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Issue:- 18 April 2013

Victoria Park is ready for the XtremeSTORM event, are you?

SOUTHPORT will be welcoming on Saturday, 20 April 2013, hundreds of daring men and women will tackle a gruelling race of 18 kilometres and 35 breathtaking obstacles as the town is transformed for this once in a lifetime sporting spectacular. This event will also see dozens of television crews descending on the town to broadcast the event all over the world; with a potential of over a billion people seeing it over the next few months! The events brainchild was STORM Consultancy, Managing Director Jonathan Cunningham MBE, a decorated ex UK Forces Major, who had a vision to stage an event that he says will "showcase everything that the town has to offer." From the brave ascent of the Grade II listed pier to open water swims and brutal battles at Hell Island, each athlete will be competing fiercely not only against the elements, but against themselves and brave team members. Victoria Park will be where the action explodes right out of the gate and comes to a victorious end. This should be quite a show to watch! Luckily if you cannot attend, the event will be filmed by Sky Sports and British Eurosport and Discovery Channel along with Channel 4. The main TV show though will be called XtremeSTORM and will premier on UK TV on 12 May 2013.

But if you should go and get a chance see these courageous men and women taking part, then do not think you can't join in some of the fun! If you get spectator envy, but missed out on the distance training; fancy a go on the obstacles, want to try it out and become part of the club? Then for just £25 Victoria's Vengeance is the beginning and end section of the full course; at just 1.5km long, yet boasting 14 incredible obstacles contained entirely within Victoria Park, this can't be missed - even by you! Report to Event HQ to register and prevent losing face in front of your family and friends. Waves begin at 2pm on Saturday, 20 April 2013.

Jonathan Cunningham told us:- "The technical build has taken 3 weeks and if you are not taking part, the Xtreme Village will also offer something for everyone with a super charged spectator show. Ryan Doyle and a team of professional class free-runners from Airborn Academy will delight the audience with a UK Jam, reaching impossible heights above the ground as they showcase the most difficult and daring of stunts and breath-taking displays of balance and agility over custom-built scaffolding and cars. Kids will love joining in free running workshops and fantastic assault courses, while parents can sit back, relax, and enjoy the buzzing atmosphere of Xtreme Village. A host of the North West's hottest live bands and artists, from established names to the up and comings, will take to the stage throughout the day and evening."

If you ate taking part, do not forget to let us know and we will give you a cheer as you head around the course! Also let us know what you thought of the event, by emailing us to:-


MERSEYSIDE Police are becoming increasingly concerned for the whereabouts of Chloe Torrington, who has been missing from her home in Fairfield since Friday, 5 April 2013. 14 year old Chloe was last seen at around 9.15pm at a family members address in Old Swan. She is described as white, 5ft 3ins tall, of slim build with short dark hair. She was last seen wearing pale blue jeggings, a beige knee length coat and white Nike Air Max trainers. Chloe is known to frequent Liverpool City Centre and the surrounding areas. Officers believe Chloe may be in the company of a 15 year old boy. Officers would urge Chloe or anyone who has seen her since last Friday to contact officers on:- 101 or Missing Persons Hotline on:- 116 000.

Free hearing screenings at a Liverpool Exhibition

EXPERTS from the national charity Deafness Research UK will be attending the Royal College of Nursing Congress and Exhibition at The Arena and Convention Centre, Liverpool (stand E35) between 22 April and 24 April 2013, where they will be conducting free hearing screening for visitors.

Sponsored by the Big Lottery Fund, Deafness Research UK provides free hearing screening and advice on ear health to businesses, schools and exhibitions throughout the country to encourage regular checks to make sure problems are identified and dealt with early.

Screenings take no longer than 15 minutes and up to six people can be screened at a time with experts from Deafness Research UK on hand to offer information and advice while reinforcing the importance of looking after your hearing.

"1 in 6 people in the UK are affected by a hearing loss, so our free hearing screening service is a great way to check if your hearing is as it should be. The stigma associated with deafness means many of us are too embarrassed to admit we cannot hear as well as we used to. Some people wait 10 to 15 years to see a doctor. This is a tragedy, because while there is currently no cure for deafness, if diagnosed early enough, there is much that can be done to combat hearing loss."
said Vivienne Michael, Chief Executive of Deafness Research UK.

The RCN Exhibition will be held at The Arena and Convention Centre, Liverpool between 22 April to 24 April 2013, and is free to attend for RCN members and non-members, with hearing screenings available from Deafness Research UK on all 3 days.

Deafness Research UK has produced a free leaflet Just Diagnosed with Hearing Loss? which is available for all. It explains in simple language how hearing loss is diagnosed and what your options are if you have a hearing loss.

Copies can be obtained at the show or from Deafness Research UK by calling them via their Freephone number:- 0808 808 2222 or via emailing:-

A North Liverpool nursery school is chosen to become a national teaching school

A nursery school in North Liverpool has been selected for an important new role aimed at further raising standards. Everton Nursery School and Family Centre, along with its 4 partner primary schools (All Saints Catholic Primary School and Anfield Children's Centre, Barlows Primary School and Fazakerley and Croxteth Children Centres, Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School and The Beacon C.E. Primary School) is 1 of only 150 schools in England to be granted teaching school status in the 3rd wave. The designation by the National College for Teaching and Leadership entitles the school to lead the training and professional development for staff.

The headteacher from the successful school will now attend a formal induction at the National College's learning and conference centre in Nottingham in April 2013. The teaching schools initiative began in 2011, marking a shift towards school centred training and development. The programme gives outstanding schools the freedom and autonomy to lead a group of schools, working with other partners including at least one university, to deliver high quality support for teachers and leaders at all stages in their career.

Dr. Lesley Curtis (Headteacher of Everton Nursery School and Family Centre) said:- "I am delighted for Liverpool and for Nursery Education to be part of the National College teaching schools programme, to share our work both locally and further afield. I am also delighted to gain National Leader for Education (NLE) status also."

The National College has responsibility for the designation and quality of the teaching schools programme, working closely with the Department for Education (DfE), as the national network grows to 500 teaching schools by 2015.

Maggie Farrar, Executive Director at the National College, said:- "Teaching schools like Everton Nursery School and Family Centre with their primary school partners should be proud of their achievement as they need to be at the top of their game to take on this role; outstanding in their own performance and have a track record of raising standards through school-to-school support. With some 350 teaching schools around the country we are now well on our way to creating a self-improving school-led education system. These are the schools that are blazing the trail by harnessessing the finest teaching talent in the profession to drive school improvement in innovative ways, and bring real benefits to pupils and staff. Trainees can learn from the best teachers in action and those who want to move up the career ladder are exposed to excellent practice within and beyond their immediate school."

As they develop, teaching schools working with other schools and universities will help to provide the next generation of teachers and headteachers and support schools in challenging circumstances.

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