Futures Partnership Strengthened
CHANGES in the structure of
the Community Interest Company set up to create apprenticeships have
been announced. Liverpool Futures was established last year
with the aim of creating more than 1300 apprenticeships over the
next 3 years. Shares in the company were divided between the
City Council and the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce.
Now the Chamber has agreed to sell part of its shares in the company
to Liverpool Community College to create a new, ever stronger
partnership to deliver apprenticeships across the city.
Councillor Nick Small, City Council cabinet member for skills,
enterprise and employment, said;- "This is a very positive
move. It means that three major institutions in the city now have a
strengthened stake in ensuring the success of the programme.
Although until now the College have been heavily involved in helping
develop Liverpool Futures they have not been shareholders. It makes
eminent sense that they should be so. With the College's work
in developing skills in the city it is only right that they should
have a key role and they will continue to work very closely with the
Chamber and its 1700 members. We are all committed to closing
the skills gap which exists in the city and ensuring our young
people get the high quality training which they need to compete in
the jobs market."
David Brennan, College Vice Principal commented:- "This
creates a partnership for the long term that will drive up the
number of apprentices in the city and create new opportunities for
our young people."
Carole Crosby, the Chamber's acting chief executive, said:-
"Liverpool Chamber of Commerce is fully committed to helping the
city achieve its goals in reducing youth unemployment. Engaging with
Liverpool Community College creates a very strong partnership and by
working together we can make a positive impact on the skills and
employment agenda."
Since May 2010 Liverpool City Council, working with partners, has
helped create 677 apprenticeships.
The scheme is particularly aimed at 16-19 year olds who are not in
education, employment or training (NEET); care leavers; teenage
parents; looked after children; young offenders; residents from
disadvantaged communities and black and minority ethnic groups.
WITH the 2012 Games well
underway, new research by the Kennel Club shows that a staggering
60% of people in the North West of England are LESS active this year
than last. Surprisingly, just 3% of people in the North West
have been inspired to get fit by the Games, and less than 1% feels
inspired by Olympic role models.
The research, carried out by the Kennel Club ahead of its
International Agility Festival, taking place in Northamptonshire
from 10 August to 12 August 2012, found that in comparison 29% of people found
their dog inspires them to get more active.
The research found that 61% of Brits use walking and walking their
dog as a main form of exercise, compared to just 9% that use the
gym. 58% of Brits who own a dog were found to exercise more than 4
times a week compared to 1 in 5 non-dog owners. Furthermore, 8 out
of 10 people say having a dog makes them walk more.
Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club Secretary said:- "We feel that
this new research demonstrates the impact that having a dog can make
to owners' health and fitness. Being a dog owner involves lots of
walking, and a third of British dog owners use walking their dog as
a main form of exercise. There are also lots of sports that people
can participate in such as dog agility. We were shocked to see
the dramatic decline in people who are active this year compared to
last year. We expected to see the opposite in the run up to the
Games, where people would be expected to take more interest in
sports and fitness."
Olympic swimming ace Sharron Davies and fitness guru Rosemary Conley
back the Kennel Club's Get Fit with Fido Challenge to encourage dogs
and their owners to get fit together.
Sharron Davies said:- "People are leading more and more
sedentary lifestyles which is having a worrying effect on people's
health. The most important thing when exercising is to do something
fun that you will stick to, so working out with your dog is an ideal
The winner of the Get Fit With Fido challenge will be announced at
the Kennel Club International Agility Festival which takes place
from 10 August to 12 August 2012, at Kelmarsh Hall, Northamptonshire. Thousands of
dogs will compete across 17 agility rings over the 3 days,
jumping and weaving their way round the various courses.
Anyone can
come along to watch on the day; entrance is free with a £5 parking
To find out more about the International Agility Festival and the
Get Fit With Fido initiative, visit their
website or
email them.