Potential bee
killer banned by EU

A chemical implicated in
the recent rapid decline of bee numbers has been banned by the EU
despite the objections of the UK government. North West, Lib Dem MEP Chris Davies has been campaigning for
neonicotinoids to be banned since evidence first started being
reported that the controversial pesticide could be causing bee
colonies to die.
15 EU governments voted in favour of a ban; not enough to impose
one, but enough to throw the decision to the EU Commission which is
likely to announce a 2 year ban while more research is carried
The UK government voted against and Davies slammed Ministers for
bowing to pressure from big business.
Davies said:- "There is enough evidence that neonicotinoids
could be causing the catastrophic decline in bee numbers to warrant
at least a temporary suspension in their use.
Bees and other wild pollinators are worth over £100 million per year
to the UK agricultural sector and we can't keep taking risks with
crop production like this." Take a little
piece of Liverpool with you
FOR Liverpool John Lennon
Airport's customers, a new store promises the best souvenir of the
City: something made-here! The Liverpool owned gift shop,
'made-here', is opening a branch in Liverpool John Lennon Airport (JLA)
to ensure that when visitors head home, they can take a little piece
of Liverpool with them.
Arriving soon in the Departures Lounge, the local independent
retailer celebrates the best of the City's home grown arts, crafts,
jewellery, gifts & accessories and has just completed its first year
trading in the City centre (initially as a pop-up in Liverpool ONE
and now on the first floor of Metquarter). This new, additional,
location will offer visitors to the City something to remember
Liverpool by. Something that has Liverpool at its heart.
Founder of made-here, Kate Stewart said:- "We're passionate
about marketing the talent that Liverpool has to a wider audience.
Keeping money you spend in the City is the best way to support and
showcase its entrepreneurial spirit.
Opening at JLA celebrates the success we have had over the last 14
months of selling to tourists and visitors to the City who are
always delighted with the range of products we have on offer, but
more importantly, it's a platform for us to show, to the world, just
what a creative place Liverpool is."
Lucy O'Shaughnessy, Retail Director for Liverpool John Lennon
Airport added:- "We are very excited about going into a summer
season with a new local offering. The 'made-here' brand and product
range is all about celebrating the City of Liverpool. It complements
the rest of our High Street retail brands and gives passengers an
opportunity to take a locally sourced product home or to friends
when they fly from here."
Transport Police gears up for cycle theft initiative in Wirral
THE British Transport
Police (BTP) will be hosting cycle surgeries in Wirral in May, to
offer safety advice and tag passengers' bikes.
The surgeries will take place at Hamilton Square Rail Station from
8am to 10am and Ellesmere Port Rail Station from 10.30am, on
Thursday, 9 May 2013. And will provide an opportunity for passengers
to ensure they have their bikes securely marked.
Gill Smyth, BTP crime reduction advisor said:- "Officers will
be at the stations offering passengers advice on how to keep their
bikes safe and a free cycle marking service. We will also be
checking bike racks and leaving crime prevention advice for those
owners who fail to adequately lock and secure their pedal cycles. A
difficulty we face is that many people who ride bikes leave them at
railway stations for long periods of time, with some even owning 2
bikes and leaving them locked up at stations overnight. Because of
this, it's more important than ever for us to ensure that cycle
owners are educated and informed about how best to protect
themselves from thieves. There are several steps people can take to
ensure their bikes are adequately marked and secured to help reduce
the risk of becoming a victim of bike theft. The best thing to
remember is to register your bike and also to ensure two solid locks
are used to secure both the frame and the wheels to the stand. If a
bike is adequately marked, it makes it much easier to identify and
therefore reduces its desirability to thieves."
& SECURE Bicycles
are a popular target for thieves. Here are some simple tips to
ensure your cycle remains secure:-
► Always lock your bicycle whenever you leave it at a designated
cycle rack area. Lock the frame and both wheels to a cycle stand.
► Consider using more than one lock to secure your bike and ensure
that you use a recognised security standard lock. D-locks, extension
cable or heavy chain locks are certified locking mechanisms. It is
important to ensure that yours are up to date.
► Make the lock(s) and bike hard to
manoeuvre when parked by ensuring little room between the stand and
the bike.
► Do not allow your lock(s) to come into contact with the ground,
where they are viewed as more vulnerable.
► Take a photograph of your bike and record your frame number and
key details. This will be crucial in recovering your bike if it is
► Mark your frame with your postcode in two separate locations, one
of which should be hidden. Attach a 'Coded Cycle'
label to reduce the risk of making your bike a target for theft.
► Do not ride with valuables in open baskets or panniers.
► Register your bicycle at:-
immobilise.com or go to:-
bikeregister.com. |