THE Mayoral Cabinet in
Liverpool, on Friday, 24 May 2013, have accepted a grant from the
Government's Cycle Safety Fund, to carry out major improvements to
the Princes Park entrance at the Sunburst Gates, at its junction
with Kingsley Road, Princes Park Avenue and Road, and Princes Gate
East and West.
The investment aims to reduce the risk of accidents in the area,
which is heavily used by cyclists for commuting.
The area will benefit from the introduction of speed reduction
measures, improved signage and better road markings. The roundabout
carriageway will also be resurfaced, removing potholes and improving
skid resistance.
Liverpool City Council's Cabinet Member for Transport, Councillor
Tim Moore, said:- "This is great news for cyclists in this
City, and yet another success story in our drive to make Liverpool
cycle-safe. We know that local cyclists have real concerns about
safety in Princes Park area. We've listened to their views, and I'm
really pleased that we're now able to respond to them. This
investment is about breaking down barriers to cycling and making
sure cyclists are safe on our roads. It complements the other work
we are doing, such as free, guided bike rides and the launch of our
City centre cycle hire scheme later this year. I'm looking forward
to seeing these improvements getting under way."
Further proposals being made to the area through the funding
► New bollards to prevent pavement
► Reducing the Princes Park Road approach
to 2 lanes.
► Increasing the size of pedestrian refuge
A new zebra crossing.
Dr Katy Gardner, Chair of the Friends of Princes Park, said:-
"We at the Friends of Princes Park have, for many years, been
concerned about the roundabout and crossings by the Sunburst gates,
both for the safety of pedestrians and for cyclists. Many local
residents have raised this with us at our meetings. A large number
of our members are keen cyclists, so we are delighted with the
proposals made and that our comments have been listened to."
The improvements will be delivered by the end of the year. |
required for 'Boom Banger Rally'
Photo by Luke Newman,
Kapler Communications

ON 28 June 2013 a 3 day,
1000 mile 'Boom Banger Rally' sets off across France.
Organised by Chester based Businessman Jamie Storey of Whitehouse
Scientific, it is billed as 'the challenge of taking a car
which has seen better days on a journey across Europe to fulfill its
destiny'. The event begins in Rouen and follows a route that
takes in France, Switzerland, Italy and Monaco, finishing in Nice.
For a limited time only, registration is just £150 per team who need
a car worth less than £250 to take to the start-line. There will be
some fun and interesting challenges to complete along the way too!
Teams must embrace the request for 'pimped' cars and
fancy dress and will be competing fiercely for the 1st prize of
£1000, plus the all important trophy and medals. For further
information about the Boom Banger Rally go to:-
"After successfully completing 2 banger rallies in the past I
wanted to have a go at organising my own. In 2008 it was the Mongol
Rally which involved taking a car under 1000cc more than 8000 miles
to Ulaan Baatar the Capital of Mongolia. Now it's the time of taking
a car on its last legs on one last great adventure on the roads of
Europe." said Jamie.