MECCA Southport
MECCA Southport and Real People Magazine have
joined forces to launch a search to find local Community Champions. The campaign seeks to reward the unsung heroes of communities across
the UK who regularly go above and beyond the call of duty without
asking for thanks or recognition.
There are 6 different categories and the winner of each will receive
£1,000. From those 6, the judges will then agree an overall winner
who will receive an additional cheque for a whopping £5,000!
The full list of categories is:-
► The Caring Person Of The Year - Celebrating those who do their bit
by providing care for those in need.
► The Hero Pet Of The Year - This award is for the animal superstars
who have helped in practical or emotional ways and it doesn't even
have to be your pet.
► The Unsung Hero Of The Community – Recognising the individuals or
groups who quietly – and often without reward – work to make their
local area a better place for everyone.
► The Community Neighbour Of The Year - Say thank you to your good
neighbours who perhaps feed your pets when you are away or take care
of the kids when there's a crisis.
► The Longstanding Community Project Of The Year - This is for a
project that has been running for a few years which helped to change
your area and the lives of the people within it.
► The Community Big Idea Of The Year - The project that will really
help to transform your community which could do with a bit more
money to really get it off the ground.
Commenting on the search, Brian Hennigan, general manager of Mecca
Southport said:- "Just from chatting to customers in our
clubs, we know that there are lots of people out there who do
fantastic work for their local community but who prefer to keep it
quiet. This campaign is in celebration of those people, pets or
projects which have made a big difference and we all really look
forward being able to recognise and reward some very deserving
people and projects."
Samm Taylor, editor of Real People magazine said:- "We are
delighted to be joining forces with Mecca to launch this campaign.
From the readers' stories we receive on a weekly basis, we know
there are lots of people out there who quietly go about making a
difference to their local communities. Well, we want to give those
people – and pets! – the chance to shine and receive a very well
deserved thank you from others in their local community."
Entry is either through the magazine or at and the
campaign will be live from 30 August 2012, until 4 November 2012.
Witness Appeal following assault
on West Street in Southport
Detectives are appealing for information after a man was assaulted
in Southport in the early hours of Sunday, 2 September 2012.
Officers were called to West Street at around 3.10am by paramedics
after a 47 year old local man was found unconscious. He was taken to
hospital for treatment for head injuries and is in a stable
condition. Officers are investigating the incident and believe the
man sustained the injuries as a result of a disturbance. CCTV and
witnesses are being sought, house to house enquries have been
carried out and crime scene investigators have examined the area. A
28 year old man from St Helens was later arrested on Sunday, 2
September 2012, on suspicion of grievous bodily harm and was later
released without charge. He was given a fixed penalty notice for
drunk and disorderly behaviour. DI John Williams said:- "We
are trying to establish what occurred and are appealing to anyone
who may have any information about this incident to contact us so we
can take action against the offender." Anyone with any
information is asked to call Sefton CID on:- 0151 777 3011, or
Crimestoppers, anonymously, on:- 0800 555 111. |
Experts agree
children will not learn about risk if they are wrapped in cotton
should have the opportunity to take risks when they are playing,
experts said. The Play Safety Forum (PSF) and Health and Safety
Executive (HSE) have agreed an approach to managing risk to give
play providers the confidence to offer exciting and challenging play
environments without unnecessary safety concerns and paperwork.
The joint Statement recognises the importance of play for children's
well-being and development. The overarching message to all bodies
that have an impact on children play is that when planning and
providing opportunities the goal is not to eliminate risk, but to
weigh up the risks and benefits - no child will learn about risk if
they are wrapped in cotton wool. PSF and HSE urge all organisations
to embrace the recommendations and principles in the Statement.
Click here to read the full
The Statement is a response to the fact that children have suffered
a significant loss in their freedom to play over the past 40 years
or so. Previous research has shown that a shocking half of children
aged 7 to 12 are not allowed to climb a tree without an adult present
and that one in five children aged 7 to 12 have been stopped from
playing conkers because it's 'too dangerous.' The
Government-commissioned report Common Sense Common Safety has also
recommended the adoption of more sensible and proportionate
approaches to risk management particularly with respect to play
Robin Sutcliffe, chair of the Play Safety Forum said:- "I
believe that this will be a landmark statement, helping councils,
schools, charities and others to give children and young people
greater freedom to experience challenging and adventurous play and
leisure opportunities. The implications for society will be far
reaching and my thanks go to the HSE for embracing this concept and
working with PSF so positively."
Judith Hackitt, Chair of the Health and Safety Executive said:-
"Health and safety laws are often wrongly cited as a reason to
deny children opportunities, contributing to a cotton wool culture.
I welcome this statement which brings clarity and focus to what
really matters when managing the risks associated with children's
play. Whilst HSE's main focus is on health and safety in the
workplace, it is clear that attitudes to risk are formed long before
young people enter the world of work. Play outdoors teaches young
people how to deal with risk and without this they are ill equipped
to deal with working life."
Find out more about your local
hospitals at the Annual General Meeting!
out more about how 3 of your local hospitals; the Royal Liverpool
University Hospital, Broadgreen Hospital and the Liverpool
University Dental Hospital; have performed in the past year and our
plans for the future, at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday,
10 September 2012. There will be presentations providing an overview
of the past year's performance and some exciting future plans,
including the new Royal and BioCampus developments.
"We will also formally present the annual report and accounts
for 2011/2012 and there will be a number of exhibition stands
displaying various initiatives in place at the Trust. Speakers on
the day will Judith Greensmith, chair, Diane Wake, interim Chief
Executive and John Graham, finance director. Those attending will
have the opportunity to put their questions to them. The AGM is
taking place on 10 September at 10am in the Lecture Theatre at the
Education Centre, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Prescot
Street, L7 8XP. Refreshments will be served after the
presentations." said Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen
University Hospitals NHS Trust.
Directions to the Royal can be found at:- If you
would like to attend and have any specific requirements, please
contact the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS
Trust Communications Team on:- 0151 706 5584 or 0151 706 5489.