Lessons in
NEW students arriving in
Liverpool are being urged to get into the recycling habit from the
start of their time in the City.
The City Council is working with the Liverpool Guild of Students to
promote recycling at a series of events.
They start at the Freshers Fair at Mountford Hall on Sunday, 23
September 2012, from 12pm to 4pm, the first time the Council has had
its recycling caravan at the event.
Students will be offered bins at a cutprice £1 for them to separate
waste in their homes and advised about recycling of food waste and
composting. They will even be given fridge magnets which have dates
of when to leave their recycling bins out.
“Liverpool has a very high student population and we have been
working with the Guild of Students in projects such as Leave
Liverpool Tidy so that students get the reduce, reuse and recycle
message But it is important that we encourage new students to start
recycling right away. It is probably the first time they have lived
away from home and it may have been their parents who took the
responsibility for recycling. We want to make it easy for them to be
able to separate waste and remind them when they should leave their
bins out.” said Councillor Laura Robertson-Collins, Chair of
the Council’s Recycling and Waste Management Working Group.
Councillor Steve Munby, cabinet member for neighbourhoods said:-
"We want to involve all sections of the community; including
students; in helping us to recycle more. This is one of a number of
initiatives which will see the amount of material which would
otherwise end up in landfill being recycled."
re-appealing for information following the unexplained death on
Wednesday, 12 September 2012, of a 64 year old man believed to be
from the Skelmersdale area. The man, has not yet been formally
identified, was found by a member of the public with head and facial
injuries on Althorpe Drive at around 6am on 12 September 2012. He
died a short time later in Southport District General Hospital. A
post-mortem examination carried out has found that he died as a
result of suspected compound fracture of his skull. Detectives are
trying to establish how he sustained the injury and are keen to hear
from anyone who may have seen him, potentially on his own or with
others, in the area between the hours of 11pm on Tuesday, 11
September 2012 and 6am yesterday, or heard anything in the area. In
particular, officers are keen to speak to anyone who may have seen
him in the alley way next to Althorpe Drive and Fordham Close
between those times. Anyone with any information is asked to call
Sefton CID on:- 0151 777 3055, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on:-
0800 555 111.
SEFTON Coroner's Court are
trying to trace the next of kin of a man from Skelmersdale. Robert
Hallam, 64, who is from Aspen Way in Skelmersdale died at Southport
District General Hospital on Wednesday, 12 September 2012. His death
is subject to an Inquest at H.M. Coroner's Court in Southport. Mr
Hallam may have a son living in Irelend. His next of kin, or anyone
who knows of their whereabouts, is asked to call Sefton Coroner's
Court on:- 0151 777 3481. |
Vicar completes
Olympic length Triathlon in aid of Church Roof Fund.
Photographs and report with
thanks to Nancy Lloyd Parry

ST John’s Church, Ainsdale,
needs a new roof and the Rev. thought of a fantastic way to get some
funds in. The building has been closed since November 2011 and
services are being held in the church hall while the money is raised
to reroof and reorder the church.
The Vicar of St John’s Church Ainsdale, Reverend Graham Birch raised
£1800 towards the church Development Fund on Sunday 9 September 2012
when he completed not just a swim or a run or a bike ride, but all
The Olympic length Triathlon held at Tatton Park, Cheshire involved
swimming 1500 metres in the cold waters of the lake, cycling 38
kilometers and running 10 kilometers, with no rest in between.
was a tough challenge and there were problems that Graham had not
foreseen. He said:- "The 1500 metres swim was a struggle as my
wet suit was tight and I had difficulty breathing in the cold water.
I managed to undo the back of the wetsuit while swimming and then I
could breathe a lot better, but it was very cold!"
Graham completed the swim and the bike ride went well, but he faced
more difficulties in the 10k run. "I started to suffer from
severe cramps and hobbled the last 7 k in a lot of pain."
Despite these problems Graham completed the whole triathlon in a
time of 2 hours and 50 minutes, faster than the 3 hours target he
was aiming for.
The congregation of St John’s Ainsdale is very proud of their
Vicar’s achievement and has given generously to sponsor him. A
Church member said:- "Graham has set us all an example both
spiritually and physically. When the church is re-opened we shall
always remember the contribution he made to the fund raising."
If you would like to show your admiration of Graham’s achievement by
contributing to the St John’s Church Ainsdale Development Fund fund
phone:- 01704 577 760.