- Deaf Christmas shopping for a phone
in Southport.
- Report and photographs by Louise Pitchers.
I WAS given a task to find out which shop provide a best service for the deaf people. This week task was to go around the mobile shop to find an alerter device for my mobile phone. As I am profoundly deaf and occasionally I do leave my phone lying about in the house or in the office, when I do get a text message but have no way of knowing as I can not hear my phone going off. This is how we organised the points:-
1 point for product being available.
1 point for help.
1 point for ability to sign.
1 point for backup support if they cannot help.
1 point for talking direct to the deaf customer not a person with them.
Well off to the shops.....
The first shop we went into was in Weyfairs Arcade. I explained to the man about this vibration device and see what they have in stock that can be of any use to me. The man understood what I were saying, but was sorry that he didn't have any in stock. They did however have a flashing mobile cover, which was interesting, but no use if I was in different room. The man can do sign language, which is thumb-up. Unfortunately I left the shop without buying anything.
Overall result for this shop:- 1 point for help, 1 point for ability to sign, 1 point for talking direct to the deaf customer not a person with them and 1 point for backup support if they can not help.
Then we went to the gadget shop in Cambridge Walks Arcade. There are lots of unusual gadgets there, which amused me! As I explained to a man about this vibration alerter device as he answered back looking at me until my boss Patrick butted in he forgot I was deaf, when he explained about a flashing pen. I replied saying it is no use if I put it in my bag or inside my coat. So the result is not good enough as I need a way of knowing when my phone goes off. At least this man had tried his best with me as I think he was taken back with this unusual suggestion.
Overall result for this shop:- 1 point for help, 1 point for backup support if they cannot help and 1 point for talking direct to the deaf customer not a person with them.
Next shop we went into T-mobile shop inside Marble Arch again the man has some difficulties understanding what I was talking about and when he finally understood and was taken back with my suggestion for a vibration device. He was sorry that he didn't have in stock but he gave me text phone number that might help that if you are a T-mobile customer.
Overall result for this shop:- 1 point for help, 1 point for backup support if they cannot help and 1 point for talking direct to the deaf customer not a person with them.
We went to O2 shop near the station. I explained to the man about this device and he explained how they used to have a key ring alerter in stock but not any more which more pity to us! Then he phoned up to find out more information from the o2 company about this device. After about 5 minutes wait and then told me that they don't have it in the stock at all but he suggested me to phone up RIND institute for the deaf people.
Overall result for this shop:- 1 point for help and 1 point for backup support if they cannot help.
Finally we went to the Link shop and talked to (tried to) the lady about this vibration device and she turned her back to me and went to the stock room to talk another person, cam back with the answered no, but to my boss who was looking at the phones, blanking me. Which is a thumb down. She suggestion us to try Debs.
Overall result for this store:- nil, as I had to use my boss to get any information.
Top 5 phone stalls for Hard of hearing or deaf people in Southport.
1. The shop in Weyfairs Arcade 4 out of 5
2. T-mobile shop 3 out of 5
3. The Gadget shop in Cambridge Walks Arcade 3 out of 5
4. O2 mobile shop 2 out of 5
5. The Link 0 out of 5
- The device that tells you if your
mobile phone rings attaches to a watch.
- LED Lights flash and the device
vibrates, if a call comes in. That way you can put
your phone down and not need to have it on you to feel it
vibrate. Also good in loud places.... The device

- Kick year 2002 off to a Rocking End!
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Courtyard Productions on 07903 499050 or visit the Tourist Information Office on Lord St. Southport. Remember tickets are limited to availability and selling fast! Also DRINKS PROMOTIONS all night long!