A Birkenhead Shopping
Centre will undergo a £300,000 face lift and gain a new name as part
of a major long-term investment programme.
Plans have been submitted to Wirral Council by senior managers at
The Grange and Pyramids Shopping Centre for new signage and banners
at more than 120 different locations as part of a massive rebrand of
the busy shopping hub in the heart of Birkenhead.
The new signage will be installed, both inside and outside, across
the entire Shopping Centre site where a total of more than £1m is
being invested over the coming months.
From early autumn, around the same time as the Shopping Centre
welcomes global fashion giant H&M which has confirmed the opening of
a 16,500 square foot store in Birkenhead, the entire site will
become known as Pyramids Shopping Centre.
Millar, Commercial Director for the soon to be named Pyramids
Shopping Centre, said:- "I am very pleased and privileged to
be leading Birkenhead's Shopping Centre at this time because there
is so much to feel positive about. The aim of the new identity and
signage is to bring the Shopping Centre bang up to date, to
modernise the look and feel of the shopping experience for the 14
million people who visit us each year and invest in the long term
future of Birkenhead as a retail destination. It will also help to
encourage new shoppers which means we can continue to build on the
already strong and stable footfall we have visiting the Centre."
The core entrances to the scheme will boast large, state-of-the-art
LED illuminated signs along with other similar installations at
elevated points to help draw people to the Centre. There will be new
signage at both the car parks and on canopies throughout the outdoor
area with projection banners along the side of the Shopping Centre
which faces onto the road. Logos from some of the Shopping Centre's
varied retailers including TJ Hughes, River Island, Marks & Spencer
and Next will adorn signs facing out to the public highways in an
effort to draw more people into the Centre. There will also be
familiar scenes from Birkenhead adorning areas within the indoor
part of the scheme and the winners of the recent search for the new
faces of the Shopping Centre will also be prominent, permanent
fixtures. An updated website and extra marketing outreach activity
will be delivered to complete the identity overhaul. The new
branding and signage forms just part of a huge £1m cash injection
into the Shopping Centre which was announced earlier this year.
Almost £400,000 is being spent on modernising the Centre's 2 car
parks, where parking is only £2 for a full day and free on Sundays.
This will include new lifts in the car park which leads into the
indoor part of the scheme and new car park equipment in both car
Extensive repairs and updating to
the outdoor part of the Shopping Centre are expected to cost in the
region of £250,000 and a brand new heating system in the indoor area
will cost £160,000. Derek added:- "The aim of this major
investment is clear. We want to support our existing tenants by
driving footfall into the Shopping Centre by improving the shopping
experience and making sure more people know about the fantastic
range of shops we have here. The newly named Pyramids will receive a
huge boost with the arrival of H&M later this year and we must make
the most of this fantastic global fashion chain's arrival. By
working hard to raise awareness of all we have to offer here and
creating a new identity for the Shopping Centre, we will strengthen
the future of Birkenhead's main Shopping Centre as a vibrant and
desirable destination for shoppers, existing tenants and future new
businesses. This is great news not only for us and the people who
work and shop with us, but also for Birkenhead as a town."
The new brand investment was met with delight and excitement by
store managers at the site. Brenda Brennan, 36, who has been
Manager of River Island store in Birkenhead for 2 years, said:-
"It feels to me like new life is going back into the Shopping
Centre. The new branding is so much more up-to-date and looks very
appealing. I love the idea that some of the signs will be
illuminated. It will literally light up Birkenhead and when people
visit the town, it will be impossible to miss the Shopping Centre
and everything it has to offer. It feels like an exciting time to be
here because everything that is planned is so positive and I am
looking forward to seeing it all unfold."
For more information go to:-
Help make the
20th annual Beachwatch Big Weekend the biggest ever!

BE part of the only UK wide beach clean that
not just picks up litter, but records where it comes from too... The
20th Beachwatch Big Weekend will take place on 20 September to 23
September 2013. If you're looking for an excuse to get out on a
beach in September when most people are turning their attentions to
more indoor pursuits, then the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) may
have the very thing for you.
You could be among thousands of volunteers who annually join the MCS
Beachwatch Big Weekend every third weekend in September to clean
their local or favourite beach, record what they find to help the
fight against marine litter both at home and abroad as part of the
International Coastal Clean-up, organised by Ocean Conservancy.
This year is the 20th anniversary of the September Beachwatch clean
ups and the charity is determined to make it bigger and better than
ever; with more volunteers and more beaches cleaned.
"Beach litter has steadily risen over the two decades we've been
recording it on UK beaches. Beachwatch is the most respected and
long standing beach litter survey in the UK, but we need more people
to join us as volunteer beach cleaners to help make this 20th
anniversary event the most comprehensive collection of data yet."
says MCS Beachwatch Officer, Lauren Eyles.
The MCS hopes the 20th anniversary event will have even more
volunteers than in 2008 when over 5,000 people helped clean nearly
400 beaches.
"Cleaning a beach only takes a couple of hours at most. The
Beachwatch organiser explains how to fill in the data forms and then
it's just a case of grabbing a litter picker and a bin bag and
filling it up with rubbish!" says Lauren Eyles.
Over the years Beachwatch volunteers have found everything from a
life size fake donkey to KP peanut packet from the 1970's washed up
on our beaches.
Beachwatch really does make a difference to litter on our shorelines
says Lauren Eyles:- "In 2010 the Beachwatch data highlighted a
rise in the amount of sewage related debris (SRD) found on UK
beaches; that's the stuff people put down their toilets but
shouldn't, like condoms, nappies and sanitary towels – which led to
a drop in SRD the following year, whilst in 2011 the revelation that
there was a sharp rise in dog poo bags on beaches led to far less
being found in 2012 after high levels of media coverage."
If you would like to get involved in an event that will benefit your
favourite or nearest beach and help the issue of beach litter
globally, visit:- or email:- or call the Beachwatch team on:-
01989 567807.

MERSEYSIDE Police are trying to trace a number
of items stolen during a burglary in Waterloo recently. On Tuesday,
6 August 2013, a report was received that a property on Kingsway had
been subjected to a burglary.
A number of items were taken from
the property including:-
► A distinctive Rolex Tudor watch. The watch has a steel case with a
bronze dial and a chronograph.
► A distinctive wedding ring White gold 18k with princess cut
► A Sony Vaio laptop (4GB).
It is thought the burglary occurred sometime between Saturday, 27
July and Monday, 5 August 2013.
DC Stephanie Rimmer, said:-
"Sadly this victim has had a number of irreplaceable items taken
which are of great sentimental value to him. The watch is the only
item he had left to remind him of his grandfather. I ask members of
the public to be on the lookout in case they are offered such items
for sale, on the street, in a pawnbrokers or a jewellers."
Anyone with information that may
help this investigation is asked to call Sefton CID on:- 0151 777
3807 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on:- 0800 555 111. |