Last chance to
set sail with pirates!
AHOY there landlubbers, come and celebrate the
Bank Holiday Weekend (5 May to 7 May 2012) with a swashbuckling
adventure aboard a pirate themed Mersey Ferry. Jump on a River
Explorer Cruise where there'll be live pirates accompanying you on
your voyage, plus full size recreations of the characters from the
new Aardman Animations and Sony Pictures Animation film, The
Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! Whilst on board the
River Explorer Cruise, there'll be chance to join a 'Hunt the
Dodo' game or make your way to the ship's bow and take the
Pirate Steering Wheel for the fun filled voyage; everyone's welcome,
so why not make the most of it and dress up in your Pirate gear!
River Explorer Cruises will be operating as Pirates Cruises until 7
May 2012. Normal River Explorer Cruise prices apply, also live
Pirates will be on board River Explorer Cruises between 10am and
5pm. For more information visit:- or call:-
0151 300 1000.
Sefton Collection Crew Nominated
for Award

A kerbside recycling collection crew from
Sefton were nominated for "Collection Crew of the Year"
at this year's "Awards for Excellence"
at a Ceremony held at the Landmark Hotel in London on 1 May 2012.
The crew, which undertakes weekly recycling collection services for
Palm Recycling on behalf of Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council was
praised for its performance "…above and beyond normal service
levels," highlighting an instance where the crew witnessed
an elderly resident fall on her garden path. The crew immediately
stopping, calling an ambulance and providing comfort and aid to the
distressed resident.
The crew also visited the lady in hospital during her
recovery and upon her returning home, made a special effort to watch
out for her, including regular knocks on her door just to check she
was fine.
Having worked together at the Palm Recycling's Sefton operation for
many years, the crew, Andy Fielding, Will Ryan and Ryan Millington,
have developed an excellent working relationship with a strong
team-playing approach, an ethic which extends across all of Sefton's
recycling collection teams.
On being nominated and on behalf of the crew, Ben Saunders, Palm
Recycling's UK Operations Manager said:- "This makes me very
proud. Our crews provide a service to the community, which extends
beyond simply doing their bit to help recycling; it's the familiar
face and the friendly smile that can make all the difference, as
well as in this case going above and beyond the call to help when
needed. Well done to all the recycling crews from PD Logistics, who
operate the kerbside recycling service for Sefton on behalf of Palm
Will Ryan, a member of the highly-commended crew said:- "We're
all local lads and we know and care about the community we service.
We are known by name to many of the residents and we do keep an eye
out for the elderly citizens, many of which live alone or may be
less able." |
Measles outbreak
gets worse
WITH 200 confirmed cases of measles on
Merseyside in resent months has lead to the Health Protection Agency
saying that it is now the "worst outbreak of the disease since
1988." The potentially-lethal disease, which can be
prevented by vaccination, is reported to be focused with in
Liverpool and neighbouring areas such as Knowsley and parts of
Sefton. The majority of the confirmed cases have been in Liverpool,
but it is also circulating in other parts of the North West Region.
Most of the cases are with children under the age of 5 and at least
39 of the confirmed cases resulted in treatment in hospital. Doctors
say that Measles is a very infectious illness which spreads very
quickly among children and adults who are not vaccinated. Symptoms
include fever, cough, a runny nose, red eyes and a red rash. The
Health Protection Agency said in a press release that "this is
an avoidable illness and we strongly advise parents to ensure that
their children are vaccinated fully. In the UK the MMR is the safest
and most effective protection on offer. The MMR vaccine can be given
at any age and is a 3 in 1 vaccine that protects those immunised
against, not only against measles, but also mumps and rubella
(German measles)." Sadly some parents in the UK are still
worried about the MMR vaccine that was introduced in 1988.
"Side-effects are the unwanted, but mostly mild and temporary
effects of a successful immunisation. They're usually rare after the
first dose and even less likely after the second. The side-effects
you may get after the MMR vaccine often outweigh the side-effects
and possible complications you may get from having measles, mumps or
rubella." said BUPA, who also backing the NHS call for people to
become vaccinated. "It is obvious from these statistics that people
who are not fully vaccinated are not just at risk themselves, but
they pose an infection risk to others as well. Measles should not be
treated lightly and it is our advice that any unprotected teenagers
and young adults should arrange to get a vaccination. This can be
done through your family doctor. If you can't remember whether or
not you have had it, ask your GP. It is never too late to be
vaccinated and it's not dangerous to receive the MMR vaccine more
than once." said Health Protection Agency.
Kate and Gerry McCann to run in
the Run Liverpool 10K!
KATE and Gerry McCann are preparing to take
part in this Sunday's Festival of Running, more determined than ever
to continue their search for Madeline, on the 5 year anniversary of
her disappearance.
The McCann family will make a poignant visit to Liverpool this
weekend and take part in both the Men Only 10K and the Women's 10K
as they continue to raise awareness for the search for Madeline.
Today marks the 5th anniversary of Madeline's disappearance however
the family have renewed hope that their daughter will be found alive
and they are channelling their energy into positive activity that
will offer more strength for their search.
Kate said:- "We're really pleased to be taking part in the
RunLiverpool 10K this coming weekend. It's something we've
considered over previous years but given the poignant timing for our
family, we've never quite felt strong enough. Thankfully this year,
with the involvement of the Metropolitan Police, things are looking
brighter for Madeleine and the search, so we're ready to give it a
go. Thank you to everyone in Liverpool again for your brilliant
support over the past five years. It's appreciated so much by all of
our family and friends."
Champion Olympic Boxer David Price will start The Men Only 10K opens
the event at 10am. The Women's only 10K and Women's 5K will follow,
with the Under 12's 1 mile Fun Run completing the event at 1:30pm.
To support the McCann's during the race you can enter by visiting:- |