Did you spot
Santa on our webcam this year?

This is a blow up from above image.
It was taken on:- 24.12.12 at:- 00:04.09 GMT , as he was
heading over Southport. |
AS tradionally we point the
Santa Watch Webcam to the skies, this year as no exception. Our 2012
camera was watching out live through the night and day for Santa.

This is a blow up from
above image. It was taken at:- 22:40.01 GMT, on 24.12.12. This is the first time we have spotted him on
this camera! |
Did you also spot him? We would love to know… Email
us to:-
news24@southportreporter.com These 2 pictures where taken
as he made 2 of his passes, that we spotted on the cameras, but we have been told he
visited lots of times that night... He was also capered on the
office webcam heading down Lord Street..!
Centre's Christmas Party has VIP

THE Kings Meadow Children's
Centre in Ainsdale had a very special visitor in the run up to
Christmas. Families and children enjoyed a visit from Santa, which
took place at Giggles Gym for Farnborough Road First Steps and Kings
Meadow Children's Centre's Christmas Party! This photograph was
kindly taken and sent to us by Jenny, who is a Family Development
Worker at the Centre.
Herbert gets
award at Annual Dinner
Photographs by Dave Evens

LIVERPOOL hairdresser
Herbert Howe was awarded for his unstinting charity work, at the
Variety Club Annual Dinner in Liverpool's Adelphi Hotel. The award
was handed over by Stan Boardman. Also attending was Chrissie Rock
and herb’s PA Joyce Cargill. For more information about the Variety
Club click on