A new rail video
aim to cut short trespass and not lives
3 people who trespassed on
the railway on Merseyside last year were fatally injured, according
to Network Rail. There were other fatalities in Carnforth, Codsall
and Winson Green. To highlight the problems of trespass, the company
has teamed up with British and World 400m hurdles champion Dai
Greene to warn young men about the dangers of taking a short cut
across the tracks. Nationally, 88% of accidental trespass fatalities
in the last 10 years were male, with over a 3rd aged 18 to 25. Dai
appears in an online video, part of a new campaign called:-
"Track Tests". He is given a realistic but unusual running
test; across the tracks; but it's not as easy as it seems, even for
a top athlete at the peak of his condition. It's dark, there's
grease on the line, there are unexpected trip hazards and it's
raining. The video aims to illustrate that if a fit, agile athlete
used to leaping high hurdles at speed, is unable to get out of the
way of a train travelling at 80mph, then you won't either. It will
be part of a new
Facebook page and online/mobile
advertising campaign over the next 4 weeks.
Dai Greene explained why he was keen to get involved with this new
campaign:- "Day in day out, I train hard to make sure I am as
quick as I can be. On the running track it's important that my
reactions are lightning fast but on the train track - during
filming; that didn't count for much. The experience has brought to
life just how many dangers there are on the rail tracks; most of
which I knew nothing about. I hope that this film really helps
Network Rail to show people that taking the risk is never worth it."
Jo Kaye, Network Rail's route managing director, said Dai is the
right man to get across the safety messages:- "We know a lot
of young men think that taking a shortcut isn't really a risk, that
they can get out of the way of any train, but the fatality figures
show they are wrong. Dai is one of the most fit and agile athletes
in the world, someone that we know young men admire, particularly
with the 2012 Games so close. His message and ours is simple; if he
can't survive the shortcut, you won't either; shortcuts cut short
Did you know that:-
► Nationally, there were 445 recorded near misses between
trespassers and trains with reports of people crossing the tracks to
the opposite platform upon realising their train was leaving from
there, jumping down to retrieve phones or wallets, walking alongside
the tracks as a shortcut home.
► Nationally, from 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012 there were 49 accidental
trespass fatalities (excluding suicides and fatalities at level
► In the London North Western route, which covers the lines out of
London Euston to the Scottish border, Marylebone to Birmingham and
covers the major conurbations of the West Midlands, Greater
Manchester and Merseyside, 94 people who trespassed on the railway
were involved in a near miss with a train.
► There were 6 fatalities on the route:- 1 each in Carnforth, (Lancs),
Winson Green (Birmingham), Codsall (Staffs), and 3 on Merseyside
From 01/04/2001 to 31/03/2011 (latest full year results)
► The peak ages for trespass fatalities are the late teens and the
early twenties.
► The percentage of male trespass fatalities is disproportionately
high compared to their level in the overall population. Although
males make up just under 50% of the total population, they have
accounted for 88% of trespass fatalities over the past 10 years.
► In more than half of incidents, the reason for the trespass is not
known or not identified. In those events where the motivation for
the trespass is identifiable, the most common reason (37%) is for
the purposes of taking a short cut. Other reasons where the trespass
is a means to an end include retrieving property, walking dogs, fare
evasion, and committing criminal damage or graffiti.
► Over the past 10 years, the greatest number of trespasser
fatalities has occurred on a Saturday. The most common time (on any
day) for the fatality to occur for those aged 16 to 30 is from 10pm
to 2:00am. From 2001 to 2011 there were 205 fatalities in this age
group. 75 were during this time period (37%).
The figures within some of the report are
subject to alteration following coroners' inquests.
All trespass statistics provided by
RSSB who are the rail industry body
in the UK.
Safety boost in
£2.7m M6 barrier project
ROAD user take note... A
£2.74m Highways Agency project to boost safety along the M6 in
Greater Manchester will get underway from Monday, 14 May 2012. The
Preparatory work to install a new section of concrete safety barrier
around Junction 27 of the motorway, at Standish, will start with
resurfacing and drainage improvements in the hard shoulder.
The project will extend improvements and safety benefits delivered
in 2 schemes between Junction 26 of the motorway at Orrell
Interchange and Junction 27 in 2010, when lighting and verge safety
barrier improvements were delivered alongside the installation of a
concrete central reservation barrier.
This year's project, which should be completed by Thursday, 23
August 2012, will extend the barrier between White Hill Footbridge
and Crow Orchard Road South through Junction 27.
Highways Agency project sponsor Jakub Malaj, said:- "Extending
the concrete barrier along this section of the M6 will make the
motorway even safer for drivers. Concrete barriers are stronger and
more robust than steel barriers, reducing the risk of vehicles
involved in accidents crossing from one side of the motorway to the
other and improving the safety of road users and road workers. The
barriers are also unlikely to require repairs after vehicle impact.
Concrete barriers also require less maintenance so this scheme will
also provide more reliable journeys for motorways users by reducing
the need for lane and carriageway closures for repairs. We have
worked hard to design a project that can also be delivered in a way
which minimises inconvenience to drivers and the traffic will be
able to use the motorway at all times."
The improvements will be delivered in two phases with a month of
work strengthening the hard shoulder and modifying the drainage.
This work will primarily be completed overnight between 8pm and 5am
with one lane closed in each direction of the motorway.
The 2nd phase of the project will take place between Friday, 15 June
2012 and Thursday, 23 August 2012, and will require around the clock
closure of lane 3 in each direction of the motorway, narrowed lanes,
some hard shoulder running and a 50mph speed limit. The hard
shoulder will be used as an additional running lane to ensure three
lanes of carriageway will be maintained in each direction.
Work will take place around the clock with further lane closures
overnight; although the motorway will remain open at all times.
Installation and removal of traffic management for the roadworks at
the beginning and end of the second phase of the work will require
the northbound exit and southbound access slip roads to be closed
overnight. Clearly-signed diversions will be in place, using the
motorway itself.
Titanic all set
for a show on the Mersey

TITANIC - the Musical is
all set to take to the waves as members of the West Kirby Light
Opera Society take their forthcoming production on board the World
Famous Mersey Ferry and help raise money for Calder Kids.
Come and join Mr Ismay, Mr Andrews and Captain Smith as they
congratulate each other on being the owner, designer and captain of
"The Largest Floating Object" in the world. There will
be lots of singing, dancing and celebrating by the passengers and
crew of the Titanic as they travel on the "Ship of Dreams".
The "Titanic" cruises will be departing from Liverpool
Pier Head Ferry Terminal at 1pm and 2pm on Saturday, 19 May 2012
with no additional charges, normal River Explorer Cruise prices
The West Kirby Light Opera Society's production of Titanic - The
Musical will be staged at The Liverpool Empire from 5 June 2012 to 9
June 2012. Contact:-
atgtickets.com/liverpool for
more information or telephone WKLOS on:- 0151 342 2143.
Merseytravel's charity of the year for 2012 is Calder Kids, a local
charity who offer a range of services for children and young people
with disabilities, including free play, youth and leisure
activities, outreach and after-school services.