Formby Fire
Station Community Day

FORMBY Fire Station was
officially opened on 11 June 2012, by retired Chief Fire
Officer, Tony McGuirk and children from Trinity St Peter's
Junior School, Formby. It is one of the first of the new and
distinctively designed Community Fire Station across Merseyside.
It is apparently down to individual authorities to decide
whether to go down this path, which is already operating in
Northern Ireland, and Merseyside is amongst the first to follow.
The Fire Brigade are expected to be joined later by the Regional
Ambulance Service, but the timing has not yet been finalised.
The two services will share the same administrative staff.
Caroline McGee, the Community Safety Manager for Sefton was
enthusiastic about this new system, and pointed out that it will
also make it much easier to arrange more complex training
exercises together, covering a variety of scenarios, enhancing
performance to the benefit of all. There is a well equipped
staff gym on the site, which will also be available to the local
Primary Care Trust for them to arrange for their qualified staff
to with for their patients. Also extended to the community is
the use of a spacious meeting room, overlooking Liverpool Rd.
This will only be by prior application and approval however.
On Saturday, 14 June 2012, the station was open for public
inspection and also became the venue for various community
groups to fund raise and raise the profile of their
organisations. This included a splendid turn out of St John
Ambulance Brigade, who had also brought one of their mannekins
and were giving members of the public instruction on
resuscitation. The Fire Service Charities ran an interesting
stall, despite the challenge of the wind. Very popular amongst
the young folk were the yellow plastic helmets on sale. Also a
hit with the little ones was a tiny fire appliance provided by
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service Heritage and Education
Centre. This fascinating enterprise now has a home in the new
Bridle Road premises in Bootle, (Netherton end) . Visits are by
appointment; for further information, call:- 0151 296 4640 or
This collection should appeal to all age groups looking for an
interesting outing. Food and drinks, on Saturday were being
provided by a very cheery band of young people of the Prince's
Trust Volunteers, under the guidance of Jo-Anne Seddon. Their
aim was to raise money for the Sure Start Children's Charity in Netherton, where they are also helping with refurbishments. It
was heartening to hear their enthusiasm for their task. On offer
too, was the chance to sit in the two real fire engines and to
imagine and lots of youngsters were keen to try. Also popular
was the opportunity to scale the climbing tower, well togged out
and with expert advice on hand. It really was tempting, but the
little ones did so well, the competition was too strong.
All in all, a great achievement:- It isn't so long since Formby
faced the loss of appliances but now there is this spanking new
station. The whole concept of the Community Fire Station sounds
a very promising venture and we hope it will flourish, to the
advantage of all.
To see photographs taken at
this event, click on
here now!
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