The Forum of
Private Business reacts to the Autumn Statement
AUTUMN Statement should
provide some much-needed seasonal cheer for most SMEs, says lobby
group like The Forum of Private Business, who have welcomed much of
what was in Autumn Statement. The Forum described it as a helpful
springboard for UK economic growth in 2013 and beyond.
The business lobby group welcomed a number of the schemes outlined
by the Chancellor, such as a 10 fold increase in the Annual
Investment Allowance, a 25% increase in the budget of UKTI to
promote exporting, and the outright cancellation of January's
planned fuel duty rise. "A 3p rise in January would have been
nothing short of economic vandalism in the current climate. In fact
it would have been hard to imagine a worse start to 2013 for the UK
economy. No doubt the Chancellor will have heard the nation's
collective sigh of relief at the news January's hike has not just
been delayed, but abandoned altogether. Fuel prices have reached a
cliff edge, and the Chancellor has acknowledged this with this
announcement. He has also clearly heeded the overwhelming objections
from small businesses that high fuel prices are hampering their own
growth ambitions on a number of levels. We had urged the Treasury to
commit to the concept of a fuel duty stabiliser by the end of the
current Parliament, so what we have here is temporary relief instead
of a serious policy change with real lasting benefits, but we can't
see many businesses bemoaning that just yet." said the
Forum's Chief Executive, Phil Orford.
The Forum also pointed to more good news for SMEs in the shape of an
extension to Small Business Rate Relief, and a 10 fold increase to
Annual Investment Allowance up to £250,000. "The
increase in the Annual Investment Allowance to £250,000 is welcome
but a tacit admission that the decision to cut the same allowance to
£25,000 this year was a wrong one. Given that UK businesses are
currently sitting on £700bn of cash reserves, it could be argued
that the earlier actions of the Chancellor created a disincentive to
invest through 2012, at a time when business needs confidence to
create growth. Nevertheless, we welcome this increase and urge
businesses to take advantage of it. There are big savings to be had
here for firms who've been waiting for the right time to invest and
upgrade equipment, and this kind of spending tends to wash right
down the supply chain. We also massively welcome the news on SBBR,
as will our members. This is a really important element of the
Chancellor's statement for small business." said the Forum's
Chief Executive, Phil Orford.
On the Chancellor's intention to employ 1,500 more tax inspectors to
clamp down on aggressive tax avoidance by big firms, he added:-
"Tackling tax avoidance is of course a sensible measure. HMRC have
in the past focused too much on the SME end of the spectrum, so we
see this as a healthy rebalance, but the likes of Starbucks have
brought this on themselves. We are now starting to see a change in
attitudes, with large corporates beginning to understand the need to
contribute more to the Exchequer, and therefore the coffers of UK
In conclusion:- "Overall the capital allowances, fuel duty
postponement and SBRR suggest this is a good budget for small
businesses in terms of cutting day to day costs. This is what we
wanted to see, and to a degree we got that. Whilst of course it is
disappointing that government is missing some debt targets, the
overall forecast suggests the Government should stay the course it
is charting to maintain confidence in our economy. It is essential
because the Government's own credit rating is essential to some of
its schemes such as Funding for Lending. We wait to hear more on the
Business Bank, and of course just how much of the Heseltine Review
the Government is taking seriously come spring."
COMMENTING on the Autumn
Statement, Melanie Christie, The Institute of Chartered Accountants
in England and Wales (ICAEW)
North West Regional Director, said:- "The Chancellor has gone
for growth and wants to show that the UK is open for business. The
reduction in corporation tax will be welcome news for larger
companies and will encourage inward investment. The increase in the
Annual Investment Allowance (AIA), which ICAEW called for, will be
good news for smaller businesses. The Chancellor will hope that the
new measures will impress the 67% of ICAEW business members who are
not confident that the Government's Plan A for the economy will
deliver growth this Parliament. There are still a number of
juggernaut policies devised in Treasury by people who do not
understand the realities of running businesses. Policies such as the
new PAYE reporting system will create additional burdens on business
at a time when they should be focusing on growth. Until these
policies are made more flexible, deficit reduction will continue to
be slow and growth will take longer."
Also adding to the growing list of voices are the trade unions like
UNISON. Commenting on Chancellor George Osborne's, autumn statement,
Dave Prentis, General Secretary of UNISON, said:- "This
statement is more proof that the Chancellor neither knows nor cares
about what ordinary working people in this country are going
through. The austerity agenda means that families across the country
have even less to spend on everyday essentials, while tax winners at
the top have more. Raising personal tax allowances is small beer for
families facing rising food and energy bills. The budget in March
was certainly not the Chancellor's finest hour and the statement
today will do nothing to restore confidence in his ability to drag
the country back into growth. It is time to give the economy an
adrenalin shot. The Chancellor's plans are simply not working, his
economic policies are in tatters; debt is rising, growth is flat
lining and unemployment is still unacceptably high. We heard nothing
today that showed the Government is prepared to face the challenge
head on and invest substantially in infrastructure, in building much
needed homes, and putting money into people's pockets to get them
spending and boosting the economy."
Gary Smith, GMB National Secretary for Energy, said:- "On UK
energy policy there are 2 jockeys on the horse which can only lead
to 1 outcome... more confusion. It is madness to burn more gas to
produce electriCity when wholesale prices are on an upward
trajectory. Gas prices could go up 30% in the next few years;
probably 5 years or so. Burning gas for electriCity will only force
up prices further. Also gas fired power stations are not making any
money at the moment. It is nonsense to say there is a huge appetite
amongst energy companies to build more gas fired plants given that
the current economics just don't add up. There are also reports that
government plans to set up a new nationalised Gas Board to develop
new gas fields. This is in addition to the new nationalised Central
ElectriCity Purchasing Board (CEPR) announced last week to guarantee
prices to electriCity generators. We are seeing the partial
re-nationalisation of the energy industry by the Tories who
privatised it."
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