Response to Defibrillator e-petition 'unhelpful & disappointing'
THE Government have responded to an e-petition
calling for lifesaving Defibrillators to be installed in all public
buildings & Schools. The move comes after Andrew Lansley, Leader of
the House of Commons (responsible for the e-petitions system)
lowered the trigger for a response to 10,000 signatures, leaving
100,000 signatures for a debate, in a move designed to bring more
faith in the e-petition system. The Oliver King Foundation was set
up following the death of Oliver King, a pupil at King David High
School in Childwall, in March 2011. He tragically died during a
swimming lesson from Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS). SADS
takes the lives of 12 young people aged between 12 and 35 years old
EVERY week. The e-petition was created in March 2012 by Wavertree
Cllr Jake Morrison who has been working closely with Oliver's
family, and the Foundation, since June 2011, to ensure something is
done to help prevent / reduce deaths from SADS in the future. It is
estimated that 270 children die of a sudden cardiac arrest while at
school in the UK every year, and is the same medical condition that
struck former Bolton Wanderers footballer Fabrice Muamba last
season, forcing his retirement from the game. In October The Oliver
King Foundation handed over the 1st Defibrillator to Pinehurst
Primary School, as part of a scheme which will see all 122 Liverpool
Primary School's receive this lifesaving equipment as part of a
£102,640 project. The Government appreciates how devastating this
issue is for all families and friends who are affected. Sudden
cardiac death is a very complex issue. It can be caused by a range
of different conditions, many of which are difficult to detect
through screening. There is no single test that can pick up all of
these conditions, nor is it possible to say which abnormalities will
lead to sudden death. For some of the conditions implicated in
sudden death there is no known or proven treatment. The chances of
sudden heart attacks in apparently fit young people are tiny, but
the consequences are nevertheless tragic. Whilst screening has the
potential to save lives, it is not a foolproof process. Early
diagnosis can reduce the risk of developing a condition or its
complications, but it cannot guarantee protection. It is very
important that screening for a condition is introduced only where
there is evidence that it will be effective, that the benefits
outweigh the potential harm and that it does not give misleading
information to the person being screened or the clinician. The UK
National Screening Committee (UK NSC) advises ministers and the NHS
in all four UK countries about all aspects of screening policy. It
recommended in 2008 that a national screening programme for
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), an important cause of sudden
death in those under thirty, should not be introduced, as sudden
cardiac death can be caused by a range of conditions, many of which
are difficult to detect through screening. In addition, there is
considerable risk that tests will give a positive result when a
person is not affected by the condition (known as a false positive).
This could result in people worrying unnecessarily that they have a
heart problem causing them to change their behaviour and possibly
avoid exercise and activity beneficial to their health. It is also
possible to have a heart problem that the test does not pick up,
known as false negatives. In line with its 3 yearly review policy,
the UK NSC is currently reviewing its policy position on screening
for HCM once again. The review will take into account the most up to
date international evidence and there will be an opportunity for the
public to participate in the review process next year when a copy of
the completed HCM review will be open for public consultation on the
website. With regard to
providing defibrillators in all public buildings, the National
Defibrillator Programme, which was coordinated by the Department of
Health from 2000, began placing automated external defibrillators in
public places. From February 2007, responsibility for continuing the
legacy of the National Defibrillator Programme was devolved to
ambulance trusts. Most of the ambulance trusts across the UK have
community resuscitation departments or similar, which work to place
defibrillators in the community, and in areas of need.
Festive fare from far afield
market features top quality goods from throughout the world. It
features more than 60 craft and food stalls from across five
continents and is offering treats from as far away as China and
South Africa. The Moroccan mini-village which has proved so popular
in previous years makes a welcome return near to the Metquarter. Now
in its eighth year, the market, which is in Lord Street, Paradise
Street, Church Street and Williamson Square, runs from 22 November
to 22 December 2012. In Williamson Square, there is a welcome return
for the BID's Liverpool bandstand to entertain with a feast of free,
festive entertainment from brass bands and choirs to orchestras plus
much more while transforming the heart of the City centre into a
European style 'Christmas Village', complete with a
German Gluwein Bar and Bratwurst grill. The market, run by Geraud
Markets Liverpool, is open between 10am and 8pm from Monday to
Saturday with Sunday trading between 11 am and 5pm. Councillor
Malcolm Kennedy, cabinet member for regeneration, said:- "The
market is always one of the highlights of Christmas for the City and
with the addition of the village in Williamson Square it is going to
be extra special this year. As well as being able to do your
Christmas shopping we are also providing some great entertainment;
we are hitting all the right notes this year...!"
MERSEYSIDE Police have
confirm that a 20 year old man from Crosby has pleaded guilty to
possession of extreme pornography. Kevin Horton, of Woodend Avenue
in Crosby, appeared at South Sefton Magistrates' Court, Wednesday,
21 November 2012 and pleaded guilty to possession of an extreme
pornographic image. He will next appear at South Sefton Magistrates'
Court on 12 December 2012.
