Liverpool’s Sea
Odyssey 2012 - Part 1
Report by L Trollope & photos
on this page by Patrick Trollope

FROM 20 April to 22 April
2012, Liverpool has been privileged to host a very evocative event
staged to commemorate the centenary of the ill-fated maiden voyage
of the Titanic. Although she was neither built on nor sailed from
Liverpool, her owners, the White Star Line had its main office here
and many of her crew and passengers were local so her loss was very
significant to the region. This event was the splendid Sea Odyssey
Giant Spectacular, provided by Royal de Luxe, an extraordinary
French street theatre company, based in Nantes. Its founder, Jean
Luc Courcoult, was inspired to begin this venture after reading a
letter in Liverpool’s Maritime Museum, when he visited the city in
2006. This letter had been written by 10 year old May Mc Murray to
her father, William, who sailed as a steward on board Titanic.
Unfortunately, it was too late to reach the ship so was returned and
keep by her family. M. Courcoult recognised its potential and
subsequently was asked to develop it, in time for it to be part of
this City’s commemorations. The spectacular has been seen by
millions, both the estimated million who flocked from near and far
to witness it first hand, and by the many more who have, or will,
watch it on TV or internet.

It was a thrilling and inspiring performance and
comprised three giant figures; the Diver Uncle; the little girl; and
her loveable dog, which accompanied her. These puppets are a marvel
of construction. The vision necessary to create them and their story
is immense. Little Girl is nearly 30 ft. and weighs 800kg. She is
made of poplar and lime wood, and steel. She can reach 2.5 Km per
hour. She seemed to be forlornly scanning the crowd and making eye
contact, as she walked along or travelled in her boat, with water
surging beneath. (The boats did perhaps seem a little incongruous,
but no matter.) Uncle is approximately 50 ft. and weighs in at a
whopping 2.5 tonnes, is fashioned from the same materials and
manages just 1 KmPH. He made his maximum impact perhaps was when he
scooped his niece onto his knee at their reunion on Saturday.
Both figures have locks made of horse hair and eyes that are made of
street lamps, with lashes of broom bristles! Xolo, the dog is a
fantastic creature, a mobile sculpture at 9 ft. and 200 Kg. His
structure comprised steel and papier mache. His antics appealed to
all as he trotted along, sometimes diverting to lick children in the
crowd, even deigning to give a few rides on his back. Whoever
devised his programme had an obvious knowledge of endearing canine
traits. When not travelling around, he often entertained the crowds
by gambolling around in free play, and could reach speeds of 4 KmPH.
Anyone who has ever tried wrestling with a marionette and
endeavouring to keep it moving without entangling its strings, will
appreciate the skills of the Lilliputians, the puppeteers all
attired in red robes, and also will be astounded at their great
physical prowess and stamina as they heaved and hauled their charges
this way and that, moving with great agility and often at
considerable speed! Little girl had 22 operatives and Xolo, 20:
Uncle required 40+, some of which clambered up his conveyance and
leapt down in bunches, repeating this at a frenetic pace all the
time he walked. Less obvious, but vital, were the teams of mechanics
who kept things moving very efficiently throughout.

The story line is of the Little Girl and her faithful
hound, who ranged all over, looking for her Uncle, a diver, who in
turn was seeking her. On Friday, they trudged in opposite directions
so missing each other. Uncle had emerged from King’s Dock around
9.30 having returned from his deep ocean dive to discover and bury
his brother who was trapped on Titanic as she sank and also brought
a trunk of letters back with him. He was hoisted onto his boat
thence to travel across the nearby streets, until he took his siesta
by St George’s Hall. In the afternoon he went to Stanley Park,
watching in vain for his niece. Meanwhile, Little Girl and Xolo
traversed from Stanley Park to Everton Brow, where she was able to
overlook the city below. She rested for a few hours before
restarting her trek into the city , via St George’s Plateau, until
she eventually reached her bed at King’s Dock where, after a little
dance and a whimsical smile, she and her dog fell asleep , snoring

On Saturday, Uncle wended his way back into town and
King’s Dock, with various adventures en route including standing on
Liverpool’s renowned Chinese Arch. Little Girl toured the environs
of the waterfront and nearby streets, resting in the afternoon at
Pier Head in her deckchair, in the sunshine, before resuming her
travels which led, eventually, to King’s Dock. It was a very
emotional moment when the 2 giants were finally re-united. Uncle
took his niece into his arms and then sat her on his knee whilst
Xolo pranced around with joy. They spent the night at King’s Dock,
in preparation for the final circuits of the Waterfront areas before
setting off out into the Mersey on Sunday. 100 Letters selected from
some 600 written as a project by members of the public, aged from 8
to 80 years; and purporting to be to or from the crew and passengers
of Titanic, were fired from a cannon before their departure. |

Many Congratulations; to the creator and his
wonderful team; builders, aerialists, crane- drivers and puppeteers
and many others, including the musicians who added greatly to the
atmosphere throughout this amazing performance. Thanks also to
Culture Liverpool and Liverpool City Council for their continued
vision and determination to keep our City in the fore, and to
maintain its City of Culture momentum. Despite the cost, hopefully
this will have been money well spent both from the tourist and
travel perspective and in Liverpool’s enhanced profile, now and in
the future. The stalwart band of volunteers who helped the
organisation and provided the rolling barrier between public and
performers throughout, deserve our grateful acknowledgement, as do
the numerous stewards who strove valiantly to keep large
enthusiastic crowds safely in place, overwhelmingly with great good
humour, albeit with the occasional bursts from a few who seemed a
little power mad under the strain. Also, to the usual behind the
scenes essentials without whose assistance events like this would
not be possible: including street cleaners, the Fire Brigade,
Ambulance crews and other emergency services, including the Red
Cross, who gave their usual professional help. Finally to the Police
who capably acquitted their role with patience and goodwill, a fact
which did not go uncommented on by the general public. At times
their skilful control in keeping the busy city traffic flowing was
like watching a complex ballet and an entertainment in itself!

This appears to have been a most successful venture,
greatly enjoyed by many, and has been thought provoking as well.
Our report continues within next
week's edition with a large video and lots more photos, but please
enjoy the photographs in this weeks edition for now.

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Here’s to Liverpool’s next giant adventure!!!
Also click
to read a related report in this weeks edition. |