High School Christmas Carol Service.

THE Carol Service by Range High School (Formby) on the 17 December was a big success.
It commenced with
"Once in Royal David City" and then opening welcome was given by one of the
school's teachers, Mr Orchard. The service had two fantastic
choirs, a rockatom group and a band conducted by music teacher, Mrs Price.
Readings were given by staff and
pupils. It was a very worthy commencement to our
celebration of Christmas ,inspiring and enjoyable for
all concerned. A retiring collection was taken in aid of Claire House Children's Hospice,
which cares for children, 0-18 years, with life threatening or life limiting conditions, and their families. The Rev K Jones,
vicar of Holy Trinity, lead the night's closing prayers and
gave the Blessing.

St Johns Christmas Party.
JOHNS Christmas bash was on Friday Night (20.12.02)
The group really let their hair down as the celebrations
began with a swing. A full bar, with disco and
what looked like a Mrs Christmas....
Spot the face below! "She has put
down her sticks and joined us. No donuts
allowed!" Also on hand where some of
the younger members, who have supported the service
through out the year and "have worked very
hard" as a spokesman for the Southport
Branch, said. All at Southport Reporter say "HAPPY
CHRISTMAS" to Southport's St Johns.