THE hit naked comedy
'Up4aMeet?' starring heart throb Lloyd Daniels, 'Who
IS she? Who IS she?' Nikki Grahame and Big Brother's
Benedict Garrett will open at London's Courtyard Theatre next week.
The 5 Star comedy will tour throughout July and August visiting
London, Brighton, Birmingham, Swansea, Liverpool, Manchester,
Edinburgh and Glasgow.
The Producers are delighted to announce that due to popular demand,
extra dates have been added to the productions London run, with
additional dates elsewhere to be announced.
Producer David Adkin said:- "We are delighted that audiences
are showing as much love for the show this time around as they did
during our run at Waterloo East last year; they're definitely in for
a memorable night at the theatre."
Up4aMeet is a hilarious and poignant comedy about social media. It's
packed with witty observations, killer one-liners, and more
gratuitous nudity than is decent. "Social media has changed so
much of our lives. Particularly the way we look for a partner.
Up4aMeet has a tale to tell about the way we use smartphones and
apps to find love; and the effect this has on our everyday life.
There's a definite message in the play; but above all, we aim to
provide a fantastic night out for gay men and their friends; a bit
of music, some great gags, some loveable characters... and naked
men! What more could you want!" says writer/director Jeff
Booking information, venues and dates as as follows:-
10 July to 14 July 2013 at The Courtyard Theatre, London. To book
call:- 0844 477 1000 or visit:-
16 July to 20 July 2013 at The Marlborough Theatre, Brighton. To
book call:- 0800 411 881 or visit:-
22 July to 24 July 2013 at The Crescent Theatre, Birmingham. To book
call:- 0121 643 5858 or visit:-
26 July to 27 July 2013 at Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea. To book
call:- 01792 602 060 or visit:-
29 July to 1 August 2013 at The Lantern Theatre, Liverpool. To book
call:- 01517 030 000 or visit:-
2 August to 3 August 2013 at the AXM Club, Manchester. To book
6 August to 8 August 2013 at the Electric Circus, Edinburgh. To book
9 August to 10 August 2013 at the Oran Mor Theatre, Glasgow. To book
call:- 08444 771 000 or visit:-
For more information:-
Twitter:- @Up4aMeetOnTour
Facebook:– Up4aMeet On Tour
80th Anniversary Celebrations for JLA

80 years ago, on 2 July
1933, Liverpool Airport was officially opened, staff had their own
celebrations to mark the occasion, including a visit by a special
guest who witnessed the original opening ceremony as a young boy.
As a 6 year old boy, Jim Keight OBE was present at the airport when
The Right Honourable The Marquis of Londonderry, Secretary of State
for Air, declared the airport officially open, followed by one of
the largest civil air displays seen at the time.
80 years on, Jim (86) from Huyton, Merseyside, returned to Liverpool
John Lennon Airport (JLA) yesterday afternoon, having been invited
to cut a special birthday cake which incorporated the design from a
poster used to promote the opening ceremony and air display in 1933.
The cake cutting took place at 3pm, the time the airport was
officially declared open 80 years ago.
Jim has had a long standing affection for the Airport and as the
former Council leader for Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council he
also sat on the Airport Board during the 1980's and 1990's when the
Merseyside local authorities were involved with the ownership of the
JLA also received a special birthday message from Yoko Ono which
read:- "As you probably know, this year, I am having my 80th
birthday too. In Chinese astrology, 8 is the strongest number. So
let's have a good year to start an amazing journey into the magical
and mysterious future! Lots of love, Yoko."
The Airport rebranded to Liverpool John Lennon Airport in honour of
Yoko Ono's late husband John Lennon, when its new terminal opened in
Spring 2002.
Liverpool was one of the UK's first airports and at the forefront of
aviation in the region for many years and there have been many
changes over the past 80 years, both in terms of levels of business,
the location of the terminal building and the runway.
The converted farmhouse that was originally used as the airport
terminal, was soon replaced in the late 1930's by the famous art
deco terminal building and control tower. This is now the Crowne
Plaza John Lennon Airport Hotel, with the current location for the
terminal building becoming operational in the mid-1980's.
Today, passengers use the multi-million pound terminal that was
officially opened by Her Majesty The Queen in 2002 and which has
since undergone further developments to cope with the 4.5 million
passengers that now use Liverpool John Lennon Airport.
As part of the 80th birthday celebrations, the Airport has put
together a photographic exhibition which has gone on display in the
terminal building featuring various milestone events and activities
to enable passengers to see for themselves, the changing face of the
airport over the years.
Many of the photographs have kindly been provided by airport support
group, The Friends of Liverpool Airport (FoLA). Not only have they
assisted with the exhibition, they also organised last Sunday's
celebratory fly-past by a group of light aircraft from Liverpool
Flying School, based at the airport and an airport related open day
at the Crowne Plaza John Lennon Airport Hotel.
Robin Tudor, Head of PR and Communications for Liverpool John Lennon
Airport, commented:- "This airport has come a long way in 80
years and we are all very proud of the airport's history and the
role it has played in the UK's aviation industry. When the Airport
first opened, flying used to be accessible for a privileged few.
Today, and in particular following the advent of the low cost
airlines, air travel is now affordable for far more people. Here at
Liverpool we have witnessed this change for ourselves having been at
the forefront of low cost airline related travel since the late
1990's" |