Shooting stars
In The Heavens Above Us

IF you lucky and spotted clear sky over 11
August to 14 August 2012, you might have seen the annual firework
display being in the North Eastern sky. The Perseid Meteor Shower is
visible for a bit longer still but the peak of the shower was on the
13 August 2012. If you look over the next week; between Perseus and
Cassiopeia, you might still see some of the bright lights shooting
across the sky as the meteors burn up in the Earth's atmosphere. At
its peak the shower can produce 20 to 30 meteors per hour passing
through our atmosphere. Sadly, the new street lighting being
installed by Sefton Council has had a detrimental impact on the
night sky so, for a better chance of seeing any stragglers falling
to Earth, try to find a dark place, like the sand dunes, that is not
affected by the lights from the roads or houses...

Detectives have released an e-fit of a man they would like to speak
to in connection with the assault of a woman in Crosby.
Officers are investigating the incident, which happened on 17 July
2012, when a man entered a house on Park Road at around 4pm.
He was confronted by the female
occupant and when asked to leave he punched and kicked her to the
face. The 55 year old victim sustained bruising that needed medical
attention. The offender is described as white, around 5ft 8in tall,
in his late teens or early twenties with dark hair and stubble. He
had a deep voice and spoke with a Liverpool accent. He was wearing a
dark blue or black zipless hooded top with Nike tracksuit bottoms.
Crime scene investigators have examined the scene, house-to-house
enquiries have been carried out and CCTV is being sought. Officers
are appealing to anyone with any information in connection with the
incident to come forward.
DC Nick Carney said:- "This was a cowardly and unprovoked
attack on a woman in her own home. She has been left very shaken and
upset by the incident. We appeal to anyone who may recognise the man
from the e-fit to call us in case he has information that could help
the investigation. Offences of this nature are completely
unacceptable and we appeal to the community to come forward with
information so we can take action against the offences."
Anyone with any information is asked to call Sefton CID Burglary
Team on:- 0151 777 3059, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on:- 0800
555 111. |
MERSEYSIDE Police Officers
are appealing for information following the theft of bikes belonging
to 2 teenage boys in Southport. The boys, who are 13 and 14, had
been visiting a friend on Cobden Road on 4 August 2012 and had left
their bikes in the front garden. 2 men got out of a van, at around
3.45pm and rode off with the pair's bikes. The van is described as a
white transit style van with:- 'Aspinall and son building
contractors' in blue outlined lettering on the side. The
bikes are described as a black Saxon Trax mountain bike with
American flags on the inside of the wheel frames and a silver:-
"We The People" BMX style bike with green wheel trims. The 2
men who rode off on the bikes are described as mixed race and around
5ft 8in tall. 1 is believed to be in his early 20's, of medium build
with short black hair and was wearing a blue baseball cap, a navy
horizontally striped polo shirt, blue jeans and white trainers. The
other is thought to be in his late 30's to early 40's; of large
build, with a bald head and was wearing a red t-shirt with
horizontal white stripes, blue jeans and white trainers. The driver
of the van is described as a white man believed to be in his late
30's or early 40's with a bald head and was wearing a dirty white
polo shirt. Officers have been conducting house to house enquiries
and CCTV is being sought. PC Mike Powell said:- "We are
appealing to anyone with any information in connection with the
incident to call us so we can take action against the offenders and
reunite the boys with their bikes. We are particularly keen to hear
from anyone who knows the whereabouts of the van, or who has been
offered to buy either of the bikes. I would like to take this
opportunity to remind members of the public that it is an offence to
buy stolen goods." Anyone with any information is asked to
call Merseyside Police on:- 0151 777 3440, or Crimestoppers,
anonymously, on:- 0800 555 111.
Driver advice for Cheshire's
annual Creamfields Weekender
THE Highways Agency are now
advising drivers that traffic is likely to be busy around the M56
and M6 over the forthcoming bank holiday weekend with up to 55,000
music lovers heading to the annual Creamfields festival in Cheshire.
Creamfields 2012 features three days of events; running between 2pm
on Friday, 24 August 2012, through to 11pm on Sunday, 26 August
2012. Anyone thinking of driving to the event is advised to plan
their journey and leave plenty of time to get to the festival site
on Daresbury Estate near Runcorn, just off Junction 11 of the M56.
Car parks to the site will open at noon on the Friday and close at
2pm on bank holiday Monday, 27 August 2012. Traffic approaching on
the M6 from the south will be directed via the M56 from Junction 11.
Traffic approaching on the M6 from the north will be directed via
the M62 from Junction 7. Traffic Officers at the North West
Regional Control Centre at Newton-le-Willows, nerve centre of the
regional Highways Agency Traffic Officer Service, will use their
electronic motorway signs across the local network to guide festival
goers to the site and give information on any incidents or
congestion. Meanwhile, other road users are being advised that
the M56 around Junctions 10, 11 and 12 around Runcorn is likely to
be busy at key times of the weekend. The M56 interchange with the M6
is also likely to experience higher volumes of traffic. Electronic
signs along the M6, M56 and M62 will be used to give advance warning
about the event. Highways Agency contractors will also be
deploying portable variable message signs near the venue to give
advice to drivers. The Highways Agency is advising motorists to
check the latest travel information before setting out as well as
listening for radio traffic alerts and heeding electronic signs once
they are on the move. The North West Traffic Officer Service has
been working closely with Cheshire Police and festival organisers to
manage the impact on the local motorway network. Highways Agency
Traffic Officers at Knutsford will have particular responsibility
for monitoring traffic conditions on the M56 around the festival;
but will be supplemented by an extra patrol from the Rob Lane
outstation at Newton-Le-Willows. Phil Stockford, Highways
Agency Events Planning Officer, said:- "We will be doing all
we can to manage traffic around the event and keep drivers on the
move; festival goers and other drivers can help themselves by
planning their journeys and keeping themselves up to date with
traffic information. Previous festivals have passed off fairly
successfully although we have had one or two issues with people from
the site walking on the motorway network. We would like to remind
everyone that the motorway is no place for pedestrians; it is
dangerous and illegal and having pedestrians on the network can
cause delays for legitimate motorway users." Anyone found
walking on the motorway network without a legitimate reason can be
given a £30 on-the-spot fine by Police. |