Trust offers
evening gynaecology clinic to benefit patients

THE Southport and Ormskirk
Hospital NHS Trust is now offering consultant-led evening clinics
for gynaecology patients. Since the pilot clinics started in May
2012, the once a week evening clinics have been fully booked by
patients who have other commitments during the day such as childcare
or work. Over 100 patients have been seen at these clinics alone.
Mr Mark Davies, Consultant in Gynaecology, said:- "We started
the clinics out of hours to ensure our patients could access
appointments at times that are suitable for them. As our patients
are women, we know they often have childcare commitments during the
day and are usually juggling a few other commitments too!"
The clinics are held 1 night each week in the purpose built
gynaecology suite at Ormskirk hospital. Each clinic starts at 5.30pm
with around eight appointment slots available. Currently, there are
3 consultants and an associate specialist who rotate between the
clinics each week. Helen Bradshaw is one of the consultants at the
evening clinic:- "The uptake of the evening clinics has been
phenomenal. There was certainly a need for the clinic to be held out
of hours and it means the timing of an appointment is one less thing
for our patients to worry about. We specifically ask GPs to keep
these appointment slots open only for women who have other
commitments during the day and that seems to work well."
Patients in the north Sefton and West Lancashire area who wish to
access this service require a referral from their GP indicating that
they wish to attend an evening clinic. |
Festive holiday
activities at Liverpool Cathedral
LIVERPOOL Cathedral is
hosting a free Nativity Trail from 28 December to 31 December 2012.
You can pick up a free family goodie bag at the welcome desk and
find the angels, Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus around the building.
End the trail by making your own special star prayer and use it to
decorate the Christmas trees in the nave of the Cathedral (under the
central bridge). The trail will be available to collect from 11am to
3pm each day. There will be a slightly later start time of 12 noon
on 28 December 2012, due to a main Cathedral service. No pre-booking
is required, simply come along and join in when you can. Admission
to the Cathedral and the trail is entirely
FREE and car parking will be pay on exit. For more
information visit:-
Premature Babies can Pop 'N' Grow
in Liverpool in 2013
PREMATURE and sick babies
at Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool will be feeling the warmth this
New Year thanks to a new charity that is really bucking the trend by
growing in these difficult economic times. Pop 'N' Grow was launched
in 2011 with the simplest of ideas; modifying babygros so that
babies could wear clothes in hospital while not compromising their
care. The poppers have been moved to allow easy access to medical
equipment. It was the idea of mum, Paula Smith, whose daughter
Amelia needed special care when she was born. She felt her daughter
appeared more vulnerable because she lay naked apart from a nappy
and a web of wires and tubes. "It was while I was watching
Amelia sleeping that I realised how scary it all looked. The baby
grow she had on was only done up to her chest and the arm of the
baby-grow was flopped by the side of her, as the sleeves weren't big
enough to cover the bandage." With the expertise of designer
and friend, Alison Wright who owns Rosie Boo's cloth nappies, the
first babygro was modified in the autumn of 2011. Since then Paula's
Pop 'N' Grow has helped hundreds of new parents clothe their new
babies. Now the charity has been asked to provide supplies on the
Neo Natal ward at Alder Hey Hospital. It was a direct request from
its consultant, Joanna Milford. Parents can also ask the
charity for their own individual pack; all of which are free. Jo
Peace's 3 year old son Callum has been in and out of Alder Hey
Hospital his whole life; and Pop 'N' Grow have now modified toddler
clothing to suit his medical needs. Jo from Seaforth, said:-
"I was cutting holes in the sides of sleep suits to put tubes
through. This is such a simple idea. It's so remarkable!"
Liverpool's Women's Hospital has also benefitted from a Pop 'N'
Grow delivery this year and the charity is planning to expand
further in the North West as the year goes on. |