Scare Fest 3
- Beyond The Book

THIS was an interesting
event, which sadly did not get the backing it should have had.
With 3 events being held on Saturday, 6 October 2012, from a
children's production of a yet to be released Broadway play to 8
amazing authors performing live on stage, it was a huge shame
the seriously ghoulish fun activities did not get seen by a
bigger audience. The day started with an author's workshop,
followed by the Scream Street Game show and Bella Donna show,
run by the authors of the books themselves! Then there came a
premiere of the Spook's Apprentice Play, by Joseph and Stephen
Delaney. This massive undertaking was performed by a few school
children from Formby High School. With just 3 weeks to learn the
lines, they did fantastically well, even with some very basic props. A stunning job,
considering the oldest was 13 years of age! Plus make up on the
kids was
done by Lixi, who is a professional makeup artist, to give the
children added encouragement. Little did they know that they
would have to later stand in for Curtis Jobling, who sadly could not
make the evening show due to food poisoning. After the play came
David Gatward and his presentation of his book Doom Rider. The
evening had a bigger turnout and the kids took to the stage to
perform again for a few scenes from the play. Then we had the
full Extra Gore Vanza! The seven remaining authors from the
evening's line up took to the stage. This was the professional
part of the evening's performance and ran like clockwork. The
authors veering styles of presentation, with some in costumes,
others with PowerPoint demonstrations, not forgetting Jon
Mayhew with his amazing
music, who posted on his Facebook Page on Sunday, 7 October
2012:- "Recovering from Scarefest 3 last night and planning
taking over the world with my shruti box..." so you all have
been warned... The other fantastic authors where
Tommy Donbavand,
Barry Hutchison, Philip
Caveney, Joseph Delaney and the
unforgettable David Gatward. Also on the night the audience had
the opportunity to pick up a limited edition copy of some short
stories, written for the event by the authors themselves. We
would like to thank the authors for not only putting on a
fantastic and highly enjoyable performance, but also helping to
inspire future writers. A massive well done must go to Tony
Higginson from Formby Books, who put everything on the line to
deliver this event for the people of Sefton. We cannot how ever
forget the children who preformed, delivering a theatrical
display of future talent. Plus the fantastic help of the The
Civic and their staff. Sadly if you wanted a copy of the
stories, well you should have been at the event!
To see more photographs taken at the event, please click on

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