Trading campaign aims to identify and address such
barriers and, as part of this process, the Forum wants to share the
information, guidance and advice gleaned from successful
Survey respondents provided information on a range of issues,
including tax, red tape, finance and employment. For the full survey
results visit:-
During the summer of 2011, in an initiative backed by Mr Prisk, the
Forum placed approximately 100 MPs, MSPs and Members of the Welsh
Assembly on 'Business Buddy' visits to small firms in their
constituencies, where they learned about the realities of running a
business. The scheme is running again this summer.
In addition, the Forum is keeping MPs updated via a new monthly
e-newsletter containing small business success stories and is
committed to promoting any initiatives aimed at supporting small
firms. MPs will be able to submit stories from their constituencies
for the e-newsletter.
The Forum is urging all business owners to support Get Britain
Trading and pass on their stories by
tweet us using #britaintrading or get involved in the discussions
taking place at The Forum of Private Business LinkedIn group.
For more information about the campaign visit:- or call the Forum
on:- 0845 130 1722.