The business of

COMPANIES in Liverpool are being advised to prepare for
emergencies or risk going out of business! The warning comes
as winter sets in with the increase risk of disruption caused by
severe weather.

can strike at any time and come in many forms, fires, power cuts,
flu epidemics or industrial disputes, but there is no doubt that
winter weather can pose a real risk to business. Floods, snow and
ice can play havoc with business and it is not being alarmist to say
that they can threaten the survival of some businesses; especially
SMEs. We have seen the devastation severe weather can cause, whether
it is through something cataclysmic like Hurricane Sandy or closer
to home, the recent floods which don’t only destroy people’s homes
but cost businesses millions. While, in Liverpool, we may have
avoided the worst of recent bad weather we cannot guarantee that
this will always be the case. We are also at the time of the year
when there are more power cuts. So it is vital that firms of all
sizes minimise the risk of disruption by planning for emergencies.
As a businessman myself I recognise the importance of having a
business continuity plan and applying it during emergencies. We want
Liverpool to be a resilient City, which has an infrastructure that
can cope with all situations and where we have developed networks
that keep the City working when emergencies happen and where
business are well prepared for all eventualities." said
Councillor Gary Millar, chair of Resilient Liverpool, the City’s
business continuity forum.
Information about business continuity is available via emailing:- The Cabinet
Office, in partnership with the Business Continuity Institute and
Emergency Planning Society have also produced a help book called:-
'Business Continuity for Dummies', an
essential 'survival' guide for small and medium sized
enterprises (SMEs). To order a copy contact Scott Smith at:-
urge caution to prevent Christmas being ruined!
PHYSIOTHERAPISTS are urging festive season revellers to take it
easy as a new poll shows more than half of 18 to 34 year olds admit
to having been injured on a night out. Some 52% of the 1,038 people
in this age range surveyed for the Chartered Society of
Physiotherapy said they had suffered an injury “as a result of
drinking too much or partying too hard”. Nearly 1 in 10 (8%)
said they had broken a bone, while 14% had suffered a head or facial
injury. A 5th (21%) of those injured were admitted to A&E, and
seven% needed physiotherapy. More than a quarter (27%) of the people
responding to the survey had missed work or academic studies because
of a mishap on a night out; 11% had missed at least a week. The most
common injuries were ‘bruising or cuts’ (43%) and
‘soft tissue injuries’ (22%), which includes damage to
muscles, ligaments and tendons. Respondents could tick more than one
injury if applicable when answering the survey. Just 46% of 18 to 34
year olds surveyed said they had never suffered an injury on a night
out. 2% chose not to say.
Chartered physiotherapist Sammy Margo believes the results are a
concern as we head into the festive party season. Sammy Margo said:-
“The festive season is a great time of year but it can easily
be ruined in an instant. This survey shows that too many young
people are waking up with problems that can’t just be slept off.
There are simple, practical steps you can take to avoid becoming an
injury statistic, but ultimately it’s about having fun in a
responsible manner.”
Sammy’s advice to people heading out to their Christmas party
Think about your footwear. For women, this can mean taking a pair of
flat-soled shoes to switch into for the journey to and from your
Plan your journey home to avoid walking long distances (particularly
in high heels) and in icy or wet conditions.
If you do get hurt, NHS Direct can help assess what treatment may be
required. The number is:- 0845 46 47.
Also apply the PRICE principle of Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression
and Elevation.
If the pain persists for 24 to 48 hours, go and see your GP or
self-refer to physiotherapy.
Private patients can
visit:- and use the
Physio2u tool to find a local physiotherapist.
Formby Old Book
- Moon Bear Night...

A festive night of fun was
held at The Olde Bookshop on
Brows Lane, shortly after the
Formby Light Switch On took place, on Thursday, 29 November 2012.
The night was to raise funds for Moon
Bears, a charity that helps
animals in Asia. The event had many gifts from cards to cuddly toys,
along with photographs of a ship wreck off Formby-Point. Here are a
few we snapped taken on the night.


are a whisker away from bringing you a show-stopping DJ line up for
Weekender 49. We were all set
for today's big announcement when an offer came in overnight for
something we just couldn't refuse. We are about to confirm our
Sunday finale - something we have been trying to secure for many
years and something that will go down in Southport Weekender
history. Please bear with us for another couple of days while we
fulfil the required contractual obligations... we promise it will be
worth the wait!" Alex and Dave.
Friday, 7 December 2012, from 7pm to 9pm, the Prescot Parish Church,
Church Street, Prescot, L34 1LA, will be hosting a Christmas
Performing:- Phoenix Concert Orchestra with Prescot Parish Church
Choir, Prescot and Whiston Methodist Church Choir and St Mary & St
Paul's Primary School. The music will include tunes from James Bond,
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Harry Potter, Christmas selections such as
Polar Express, & sing-along Christmas carols.
will be:- £4 on the door including seasonal refreshments (mulled
wine, mince pies & shortbread). Proceeds in aid of church fund and
Mayor of Prescot's Charity. |