Christmas and
New Year Weekends
WHY not enjoy a Christmas
and New Year with a visit to the Heritage Centre. Children can enjoy
a miniature steam ride, a ride in the guards van on the standard
gauge railway and all the children get a present this Christmas!
Adults won't miss out with a free warm drink and a mince pie.
Admission Charges:- Family £15 Adults £7 Children £6 Seniors £5.
Season Ticket Holders:- Family £5 Adults £3 Children / Seniors £2.
Opening times and more information can be found
online. |
City fitness
strategy launched
ON Thursday, 22 November
2012, the Be Active - Be Healthy - Creating a moving culture
strategy was launched. The idea of this strategy is to outline the
City's commitment to promoting active lifestyles and aims to improve
the health of everyone in the City, regardless of age or ability.
Although the report shows there has been an increase in residents
taking up exercise in recent years, statistics reveal that in
► Approximately 80,000 adults and 13,000
children are obese, with direct costs to Liverpool NHS of around
£5million per year
► Only 21% of adults are active enough to
benefit their health
► Only 1 in 3 boys and 1 in 5 girls aged 9
to 11 are involved in physical activity for 1 hour a day
► If current trends continue, it's
predicted that by 2020 nearly one third of residents will be
► Since 2005, smoking in the City has
reduced from 35% to 27%
The strategy, which runs from 2012 to 2017, addresses these issues
with recommendations on how much exercise different age groups
should undertake each week, outlines some of the various organised
exercise activities which take place regularly in the City and also
highlights affordable ways of keeping fit including the use of green
spaces in the City and making small lifestyle changes such as taking
the stairs where usually someone would use a lift or escalator.
Its main aim is to increase participation in physical activity by 2%
each year which will be measured throughout the process by the
independent Active People Survey.
Assistant Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, Councillor
Helen Casstles, will attend Thursday's launch along with Everton
Football Club midfielder Steven Naismith, Paralympian David Devine
who secured two bronze medals in the 800m and 1500m races at this
year's Games and Taekwondo Middleweight Champion of the World Jimmy
McGinn. Councillor Casstles said:- "The main aim of this
strategy is to ensure each Liverpool resident has the opportunity to
be physically active every day of their lives. We want exercise to
become part of everyone's routine; even though the City has made
great strides over recent years with more people getting active, the
figures around obesity remain shocking. Hopefully with such a
sporting line-up to launch the strategy we will encourage people to
think seriously about the health implications surrounding being
inactive and inspire them to get fit."
Be Active:- Be Healthy has been devised by the City Council in
partnership with Liverpool Primary Care Trust (PCT).
Chair of Liverpool PCT, Gideon Ben-Tovim, said:- "Being
unhealthy and overweight can lead to so many conditions such as
heart disease, strokes and even cancer, it's essential we do as much
as we can to promote a more active lifestyle. This document cements
our commitment to improving the quality of life for residents and we
hope that thousands more people will be inspired to get fit and have
a healthy start to 2013."
The new report outlines how much exercise is recommended for various
age groups:-
► Early years (0 to 4 years) – From birth,
floor based play and water-based activities should be adopted, and
when a child can walk unaided they should be active for at least
three hours spread out throughout each day.
► Children and young people (5 to 18
years) – This group should engage in moderate to vigorous activity
(which includes running, ball games or gymnastics) for at least an
hour each day which will improve bone health, muscle strength and
► Adults (19 to 64 years) – It's advised
that adults should exercise for at least 150minutes (2.5hours) a
week. This should be exercise that increases the heart rate,
including walking, cycling, football, gardening and even housework.
► Older adults (65+) – Again, older adults
are advised to be active for around 150 minutes a week, but focus on
exercise which strengthens muscles at least twice a week, and those
at risk of falls should focus on improving balance and
► It also details the different activities
available for all the age groups which include the Futures Programme
which offers free access to Lifestyles Leisure Centres for young
people up to the age of 17. This incorporates free swimming and
payment of just £1 per gym session. The number of young people
joining the scheme has averaged around 1,000 per month with an
increase of 57,000 visits to centres across the City.
► The benefits of being active are
outlined, such as improves self-esteem, widening social networks and
it's a great way to let off steam.
This latest strategy builds on the success of the Active City
Strategy (2005 to 2010) which saw an increase in the level of
physical activity in the City. Following the completion of this
strategy, a survey carried out revealed:-
► There was a 3% increase in the number of
residents who were sufficiently active between 2005 and 2011; this
was almost four times higher than the national change of 0.7%.
► There was a 5.2% increase in the number
of people taking up exercise in the City and North area
► The Be Active - Be Healthy reflects on
the success of its predecessor, focusing on successful initiatives
launched during this period including Cycle for Health which began
in 2005 with 2 venues and 86 people attending; this has now
established into 23 venues with 636 participants who have completes
a total of 4,990 rides. Walk for Health, launched in 2006 took place
in 11 venues, involving 384 people. By 2011 the scheme was delivered
across 34 venues with 2,111 people taking part in 11,305 walks.