don't cut it with children
CELEBRITIES aren't that
important to children after all according to research, despite the
panic over the burgeoning celebrity culture.
When school children were asked to pick the most important people in
Britain, celebrities ranked significantly lower than royals and
politicians, with showbiz mogul Simon Cowell getting less than half
as many votes as David Cameron (20% versus 45%).
The research among 650 UK school children, conducted for Galt Toys
by leading child research experts ChildWise, showed Ant and Dec were
important to only 21% of children and chart topper Harry Styles just
13%. Daniel Radcliffe has lost his magic, only receiving 8% of
It isn't great news for David Beckham either who ranked lower than
Boris Johnson with 13% of the votes versus 14%. Cheryl Cole was
important to just 11% of children. Brit winner Adele
gets just 6% of votes and Victoria Beckham trails in last with only
John McDonnell, Managing Director of Galt Toys commented:-
"Children aren't as frivolous as adults fear them to be. Our
findings show it's good news for the Royals in Jubilee year with the
Queen topping the importance poll by a significant margin (91%) and
the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in 2nd and 3rd place."
The Royal family can't rest on its laurels though as 2nd in line to
the throne Prince Charles lagged behind Prince William and the Prime
Minister, coming in 5th place. Prince William got more than double
the number of votes as his father (53% versus 25%).
Practice Makes Perfect is moving
Monday Group
THE Southport based
Practice Makes Perfect is a voluntary group that teaches finger
spelling for the deaf and also for deaf and blind. The courses cover
things like sign language, deaf awareness and communication skills.
The group's weekly Monday classes are soon to move to a new venue.
The move will take place on Monday, 2 July 2012 and will see their
evening classes being held at the The Salvation Army's New church.
Shakespeare Street. Southport. The classes will be held at the same
time (6pm to 8pm) and will still have disabled access. The new venue
also has disabled toilet and very large car park, as well as
internet access! Friday classes remain at Joint Learning
Partnership, 4th floor at the C.V.S building, on Shakespeare Street.
Southport. They will still run from 1.30om to 3pm weekly. |
hospital staff snorkel their way to Everest!

STAFF from Southport and
Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust have begun training for the challenge of
a lifetime to Mount Everest with some unusual equipment; snorkels.
3 brave staff members are taking on the 19-day trek to Everest base
camp to raise money for 3 charities. Ann Wearing, uro-oncology
specialist nurse, Cara Percival, staff nurse and Gurpreet Singh,
consultant urological surgeon are raising money for The Prostate
Cancer Charity, Macmillan and Southport's Spinal Unit Action Group (SUAG).
Training for the trek sees them walking for half an hour, 4 times
each weekday and 2 hours on both Saturday and Sunday building up to
8 hours every Saturday and Sunday. They have also been getting a
feel for the altitude by donning snorkels and walking up and down
stairs. The snorkels are intended to mimic the effect of breathing
thinner air at altitude.
The team will leave for Everest in March 2013 visiting Kathmandu,
Namah Bazaar, Dingboche, Kalapatar and finally arriving at the base
camp 5,545 metres above sea level.
Ann said:- "We're all training hard for the trek as we know
it'll be tough. There is a training walk in September that we're
going on and we're currently looking for walking clubs that we can
join for our long weekend walks.
Each of us are looking to raise at least £3,750 for our chosen
charities. I'm fortunate that Co-op stores in Southport have chosen
The Prostate Cancer Charity for their charity of the year. All money
raised through the stores will go towards my target. We will also be
arranging some events throughout the year, including a charity
dinner at the Ramada, Southport in September."