Merseytravel offer training to'Get Britain

partnership with Warrington Business School and Stagecoach
Merseyside, have supported the governments'Get Britain Working'
measures by creating a Sector Based Work Academy for bus drivers.
Working with Job Centre Plus, Merseytravel invited applications to
attend a 5 week training course at their Mann Island HQ with 12
successful applicants being selected. Designed with input from
employers and Merseytravel, and focussing on the customer journey,
the training was delivered by Warrington Business School.
In addition to the classroom element of the training the students
spent a week at the Stagecoach depot and received practical driving
training, they were also given a tour of the busy Queens Square bus
station and heard lectures from key Merseytravel staff to support
their learning experience. Upon completion of the course Stagecoach
will interview each of the students, giving them valuable job
interview experience and they will also be considered for any
current vacancies.
One of the students on the course, Brian Jones from Kirkdale said:-
"This is a great opportunity to get real knowledge and
experience of the job before we even apply. Obviously nothing's
guaranteed but this course has put me in a really strong position to
get a job with Stagecoach in the future."
Merseytravel's Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) funding will
support the successful applicants with their Passenger Carrying
Vehicle (PCV) training so that they are truly job ready.
At the class Celebration of Achievement Merseytravel's Director of
Corporate Development, Liz Chandler said:- "Merseytravel want
to put Merseyside people first. We are working with our partners to
provide quality job opportunities and training with the focus
throughout the learning being on supporting the passengers."
Only 10 of the 12 students finished the 5 week course as two of the
original students secured employment before completing their
Merseytravel hope to roll out this initiative by working with other
transport sector employers and Job Centre Plus to offer further job
specific training in the future.
MERSEYSIDE Police confirmed that its officers had attended an
incident, at around 10.20am, on Friday, 19 October 012, near the the
Switch Island interchange where the M58 meets the M57, A5036 and
local roads. Following the report of a mans body being found,
patrols from the force attended and found a male body, thought to be
in his 40s. The body was declared dead at the scene and the area was
sealed off for forensic examination. A closure was then put in place
on the Eastbound carriageway of the M58, from Switch Island whilst
the body was removed. The man is yet to be formally identified and a
post mortem examination is taking place to establish the cause of
death. Police are appealing for anyone who may have been in the area
and has seen or heard anything that might be relevant to their
investigation to call:- 101. |
reviews are published
MERSEYTRAVEL reveal the findings of 2 reviews into the
running of the organisation. The new Chair of Merseytravel,
Cllr Liam Robinson, commissioned the reviews to make sure that past
issues regarding the organisation were fully examined; and actions
taken to address any shortcomings.
"I believe it's important that we identify past challenges and
examine them thoroughly, and then take steps to make sure all our
future practices are of the highest possible standards. Many
of the issues identified have already been dealt with, and we are
taking decisive action on the others. It's
important to keep perspective on these matters, and remember that
the reviews identify many areas where past performance is recognised
as first class." said
Cllr Robinson.
Accountancy firm Mazars carried out an independent review of issues
raised in a dossier earlier in the year, while Merseyside local
authorities carried out a'peer review', led by Carole
Hudson, Chief Executive of St Helens Council.
That review said that Merseytravel can be commended for good work on
public transport, including successful partnership working,
transport planning, focus on the long-term Local Transport Plan,
encouragement of smarter travel options and asset management.
However, it also confirmed a number of challenges to be addressed in
relation to the way decisions have been made in the past.
Cllr Robinson said that actions already under way to address these
challenges include:-
A new 3 year Corporate Plan.
► The implementation of a new Customer Strategy.
► Revised governance, committee decision making structures,
including a new elected member and officer protocol being approved.
► A shift to'zero based' budgeting, where all budgets require a
business case before funding is allocated each year.
► Improvements in financial reporting and budgeting.
► A new communications strategy.
The Mazars review identified issues around:-
Lack of challenge on key decisions.
► Failure to tackle internal audit issues.
This review added:- "It's apparent that the authority is
taking measures to deal with the issues raised… and to improve
corporate governance at Merseytravel generally."
Cllr Robinson added:- "As we examine the reports in detail,
any further areas where action is required will be dealt with
thoroughly and firmly.
New actions I have instructed to get under way immediately from
are:- ► The drafting of a new Constitution for Merseytravel, carried out
with support from legal officers from our district partners
► A redefining of what constitutes a key decision, to give greater
clarity for approval processes for important decisions and
investments and allow more robust forward planning.
This will mean that the public and our partners will be able to have
full confidence in Merseytravel and its central role working with
the districts and other partners to deliver the world-class
integrated transport network that is so vital to the success of the
city region.
We will not be afraid to take the tough decisions required to ensure
we deliver a World Class integrated public transport system for the
economic, social and environmental benefit of the people of
Merseyside." |