Tenantspin, FACT
and Liverpool Mutual Homes Stage A Musical and Technology Initiative
SHELTERED housing residents will
take to the stage next week as part of a musical and technology
initiative as part of a FACT/LMH Independent Living project on
Tuesday, 3 July 2012.
As part of Tenantspin's programme at FACT, and in partnership with
Liverpool Mutual Homes, the Positive People's Platform will bring
guests an evening of musical and technological entertainment,
starting at 7pm in Screen 2, with tickets priced £2.
The Positive People's Platform are a group of over 50s residents
from LMH's Sheltered Housing Schemes from across Liverpool, there
are 17 schemes in total. They have been working with Tenantspin,
FACT and professional artists to create a musical that tells some of
their tales and experiences of technology.
Connected: From Gaslight to Satellite is themed around how the
participants feel about technology and learning how to use
technology for their own benefit along the way.
The residents, who are all over 55, have been exploring what
technology means to them, how it's impacted on their lives and how
it's changed over the years in a series of workshops. They are
working together with Artist Alison Kershaw and Musical Director
Jonathan Raisin to write and rehearse a series of original songs
based on their experiences.
Part of the Electric Blanket / LMH Independent Living programme, the
project also includes training in digital technology, led by FACT's
12 year old Tenantspin project.
The aim of the project is to help develop the participants' digital
skills, well being and confidence through an exciting new medium.
Musical Director Jonathan Raisin uses his experience as a songwriter
and composer to incorporate the technology themes and stories that
the participants initiate. Jonathan has worked in Liverpool for
nearly 25 years as a musician and project coordinator. He has
performed in many of the city's theatres (and most of the bars),
composing music for a number of shows, and running workshops with
half the world. Jonathan is co-director of Lost Voices and, for the
Capital of Culture in 2008 produced The Rightful Owners of the Song
with local singers and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
Jonathan Raisin said:- "The call out to take part in the project
went out to residents in LMH Sheltered Housing Schemes, with an age
range of 50+. We particularly aimed to engage the existing LMH
Positive People's Platform group, consisting of representatives from
each of the schemes, in order for them to act as advocates for the
project. Around 20 different people attended in all, and as the
project has evolved the following regular participants formed the
final group.”
The Electric Blanket is a programme of activity that has been
running since 2009. Developing the work Tenantspin has been
pioneering for the last 12 years, working with older people and
technology, in this case LMH's Sheltered Housing Residents. The
programme has developed over the last three years and is pushing
back the boundaries of what can be achieved by innovative support
programmes for tenants in sheltered housing schemes.
The project is lead by Tenantspin and the Tenantspin Producer Edwin Pink
told us that:- "I am really pleased with how the
Electric Blanket Programme has developed. The Connected: Gaslight to
Satellite Musical has all of the elements we strive to have in our Tenantspin projects, it is a genuine collaboration between everyone
involved. It is great we can be connected 24/7 to family and
friends, and work, but there will always be new technology and at
some point I may not want to, or be able to, keep up with it all.
The group all have different levels of technology in their lives,
texting, skyping, emailing, whatever suits them and keeps them
connected. However what they all have in abundance is a lust for
life and an energy to express themselves.”
For more information visit:- the FACT
website or longing
improvements to Queens Drive
WORK is about to start on a
£2.1m scheme to upgrade a section of Queens Drive in Liverpool. The
carriageway between Townsend Avenue and East Prescot Road will be
resurfaced in a phased scheme which will take up to 10 weeks to
complete. This scheme follows on from the resurfacing of Queens
Drive between Townsend Avenue and Stuart Road which was completed in
November 2011. Councillor Malcolm Kennedy, cabinet member for
regeneration and transport, said:- "This is the latest in an
investment programme to ensure that our major roads are brought up
to a much higher standard than they have been in the past decade.
The city needs to have good quality roads if it is to thrive. For
too long motorists have had to put up with patched-up carriageways
and we are determined that that is not going to go on. The
completion of this second phase of works as well as the first phase
completed in 2011 will have seen a total of 12 kilometres of Queens
Drive resurfaced in less than 12 months. Queens Drive is one of the
most important and busiest roads in the city, for businesses,
visitors and local residents and it is essential that it is
maintained to a high standard. Motorists will see a vastly improved
road when this section is complete. Inevitably there will be some
disruption but if we are to bring our main roads back to a decent
standard then we cannot avoid that. We will endeavour to keep the
traffic flowing as far as possible and we have attempted to let as
many road users know about this scheme in advance.”
The work gets under way on Monday 2 July on the first phase between
Townsend Avenue and Muirhead Avenue. The full programme is:-
► Townsend Avenue to Muirhead Avenue
from 2 July to 15 July 2012.
► Eastbound carriageway from 2 July to 6 July 2012.
► Westbound carriageway from 8 July to 13 July 2012.
► Townsend Avenue junction from 7 July to 8 July 2012.
► Muirhead Avenue junction from 14 July to 15 July 2012.
► Mill Bank to Derby Lane from 15 July to 28 July 2012.
► Eastbound carriageway from 15 July to 21 July 2012.
► Westbound carriageway from 22 July to 28 July 2012.
► Muirhead Avenue to Mill Bank from 29 July to 12 August 2012.
► Eastbound carriageway from 29 July to 4 August 2012.
► Westbound carriageway from 5 August to 10 August 2012.
► Mill Bank junction from 11 August to 12 August 2012.
► Derby Lane to Alder Road from 13 August to 26 August 2012.
► Eastbound carriageway from 13 August to 19 August 2012.
► Westbound carriageway from 19 August to 24 August 2012.
► Derby Lane junction from 25 August to 26 August 2012.
► Alder Road to East Prescot Road from 26 August to 9 September
► Eastbound carriageway from 26 August to 1 September 2012.
► Westbound carriageway from 2 September to 7 September 2012.
► Alder Road junction from 8 September to 9 September 2012.
Contra-flows will be in operation allowing for each carriageway to
completed with the traffic on the opposite carriageway running in
single lane each direction. Access to residences and
businesses will be maintained throughout the work. There will be no
traffic management on the days when football matches are played to
help with the traffic flow. Also information boards have
been in place for the last month and variable message signs will be
activated at key locations to advise about the work. All local
residents and businesses will be informed by letter about work
taking place before the start of each phase. Also the
public is being made aware that the contractor for the works is
Tarmac and Enterprise Liverpool will manage the project. |