GCSE results
smash national average
PROVISIONAL figures show
the number of students getting 5 good GCSE results including English
and Maths in Liverpool is above the national average for the first
time ever.
Data provided by schools to the city council shows 58.6% of 4,887
pupils achieved the standard; up from 55% last year and compared to
an indicative national average of 58%. For the 5th year in a
row, the number getting 5 A* - C across all subjects has exceeded
the national average. In Liverpool it now stands at 86.7%, a rise of
2.4% compared to last year and against a national average for 2012
of 82%.
Councillor Jane Corbett, Cabinet member for education, said:-
"This is a landmark day for the city and completes an amazing
turnaround in education over the last decade or so. I am so
proud of all of our young people who have secured such incredible
results. This achievement is down to everyone who has worked so hard
throughout the year; pupils, teachers, support staff, parents,
carers and governors. They all deserve a huge amount of credit for
their efforts. These results send out a very clear message that
pupils right across Liverpool are getting a fantastic education, and
with our plans for new schools as part of the City Deal we can only
continue to go from strength to strength."
West Derby Secondary School and North Liverpool Academy achieved
100% of pupils getting 5 good grades and 11 schools are celebrating
after all pupils got A* - G grades. And 93% of the city's
secondary schools are above the Government 'floor' target of 40% of
pupils getting five good GCSE's including English and Maths.
The council's Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS)
is also celebrating success for its community languages programme. A
total of 97% of students who were entered for Arabic GCSE got A*-C
grades and 76% achieved A grades. In Bengali, all students got good
grades and in Chinese and Polish all got A or A*.
A Year of
outstanding GCSE results at Range High School, Formby
PUPILS at Range High School
are still celebrating another outstanding year of GCSE results. 76%
achieved 5 good passes including English and Maths, with 48%
achieving grades A* or A. Headteacher Graham Aldridge said:-
"We are so proud of all our pupils and the results they have
received today, which represent the culmination of 5 years of hard
work by them and their teachers. These grades represent significant
progress for all our pupils from their individual starting points
and we are delighted for them and their families. Each year more and
more of our pupils gain the highest grades which is a superb
achievement for them and the school."
Welsh Streets
consultation begins
CONSULTATION is starting on
draft design proposals to rejuvenate homes in the Welsh Streets in
Liverpool. A community workshop has given residents the chance
to share their views, feedback and stories that will help shape a
new identity for the Welsh Streets, and larger public drop in events
will be held at Toxteth Town Hall in September 2012.
Residents were given the chance to see for themselves the £15
million draft proposals which have been developed following the
government's recent announcement of additional funding for the
The proposed scheme, delivered by the city council and Plus Dane,
includes the delivery of over 150 affordable, high-quality new homes
for the local community and new residents, built to the highest
standards. The properties, for rent and sale, will provide a diverse
mix of housing for the area, and will be designed to be energy
efficient and spacious, with many including gardens.
The plans will also see the development of proposals to retain and
refubish 32 terraced properties; 16 on these on Madryn Street and
16 Kelvin Grove. Liverpool City Council will launch a pilot scheme
in September to give the local community working in partnership with
a lead organisation the opportunity to take over and refurbish the
16 Madryn Street properties which had previously been earmarked for
demolition; including 9 Madryn Street, the childhood home of Ringo
The city council's Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Ann
O'Byrne, said:- "We have been working closely with the
community for many years on these plans, and we want to make sure
local people continue to be at the heart of the decision-making
process as we reach this final consultation stage. We are really
excited about these proposals, because we believe they will
revitalise the Welsh Streets. They are focused on delivering the
type of homes that people have consistently told us they want to
live in, houses with gardens and driveways in a vibrant, attractive
neighbourhood. We continue to refurbish properties wherever
possible, but some demolition is necessary if we want to create a
better balance of housing in the area. Everything we are doing is
aimed at building a brighter future for the area, so we hope local
residents will get on-board, have their say and support these
The plans for the Welsh Streets form part of the wider housing
renewal programme in the Princes Park neighbourhood which was
declared in 2005 for a period of up to 10 years. There are 2,500
properties within the renewal area and over 80% of the
existing properties are to be retained.
The Welsh Streets was identified as a renewal area as part of the
city's Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment (NRA) in 2005, following an
appraisal of the physical condition of properties and socio-economic
The community consultation workshops have given residents the chance
to view the plans and proposals, hold discussions in small groups
that will help inform a new brand and identity for the Welsh
Streets, and provide feedback to the council and Plus Dane.
Following the consultation, a final planning application will be
submitted. |