Farm’s field flooded again
GREENBELT land that the building firm, David
Wilson Homes (part of Barratt Developments Ltd) are proposing to
build can bee seen clearly this week as part of a flood plain and it
often floods as it has this week. When our reporter was out and
spotted a local person, who was draining some one’s house and
garden, we asked if he would buy a house built on the fields in
question, he replied:- “not ....... likely!” The firm
must have done their home work on the area, so it raises the
question, why are they so keen to get planning permission to build
houses and flats on such a wet greenbelt area? They have been
reported as having stated that, no matter what the local people
think, or want, they will be building on that patch of land.
Regretfully, we are still awaiting their comments about the reaction
of the local people of Formby regarding the development proposal.
Also if you did not read our report about the F.R.A.G.O.F.F. meeting
on Friday, 14 September 2012, go to the previous
edition now, to see the
report on last weeks issue. The pictures on this edition show the
receding waters during Wednesday, 26 September 2012. Email our
newsroom with your views on this topic or any other in this weeks
issue to:-
The Wirral Star
Party 2012 are you going?
THE Liverpool Astronomical Society and the
Wirral Ranger Services will be holding another "Wirral Star
Party" from 7:00pm, on Saturday, 20 October 2012, at the
Wirral Country Park, Thurstaston Visitor Centre, Station Road,
Thurstaton, Wirral, CH61 0HN. the event is
FREE and also has free Car Parking. To find out more
call:- 0151 648 4271 or 0151 220 8718. Directions to Venue can be
found via this
link. Also did you know that
the Liverpool Astronomical Society is now celebrating 131 Years of
astronomy on Merseyside? Visit:- to find out more! |
Forest chiefs
pledge more cash for new woods on Merseyside
THE Forest Chiefs want to see more woods take
root on Merseyside and they are pledging increased grants for
landowners willing to branch out. Creating places for people to
walk, keep fit and relax is highlighted as a top priority by the
Forestry Commission in a revamped grants scheme targeting new
woodland creation. Research has shown that nurturing woodlands near
to where people live is a key motivator in getting them to be more
active and in promoting well-being.
Working with partners, that includes the Mersey Forest; many urban
woods have already been planted, but more needs to be
done. The new move will offer significantly higher grant rates for
eligible scheme as an incentive to green the land.
Keith Jones, Area Director with the Forestry Commission for the
North West, said:- “We’ve done a mapping exercise so we can
target our grants better than ever before to meet Government
objectives. Better community access to woodlands is a key issue on
Merseyside and so it is a priority area for the top level of grant.
Greening urban areas can also mitigate the effects of climate
change, offer attractive settings for people and businesses and
provide a refuge for wildlife.”
Woodlands cover just 3.8% of Merseyside compared to
the national average of 8%. The £59m Newlands land regeneration
programme has already had a significant impact creating Bidston Moss
Community Woodland and two final schemes are underway with delivery
partners at Wirral Waters and the Bromborough landfill site.
Creating more publicly accessible woodlands is one of the national
priorities under the revamped English Woodland Creation Grant
Scheme. Other top aims include planting trees to improve water
quality, prevent soil erosion and alleviate the severity of
flooding, linking together existing woodland habitats and creating
productive woods to support the rural economy. Grants up to £4,800
per hectare are available subject to being within targeted priority
geographical zones, delivering against the relevant priority and
other eligibility rules. For more information go to:- or
contact:- 01524 565800. |